Michael Del Ray: He should retire as soon as possible.
Tegan Zayne: He is living his truth.
Markus Kage: Always full of hate.
Rocky Vallarta: Boring as hell.
Diesel Washington: I love him. He is hilarious.
Tegan Zayne becoming a racist, psycho MAGA ,fake Christian autistic self-hating loser is “living his truth”???
The main thing that stood out for me…
Diesel is right on with the calling out of these guys. Dom personally has said that he was a former str8 and that now he’s gay. Then he makes comments like he did on Twitter. Sexuality doesn’t shift back and forth. If you’ve liked and still like both sexes you’re (say it loud for those in the back) BISEXUAL.
I’m for one a little exhausted and tired of these “gay” porn duds saying they’re gay while actively engaging in vaginal sex of all sorts and thirsting after females. Yes people bisexuality does exist but there are homosexuals out here and our visibility should still be strong. We exist too. To these men trying to blur lines, it’s not helpful, it’s downright harmful.
Other things that stood out for me is the obvious need for Michael DelRay to zip his lip and go away. Stop dick shaking people. Some might think your cock isn’t the best and that your topping is bland too.
Rocky Vallarta and Cesar Xes are cringeworthy and these tats are just getting out of control.
“To these men trying to blur lines, it’s not helpful, it’s downright harmful” for me is great. It means that we are living complete liberation and we have the right to have sex whoever we want. Simple, don’t take the lives of porn stars too seriosly what they think or not. Enjoy the work or the art.
This is exactly the blurring of facts under the banner of “work” or “art”. Using gay porn for your “queer agenda theology” to distort sexualities. That’s who you are! You claim to be for a free life or liberate, but basically you want gay people to no longer exist and for everyone to be like you or other ideologists. It does not work like that. Find another space for you, not for gay people or gay porn or the gay community!
“for everyone to be like you or other ideologists”
You have worms for brains. How is being true to who you are wanting everyone to be like them?
That makes zero sense. You sound like some crazy MAGA psycho now. Delusional
Be quiet
It was just a matter of time with Dom King. I knew it would happen to him too.
He is (and was) ever Bi and works for MEN/MG. So? In a previous interview he said he used to be straight and in relationships with women. Now he is “absolutely” gay(?). Something like that does not exist.
“A bird doesn’t lose its character just because it changes color”! I just never said anything and was reserved with him because I was just waiting for this day. Now “pussy lovers” here on this blog here who behave like these actors (I’m gay! but they’re not!) can rejoice that he will soon be filming Vagina Scenes for the Agenda MEN/MG or other queer labels!
And when it comes to visibility towards us gays, I agree with you completely.
But as I wrote before, gay porn or gay porn blogs are no longer about us gays but only about queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid agendas and vaginas! And that’s why studios now can portray gay life or the gay community as the biggest “freak show” to ridicule and humiliate
and misrepresent gay life, so that people out there think or talk about us that way and laugh at us.
But no one cares anymore, because these people are no longer GAY but QUEER and
not just PROUD of one identity/sexuality!
They want to plant this in people’s brains that you should do everything and do everything only then you are real. This is modern brainwashing/conversiontherapy and distortion of facts.
And it’s getting worse how brazen these people want to destroy our gay culture these days.
Especially in gay porn or gay life.
Did people ever take these pornstars seriously on what they say? They shouldn’t.
What most of them seek when self-idng as gay is to prey on parasocial relationships. They know that unfortunately many gay men, specially young gay men, end up looking up to them as role models, which by itself is horrifying.
They’ll fuck what they need to fuck in order to get in the good graces of the higher-ups in the industry and to get clout. That’s it.
They don’t care about principles or anything of the sort.
To read all the time what they post and be offended by it constantly is taking their lives seriously. I don’t want to ruin my fantasies or overreact for what they say or believe outside of porn. Porn Stars are what they are: sex workers! and don’t expect them to be saints or follow your criteria of living
Yeah, I agree with you on “let pornstars be pornstars” point, but the thing is… many pornstars pretend to be more than what they actually are.
They make political statements on their porn accounts, promote politicians, make commentary on current events, so on.
You can’t blame us for taking them as more than pornstars when they present themselves as such all the time.
Whats more concerning is the multiple commenters on here who think porn stars are oracles or something.
Like why are you following their *every* word on twitter? Who the FUCK cares?
Why do you care what Dom is or isn’t though?
Isn’t the point that he makes good porn?
I think he does good porn and sooner or later he will bottom… he gives me such a bottom bitch vibes!
So we’re now at the point if you’re not 100% goldstar gay, you’re not gay. Well….that means the *overwhelming majority* of gay men are not gay, because most gay men have had sex with women before. Often/usually in denial of their homosexuality or in an attempt to be straight and failing. Some experimenting and realizing that they desire men.
On twitter you have guys saying even watching straight porn=not gay. The level of militancy is comical at this point. There is truth to the matter that there are people identifying as “queer” who really aren’t and how that can be harmful to the community as a whole in commercializing gay identity. But going the completely other direction—treating men as dirty or marked if they’ve ever crossed any perceived line with women that people on here call a *disgrace*….there’s a ton of misogyny and heterophobia there.
It’s also homophobic because you’re stripping these gay men of their own journey and invalidating them while claiming to be a defender of gay men. But if that journey takes a path you all don’t wanna hear or affirm than you discard them and throw them to the curb. Certainly not very inclusive. Certainly not feeling the empowerment of gay men there.
