Marlon Costa, Theo Banks, Andres, Amon Volkov, Marco Geraci, Colina, Damian Rose or Paco Colombiano? (04/23 Week 4)

Marlon Costa of Naked Sword

Theo Banks of Gay Hoopla

Andres of Latin Boyz

Amon Volkov of Boy Fun

Marco Geraci of Belami Online

Colina of Reality Dudes

Damian Rose of Bait Buddies & Chaos Men [gallery]

Paco Colombiano of Sean Cody

Vote for your favorite.

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Marlon Costa, Theo Banks, Andres, Amon Volkov, Marco Geraci, Colina, Damian Rose or Paco Colombiano?
442 votes
Ends on 04/30/2023

Alex Ink of Lucas Entertainment won in last week’s poll.


  1. Bo

    Paco Colombiano is already a major OF and JFF star with a lot of versatility, spent a lot of time with the Letseatcake guys and has eaten cum occasionally. He is going to be major if SC can hold on to him.

  2. Ted

    I have difficulty choosing between Theo and Paco, both look like stand outs to me. I hope they get some good use out of those studios,,, /8ut I got less faith that Theo will be back because it’s GH, even though they teased that he would… of course, that said, Sean Cody is never one to not pull some stuff either)

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