A screen shot of the profile of Johnny Hands of Helix Studios at Chaturbate [room] in 2018 versus the most recent one – trans?

Hayden Brier shared the profile of a guy who got in touch with him on a dating app. It’s JC from Sean Cody, who became JC Hunt since Active Duty released his debut scene.

It’s possible that Presley Scott won’t appear in any upcoming scenes at Men. He has been blacklisted by a producer in Montreal.

So…why is Presley Scott being blacklisted?
He implies it’s because he quit working at a strip club owned by an influential person in the porn industry.
My god that’s a tale as old as time here in Montreal. The roster of strippers is like roulette wheel. The ones that “stay” and are promoted by the club are basically future porn stars in the making.
Who knows, maybe that’s how Johnny defines himself now? Or it was a bug of Chaturbate. Johnny was a young hot handsome Bi Men at Helix.
And as for an actor being blacklisted, who knows what was there. Maybe he didn’t want sex with the producers or refused to fuck with women for MEN. lol
Johny Hands
Presley Scott
JC Hunt
There are plently of other studios not owned by Men/MindGeek. Presley Scott can audition and shoot with them, probably become more in demand provided he meets their high performance standards.
It’s a monopoly. I hate monopolies.
In my experience Presley Scott although a hot looking guy, is challenging and is being I feel, economical with the truth of the situation. I only say this, after my experience with him last year on the Queer Me Now blog, whereby Presley took great umbrage at my and some of the others commentator comments and talked about them on Instagram, which was then reported on the blog.
The comments were measured and link to his appearance in series of pictures that he submitted to the site and as a result there was a big time backlash by the other commentators who were over supportive of Presley, and were down right vile harlots, so I stopped commenting for about a year on that blog.
So in essence I reckon there is more to this than meets the eye so to speak.
Studios only care about one thing… green. Quitting the club was probably the result, not the cause of the bad blood between Scott and the producer. It’s likely that it was handled it in a way that the shit blew up to unnecessary levels. Regardless, Presley Scott is a sexy fucker, and he could make more money by focusing on Onlyfans.