It’s funny how much like Zoomer Marxists so many people on here behave. Putting everyone into boxes and having rules for everything, self-appointing yourselves as moral arbiters. People tune out. That’s why y’all are reduced to whining on twitter and porn blogs.
Christian Wilde hope you get better. Sorry to hear what you are going through. You are still damn good looking as you get older just like Paddy. Hope everything goes well for you with this treatment.
Michael DelRay sounds like a little dick. I never enjoyed him in porn, like him even less when he posts.
Jake all the best in school. However, you look sexier without the stache.
Michael DelRay – Ignorabt as fuck. How would he like it if bisexual guys weren’t allowed to make gay porn? Moron
Tony Genius – guys like him is why Overseas porn is way better than American porn
Markus Kage – I hate that this asshole is still in gay porn. The epitome of the word “creep”.
Diesel Washington – Forever the voice of reason. I saw that tweet about Dom and got mad instantly. Another imposter in gay porn. When will it end? And that scene with Trenton & Sean looks boring, even with him taking a black dick for a change. I’m glad Diesel is here to set all these lame hoes straight, no pun intended lol.
The comments here are increasingly creepy. Don’t think I’ll be back again.
It’s the same about 4-5 people basically talking to themselves. They’re weird, deranged people. It’s fucked up. I took a step back too. Not much usefulness.
What are you doing here again?
The same applies to OP: if we are so vile and evil, what are you doing wasting your time here besides posting pointless whining?
But then again, considering your fetischistic comments on that other post, the “weird and deranged” part might be more projection than anything.
Fetishistic comments. That’s not a word for one. For two…learn to spell it correctly if you’re gonna use a fake word. And for three….don’t take yourself so seriously. There’s nothing to project. You’re doing exactly what I said….you pieces of shit talk to yourselves endlessly, you’re consistently and constantly negative and whining about things the average person doesn’t give a fuck about, and you neg anyone that dares not engage in your group think….then you pretty much chase them off of here.
Lord knows a dissenting opinion isn’t something we can have on this page!
Weird and deranged. But you have your echo chamber of freaks to back you up so you’re in luck.
Minor spelling mistakes! My only weakness!
It’s not like overly fixating on meaningless things like this is a major sign of pedantism and lack of good arguments or anything…
But then again, this is to be expected, considering who I’m talking to.
Also, you really should take your “don’t take yourself too serious” advice to yourself. Also, a mirror, your need one.
Your know what’s really pathetic? Whining about meaningless, imaginary internet points no one cares about.
It’s ironic how you whine and whine about dissenting opinions not being accepted here even though you never had any of your comments deleted or censored in any way whatsoever. No, what you want is for the people here to coddle you and your opinions, to validate your delusions.
I’m sorry, but this blog is not a hugbox, nor should it be. Denz is not Zach, deal with it.
If you want a hugbox, go to The Bird App or to Tumblr. People here are not obligated to validate you.
Michael Delray is sooooo conceited. He’s handsome, to me, but really thinks highly of himself. It’s not nearly as cute as I think he thinks it is.
Markus Kage has always come off as aggressive, angry, and frankly trashy. That’s confirmed now. He’s horrifying and glad he’s out of studio porn.
Rocky is pretty trashy too and he’s conceited himself. Not surprised he and Markus are friends.
As for what Jason Collins alludes to, that was always going to be the end result of content porn. At the end of the day, these performers are doing this for money, and they want to have as much control on the process and their films as they can so they can make money off of them. Jason seems like someone who sees the bigger picture but overall…there are few real friendships in porn.
Unlike studio porn where there generally are at least some standard practices and regulations, and a regulatory central organization, that doesn’t exist with content porn so it’s every performer for themselves. Different performers are gonna have different standards. That’s the direction content porn is going to continue to head going forward with the amount of oversaturation that exists and the laws tackling studio porn that will make it increasingly less viable.
Hope Christian doing well now and Jake as always is a snack.
It was confirmed years ago when Markus was laughing and making fun of his Ex GF’s mental health and her being raped multiple times.
You’re right. Forgot all about that shameful episode.
I knew that Markus Kage was a very moody and aggressive person, but what you reported is horrendous. So, he is a horrible human being. This borders on psychopathy. Laughing at someone’s mental health is monstrous. And talking about the rapes she suffered to mock her is inhumane. Toxic. He is absolutely toxic.
Racist Douchecati interacting with black dick?
I wonder what brought that on? He’s always stood 10 toes down in his racist ways.
But we still don’t buy whatever inclusive bullshit he may be trying to sell.
Oh Josh Moore sweetie- doing the whole “there’s someone out there pretending to be me and scamming people” schtick. Nobody wants to be you. Nobody wants to pretend to be you and nobody, yes NOBODY is booking you for anything. So zip the duck lips and go play in a corner.
I sometimes miss the 80s, 90s even the 00s when porn star’s only talked on camera for a short pre interview or dodgy line reading. Getting to read and see what total toxic dumpster fire human’s they are is a total bonner killer.
Amen to that!
Suprised people are taking up for diesel Washington. I’m sorry how many black men did he work with himself through out his own career. And im pretty sure that if he still had anymore demand and was making actually making porn he’d definitely be doing the str8/bi scenes too.
Why is he so invested in other people’s careers, because he doesn’t have a career of his own perhaps?