Drew Valentino on Sir Peter
Christian Wilde “Amsterdam is being so good to me! Cant wait for my last few days in London. I’ve still got time available for collabs!”
Ty Roderick “Any performers who are into BDSM interested in subbing for me early September? Paid shoot dm for details!!!”
Mr. Pam’s reply to Elon Musk that Google has a search ban on Donald Trump “X has a search ban on me too…and most of my work associates… just sayin #shadowban #searchban”
Markus Kage “Look at this little deranged mentally ill cutie lol. Then blocks me so I can’t even reply. Identifies as a dog, I must say he’s pretty good on a keyboard considering he has no opposable thumbs. I do hope his owners got him neutered though he sounds like a bit of a problem.”
Mickey Taylor “Scary being POC in Manchester atm. Genuinely feel worried for me & my family & friends. Please be safe. Dont walk around alone. They don’t care who they hurt. “

Why is this “I’m making out/fucking a woman! Isn’t that amazing!” shit becoming more and more common amongst performers who self-id as gay recently? This is so pathetic.
Are these people so desperate for scraps of attention?
Nobody cares if you want to “go straight” buddy. No one. Well, considering the current state of the gay porn industry, in which stating repulsion for gay sex is pretty standard, many will even throw a parade for you taking such a “stunning and brave” decision.
Just spare us the hissy fit when the “evil gatekeeping gays” get tired of your bullshit and decide to not throw money at you anymore.
I don’t know this “Nick Capra Guy”! Was he once an actor in gay porn? In any case, I find him very unattractive and since, as I said, I don’t know him, I don’t give a damn shit whether he’s actually straight and has children! All “Ex Performer GAY(?) Porn Stars” who now express themselves on social media like that and lead a life like that should go to hell!
Nick Capra was a pretty big “star” (at least in the U.S.) c. 20 years ago, and deservedly so – he looked hot and performed well. After his return a few years ago he hasn’t looked nearly as good (that’s a matter of taste, I suppose, but that’s my reaction; he seems to have had some “work” done, including on his cock) and hasn’t performed as well (less a matter of taste). I no longer find him at all attractive (leaving aside his character and personal life, about which I know nothing).
No wonder that today’s or slightly younger generation doesn’t know him. He comes from the USA and was active 20 years ago in Porn. That just makes the report about him here on this blog even more boring and unnecessary for GAYS!
Markus Kage: Why is he still around? He needs to go the fuck away already.
Nick Capra: It feels like he’s mocking all of us who have issues with women or trans in gay porn. I could be reading it wrong but i don’t like the spirit in which this tweet is giving me. I never hear straight people say if I were gay I’d be with you, so why do so many gay/queer people do that with people of the opposite sex? Just…….ugh.
There wasn’t much to these tweets this week so I’ll leave it at that.
Damn, but the hate and politics on Markus Kage’s Twitter is extreme :-/
And Presley, NO ONE is going to want to be associated with your “book” and especially not be associated with you. And that photo absolutely does lie, but you haven’t even tried to make the photoshopping and face-tuning subtle or believable.
This inclusion push is disgusting. I will never accept seeing straight women and trans people in so-called gay porn. There’s nothing remotely homosexual about seeing these demographics in our realm of adult content. If I see a so called “gay” guy stocking himself into a vagina, I’m done.
This Baxxx dude is a prime example of why feel our representation gets muddled and disappears on a daily basis. He’s engaging in so much heteronormative activity. It’s disgusting. There’s no way that you can sit there and try to relate and represent yourself as a gay man if you’re being pegged on a regular basis by women. His social media is one of the most grotesque things I’ve ever seen.
Nick Capra and this whole post is cringy but that shouldn’t be a shock because he’s cringe in a nutshell.
It’s hilarious to me when I see how people get so unraveled when they see any sort of post by J. K. Rowling. The fact of the matter is, she’s not lying about a single thing. A trans man is a biological woman and that goes for trans women being biological men.
