Then and now: Seth Peterson, Bruce Harrelson, and Jayden Marcos

Seth Peterson with a new haircut in his latest scene at Helix Studios.

The casting shoot of Bruce Harrelson was released this week by Belami Online. This was filmed a month after his 18th birthday, according to the studio. He has added mass and muscle since then, if you compare it with his recent profile at Flirt 4 Free [room] and his latest scenes released by William Higgins as Bobby Orel.

Jayden Marcos has an upcoming flip-fuck scene with Roman Todd at Next Door Studios. You’ll soon get to watch a bulked-up Jayden once he comes back to film for the studio again.


  1. Pavel Ford

    Jayden Marcos seems to keep getting a little better each month.
    I will look forward to the new and improved Jayden !

  2. logogay

    When Seth had longer hair he looked kind of cute. Now with his hair shaved, he looks straighter and as if he would soon be drafted into the army.
    Bobby didn’t look that muscular at first, now he’s way too muscular, like Kris Evans when he competed in bodybuilding competitions.
    Jayden was and has always been a beautiful man. He continues to look good.

  3. NovaStar

    Seth Peterson – Seth is a quality performer. He knows the assignment and does it really well and that’s the case here. Unfortunately, his partner doesn’t have that same quality & as a result, the scene is a terrible one. Seth was the only shining star in this major dud & that speaks to the quality of Helix in 2024 but that’s for another topic for another day.

    Jayden Marcos – another quality performer for the most part and based off the preview, that quality continues to shine in this new film with Roman Todd. This is the flip flop that should’ve been with the Helix film in this thread. Both dicks getting sucked, both asses getting eaten for those into that and fucking the way it’s supposed to be done in gay porn. I can’t wait to see the whole film when it drops.

  4. simp

    Might be an unpopular opinion, but Jayden looked the best when he first came into the industry at Gayhoopla without the intrusive tattoos he spots now.

  5. Francis

    I agree with you simp and seems others do….Jayden was a lot hotter to me 5 or whatever years ago it was than he is now. Facially, tattoos…don’t like the haircut. Don’t feel bulk works well with his face. He was better leaner. But everyone has their own opinion of course.

    Seth is gorgeous facially to me but definitely prefer the longer hair on him.

  6. Camille

    I like Jayden ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Nick

    Seth Peterson: Gorgeous. He keeps getting better.
    Bruce Harrelson: Same above.
    Jayden Marcos: It looks like he is dyeing his hair a lighter tone than natural, as it is artificial. And his haircut don’t flatter the type of face he has.

  8. Hank

    I remember that hairstyle from the 90s that Jayden Marcos is currently sporting. 🤣

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