Back in action: Troy Daniels and Nick Danner

Troy Daniels had two scenes released at Tim Tales, one in 2012 and the other one in 2020, the year that he stopped filming for a studio. He is back via Men, where he first had scenes released in 2013 and in 2019.

Nick Danner is known for his work as the bottom at Boy Fun from 2018 to 2021. Now 29 years of age, he is back via William Higgins, also as Nick Danner.


  1. Cherrystick

    Bald ass head on the ever so weird Drew Dixon is hilarious. Now people now that hair he sports now is detachable.

    • logogay

      Drew Dixon has long been banned from gay porn circles by gay fans after he made a “conversion therapy film” with women by Bruce LaBruce and said on his acounnt that he was still very PROUD of it. But being gay doesn’t seem to make him PROUD! After that he tried everything to restore his image, but the gays dropped him. I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Bad karma and lies have consequences.
      I hope Drew gets away from gay porn for good.

      • Cherrystick

        Oh believe me I know all about that horrific flick. Beforehand he went on a whole “I’m gay and I’ll never sleep with a woman” tweet fest just to weeks later do exactly that and it was pathetic. I’m just highlighting how bad that hair piece is that he throws on top of that dome. From one bald man to another, he needs to face reality.

        • logogay

          I just don’t understand how internalized homophobic gays can be by watching scenes like this, right? Studios subscribe to produce cunt scenes (for whatever bogus reasons they tell) then these people say they are absolutely gay, but they supposedly don’t mind that such scenes appear on a gay porn site or are filmed by actors who (supposedly) identify as Watch Gay. This “modern type” of conversion therapy in gay porn has become really deviant and should be banned. And MEN/MG belongs first!

      • baz

        Well, that explains his disappearance.

        I thought he’d run out of people to do scenes with as he seemed to be moving at light speed.

        I’ll do myself a favour and not look into this film.

    • NovaStar

      Drew Dixon is strange period so now the hair matches the strangeness

    • Alex

      Drew Dixon is one of those people that looks radioactive to me.

      • NovaStar

        The holler that just came out of my mouth reading that! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!

  2. logogay

    Troy Daniels is relatively unknown to me. And since I don’t subscribe to MEN anyway, it will probably continue to be that way.
    Nick Danner is far too skinny for me personally. It would be perfect for twink lovers. Very slim and tall with a boy face.

    • Bastian

      Based on your comments and views (this is not an accusation, as I agree on many issues), you don’t lose much when it comes to Troy. He’s just another sex worker identifying as gay who has recently discovered a passion for vaginas.

      • Baz


        Troy now also has a passion for vaginas?

        I rememeber him from back in the day, but last saw him when he was with his then tatted up german boyfriend with whom he did a Cazzo scene.

  3. NovaStar

    Wow none of these films & none of the guys featured look appealing at all. What a feat.

  4. Francis

    Cool reactions on Troy Daniels. I’ve always found him hot and glad to see him performing still.

  5. HKTOP

    I used to be very hot for Troy Daniels before the large number of tattoos. He really went over board. And he was a very hot boy/sub.

  6. Nick

    Troy Daniels has a very beautiful face, but I don´t know what happens, because people with tattoo tend to increase the number of tattoos. I honestly think that there is a lack of common sense and I also blame the tattoo artists, as they want to make a profit, it doesn’t matter if the person fills the entire body with tattoos. Anyway, Troy Daniels has a beautiful face and a wonderful smile.
    Nick Danner is beautiful. Time has done him good. He was already handsome and now he’s even more handsome, with a more developed body. He’s perfect.

  7. Fathom

    Troy Daniels is an excellent performer; topping or bottoming, he’s always into it.

  8. MOP User

    Another guy who ruined his body with excessive tattoos. 😪

  9. Thanks Egon

    Troy Daniels looks a mess.

  10. JR

    What has Troy Daniel’s done to himself?? Those tattoos….the steroids…that hairline….that face??
    And the sissy nelly thinks he can pass for a top? Lololololllolollllllll

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