I tell you one thing, she’s never gone on a dangerous/violent rant against trans individuals the way that they do against homosexuals. I have seen some of the most hateful and violent responses come out of the whole trans movement. Including some wishing that “cis” gay males weren’t in existence and some even stating that they wish they could kill us.
I’ve also heard some of the most sickening predatorial language coming from trans adult content workers. Rhetoric like “the look on his face when he tasted his first pussy” or “took his pussy virginity” is sickening.
Gay porn is dying an agonizing death and homosexuality is being erased. Gay safe spaces are diminishing and this bisexuality push is one of the main catalyst. Sad but true.
And besides, this is only an extension of the homophobia and self-loathing present in this industry since its inception.
Before this FtM wave, the hot thing was for self-id gay men to shoot bi scenes on WNB and other similar studios or do “SFP” content.
The ways this manifests itself are numerous, but the overall root of the problem is the same: the gay porn industry, and even overall gay porn scene, is dominated by homophobic bi men and G4Ps, both in the performer and production ends. As long as this doesn’t change, this shit will keep happening.
It’s ironic how much homophobia and outright disgust for gay sex is allowed in an industry supposedly created to celebrate it.
I found the first paragraph and last two paragraphs to be spot on about your point. Unfortunately, this is a bitter truth and that is why there is no longer any salvation for GAYporn. All of “their” out there (straight porn companies and their agenda in GAYporn, the queer agenda, homohaters, religious crazy people or politicians and all people who are against GAY) will ensure that GAYporn dies out! Slowly but surely until they reach their GOAL!
Well, what is so hypocritical about what Devin Franco just had to share with the universe is that he’s conveniently forgetting that he has a made-up name for porn. “Devin Franco” is not his real name. And he uses that fake name for the purpose of making money and also to have some degree of anonymity. There is an ocean of difference between an author picking and using a pseudonym–especially such an established and best-selling one as Rowling–than what Franco is suggesting in his ill-advised tweet and it has nothing to do with money. How I wish these porn stars had something better to do than stick their oars in the water over such trivial issues!
Don’t worry, this bubble will soon burst. All it will take is one major scandal, just one, and they’ll all flip their script as fast as they can.
I bet Noahway is going to be a potential catalyst for it, considering their track record, lack of self-awareness and the little wispers going around about them.
Once this scandal does happen, they’re going act in the exact way they did when Austin Wolf got caught being a pedo: feign ignorance, erase all of their FtM scenes and pretend they never happened, concern troll, so on.
Everything Cherrystick wrote was spot on. One of the reasons why I have been such a heavy advocate for seeing head swapping in gay porn is because I feel and I might sound crazy saying it, but I feel like seeing a performer who doesn’t suck dick or performer who doesn’t get his dick sucked is the equivalent of watching a dude be treated like he’s a woman or him trying to act like he’s a woman and that’s not sexy or even fun to watch for me. The penis is the star of the show and the fact that both/all men in the scene have penises to me is what makes gay porn “GAY PORN” & that’s what makes it special and I wanna see it celebrated and worshiped by ALL men in a scene. it gets frustrating when you see a performer who doesn’t suck dick or doesn’t have his dick sucked & then you see them be with someone who has a vagina and that dude is licking on it like it’s ice cream but yet you act like the dick is something and nasty to deal with. That’s a major MAJOR problem and I wish that more viewers understood that .
We need performers who love the whole male body, not part of it and seeing that we have so many that are willing to sleep with women or trans people in these films and they’re doing more with them than they do with men, the very reason why we are fans of these guys in the first place, is offensive and disgraceful, and it needs to be called out by more and more people with every scene that comes out. There will be some that will say that it doesn’t matter to them and that’s fine but they also don’t matter in this case because if they don’t care about that, then they’re happy with whatever is thrown at them, so they mute themselves right off the bat. This is for the people who truly wanna see gay sex be “gay sex” in these films.
I’ve been ripped up and talk down to over these views in different locations but we’re seeing things evolve and it’s making gay porn worse and part of why things are this bad is because you have so many performers and producers who don’t see the dick as a major part of the show. As long as we have producers and performers with that wrong kind of thinking going on with these films, things are gonna get a lot worse and it’s already headed in an even darker place.
