Tyler Blue (aka Levi of Corbin Fisher) is the latest update at Raunchy Bastards. This is his first scene released this year. Was this filmed in 2020?

This was a fun little video Tyler Blue and I did during his first trip. He had had trouble cumming in a few of his scenes, so I told him that we should have some practice.

Channing Rodd first had scenes released at Gay Hoopla, Bi Guys Fuck, and Hot Guys Fuck from 2019 to 2021. He is back at Hot Guys Fuck.

Dallas Ari had a scene released last month at Raunchy Bastard and this week at Boys Halfway House. Dallas identified as a transgender woman last year.

While it’s true that both Tripp Maverick and Dallas Ari have girlfriends they live with, they somehow manage to slip away for a few days at a time in order to participate in some very non-hetero activities.

Wake me up when there’s something REALLY interesting that REALLY has to do with GAY!
I read the whole article and then said “I really don’t care.”
Holy cow none of these films look even halfway interesting.
And not one of these models, at least for my taste, is remotely attractive.
Get my paint ready. It’s about the only source of entertainment around if this is what’s to offer.
I am really concerned about so many people saying that they are Trans. They are making it seem like they are buying a new outfit they will throw away next year. I only hope that these people are sincere or the Right will attack them for hopping on the trans bandwagon.
Totally agree. Like if you’re truly trans and it’s in your roots and soul then fine but if you’re a very feminine man maybe you’re gay and super feminine and that’s fine. You don’t have to be a woman to feel that validation.
These super intrusive surgical procedures are costly and dangerous. They can’t be reversed. We have heard lot did men and women who are detransitioning and their stories are intense.
And what’s the deal with Channing only doing scenes wearing condoms? There was some sort of hint about a failed test, was it him? If so, who’s he fucking that he’s picking up enough diseases to fail a test? And if its not a failed test, who’s he in a relationship with (married?) that he’s only allowed to do porn wearing a condom?
Seems like Dallas Ari figured out he was actually male and managed to feel comfortable in his own body. It’s crazy that people are steering others, especially gender non conforming LGB people to become trans. You seem it’s just something that gets forced and unless someone pays attention they fall into it and then wonder why they are unhappy.