The half-assing of gay porn scenes by performers has been an acceptable thing for a long time, to the point of it being normalized in the industry.
Even in the 00s it was common to see performers being very picky about the way they interacted with men in scenes. And yes, this extends even to the self-id “gay” ones.
I’m not even talking about bottoming here, but of basic things like sucking dick and kissing, all pretty bottom of the barrel, if you pardon the pun.
A main reason for this is due to, as I said before, the gay industry being infested with homophobic bi men and G4Ps. The straight-worshiping attitude of a significant portion of the gay audience also doesn’t help this in the slightest, as it allows both groups to get away with subpar performances, even serving as an incentive for the self-id gays to act the same way.
This creates a self-sustaining cycle, in which G4Ps and homophobic bi men both enable each other and a portion of the gay audience just choose to look the other way.
We are at a point in which performers who used to bottom/suck dick just completely stopped doing so in recent years. I’m able to name a few even: Austin “Pedo” Wolf (used to bottom, but stopped after acquiring his taste in kids, ironically enough), Diego Sans (also used to bottom, but simply stopped later on), Rocco Steele (used to suck dick in his early days, but not anymore) and so on.
Notice how these three market themselves as “total tops”, as if being a top made them allergic to dick, somehow. Another curious thing about them is that they all self-id as gay, funnily enough.
We are at a point in which some G4Ps and bi men of the past were better at gay sex, and less picky about the way they interacted with men, then the “gay” performers of the present. Case in point: Markie More (preferred to top, but was versatile and had no reservations about sucking dick), Rocco Reed (the same), Tommy Defendi (also the same).
You know what these three have in common? Do I even need to say? They all went on to denounce their gay porn days and be involved into religous grifting.
That’s how bad it is: the self-id gay trinity is worse at gay sex than the homophobic bi/G4P one! What sense does that make?!
Thank you for writing this because you let me know that I’m not the only one who has seen the disintegration of gay porn since the turn of the century. It’s heartbreaking to watch something that was so incredible & beautiful turn into something so rough & ugly. If it wasn’t for the fact that I love the male body and I simply love watching men have sex with one another, I’d be done with it.
I was one of those people that was excited about straight men doing gay porn & guys who were real masculine having sex with other guys. It was like a breath of fresh air for what was happening at that time but little did I know that it was laying the foundation for what we have now with so many performers getting over doing the bare minimum, if not even less than that. I didn’t see until so many years later that those same type of guys were turning these films into something unwatchable. I just wish there was a major overhaul behind the scenes as well as with the performers in these films, but it’s hard to get that when Only Fans makes it easy for any regular Joe Schmoe loser to come up in there and make a 10 min film & get paid for that terrible clip. I hate knowing that something that I love is not getting any better. Maybe I’m insane but yet I hold out hope that things will improve to some degree but that hope is very small and continues to fade daily. It sucks to say all of this but this is where things are.
Bruce Beckham and Sir Peter: congratulations for the lucid posts and sensitivity!
Markus Kage: While Bruce Beckham and Sir Peter are doing the right thing, this hateful person uses someone’s mental health issues to mock and belittle them. What a low attitude! Markus Kage is a horrible person. Mental illness shaming is one of the cruelest things someone can do. It’s despicable.
Diesel Washington: Gorgeous and determined. Extraordinarily beautiful man.
Brock Magnus: Good luck! But I hope he understands that happiness is not tied to a boyfriend. We have to find happiness within ourselves.
Presley Scott: Absolutely gorgeous, sweet, polite and lovable. Good luck!
Back when he was starting out he used to make fun of his on-again off-again girlfriends mental health and joked about her probably getting raped again somewhere. I called him and his posts out and the gay community at large didn’t care. They kept building him up and made him out to be some sex god who didn’t suck dick.
Elliot Finn now that you’re a happily married 110% heterosexual. Please be advised we will not patronize your gay porn company/latest scam. Just take your bride and leave gay men the fuck alone.
I don’t understand. I thought he left. I thought he was retired and owned multiple homes and had diverse streams of income.