X: Aspen “I’ve catered to congressmen and fucked congresswomen.”


re: Attacked by five masked men: Sean Costin


Paul Wagner “It’s my birthday!”

Ricky Larkin “Meanwhile I’m living GOOOOOD! Leave me alone psycho drug addict wannabe pornstar.”

Tannor Reed (July 2024) “I’m tired of not being able to talk about it. I am a trans woman, I’ve been on HRT for 3 months, and here’s a pic of my tits.”
Tannor Reed (September 2024) “Curvy sexy t girl soft skin long hair pretty lips small boobs fat ass.”

aka Lukas Daken

Kellan of Corbin Fisher aka Rob Knocks at Chaturbate [room]

Was this after the surgery?

Santana XXL had one studio scene released last May.

Santana XXL “For me, it’s really important to create a positive and enjoyable environment when filming. I only like to work with people who are open minded,who feel comfortable and confident being on camera with me. Who are interested and want enjoy learning how to master a body like mines ,This helps ensure that everyone involved feels good about the experience and the final product reflects that.”


  1. John

    I don’t know which is worse. The trnny stuff or fisting.
    Aspen is gay now?

    • rockhard288

      It showcases the current state of the community. Hedonistic all sex lifestyles, being a constant cum dump, destroy your insides with fisting, embracing trans and letting fluid/bi sexuality run rampant and confusing people.

      You have to figure if it’s all going to collapse soon.

    • Sauron

      Maybe Aspen is using “gay” how some use it -as anyone not being fully str8…which is ridiculous- gay means only into men period.

      • Reg

        The go-to is usually pansexual…which I don’t actually think means anything. Abusing “gay” when you’re straight, bisexual or anything other than exclusively in your own locker room, becomes offensive.

        There are no shades of grey with GAY. You like men, end of story.

    • Amerson

      Aspen has always been flip flopping his sexuality. First he was g4p, then bi, then straight, then after a bad break up he’s gay, then bi, then poly, and back to gay. Whatever he can make the most money off of or get attention, he’s gonna switch.

  2. Alex

    This shit is so gross. All of it.

  3. rockhard288

    Is Aspen being sarcastic, or is he serious? Because he has a kid not that it means anything, but he’s started out claiming g4p and has done bi scenes where he was clearly interested in the female.

    Also I hope Jay vetted Sean Costin’s claims before helping him out. Jury is still out whether that’s real or another scam. And I don’t want to disregard if a bad thing happened, but Sean Costin has history and gay porn models have straight up embellished or lied about certain life situations many times to get money.

  4. Bsg19y8

    Aspen is whatever the money takes him.. Man, women or… It’s all about the $$$. But age comes and the cash will dry up

  5. Pavel Ford

    Well…… It looks like Angel Rivera ( after Heavy pushing his pussy love towards us ) Is getting back to pushing the gay side of his many personalities on us. Sorry dude, we moved on from you 8 years ago.
    Is Tannor Reed serious ? Damn. That’s one ugly bitch.
    Kellan of Corbin Fischer looks Better than Ever !

    • IDK

      Angel Rivera probably noticed that no one on the straight side of the industry gives even a speck of a shit about him and went crawling back to the gay side for some scaps of attention.

      It’s amusing really.

      Let’s see if people got any wiser since then at least.

      • logogay

        No, people will take EVERYTHING they can get back and forgive them. No matter what they say or do that is deceitful, offensive, homophobic or inhumane.
        Especially from the new queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid agenda/society! They want everyone to fuck everyone and everything. No matter how disgusting they behave. Just look at this blog with the comments every Day or Week. That says it all!

        • pornlover

          You are mentally unwell. Why do you care who other people fuck? It doesn’t affect you. Go touch some grass, you incel psychopath.

  6. tig68

    I’m glad to hear that Pierce Paris (Mr. ED) is not posting anything anymore. It is a good thing that he hates social media. Social Media talking bad about him is a good thing it keeps him from posting anything anymore. Who cares if you are making collaborations and not posting them, it’s about time that you realize that no one wants to see your limp dick. Keep heading in the same direction you are headed, so no one has to see you filming anything. If money is not a thing for you then just disappear all together and believe me no one will miss you. Why? Because no one cares. BYE, BYE, BYE

    • JR

      Pierce “I really can’t stand social media, but let me post on social media that I might post more stuff on social media” Paris?

  7. NovaStar

    I always look forward to Sunday nights/Monday mornings because i love seeing what Tweets will be focused on and what others will say. The responses are better than 90% of the films out today and I love them! Keep the responses coming!!!! Lololol

  8. NovaStar

    Alejo Ospina – guys like him are why gay porn sucks today. If one is gonna be that picky about who’s gonna suck his dick, then someone like him doesn’t need to be doing porn.

    Pierce Paris – we are not missing anything by not knowing what he’s doing because there’s a good chance the film is lame & lacking in good quality.

    Angel Rivera – so he’s finally leaving the broads behind & fucking men again huh. Let’s see how long that last. He lost me as a fan once he started fucking women so he can stay in the straight world with that bullshit.

    Tannor Reed – so Tannor is a woman now. Well that means one less terrible man in gay porn. That’s a win to me.

    Aspen – that motherfucker is WEIRD. What is wrong with him? He needs to get his head checked.

    Ryder Flynn – that’s a wild story and thankfully the new film he did with Jaxon Valor on Randy Blue was hot. All those years of watching Randy Blue paid off!

    Teddy Bryce – well he didn’t learn his lesson. He’ll be back in the hospital again real soon, you watch.

    Santana XXL – he is one boring ass performer & to see that he got an award shows me that the award show isn’t one to be taken seriously. They just throw awards at anyone now.

    An entertaining but still lame week for gay porn performers lol.

  9. joe

    The responses to the tweets are the best .

  10. Reg

    “How do I know I’m gay?” Since when has Aspen ever identified as gay? He’s had too many girlfriends, sex with too many women, when not on the clock and fathered too many children…without a turkey baster, to be gay.

  11. Sauron

    Lucy Hart- …..ok? Didn’t want to hear it but whatever.

    Alejo Ospina- ur sexy motherfucker but ur hole is more stretched than minimum wage.

    Angel Rivera- and?

    Pierce Paris- ur fug and weird, also isn’t that weird that a guy who all the time is repeating how porn is not real, acting yada yada is responsible for some of the worst, most embarassing and unsexy “performances” in gay porn (didn’t saw u saying having sex with women is acting but ok).

    Jay- Sean Costin’s supposed attack is not hate toward LGBTQ as Costin identify as straight (which is bs imo) but even more ridiculous is how he wants to milk gays to fix his botched lid surgery.

    Lane/Blake- are u seriously gonna take BDSM classes? Lol.

    Kellan- u were great performer and consistent cummer with guys…still remember when u pretended to be straight but it turned out u were gay who learned to like pussy. Ar this point only interesting thing u can do is spilling tea about ur co-“stars”. Also ur “fucked several male and female co-stars off camera” need explanation.

    Aspen- I don’t believe u are gay but u are def not str8 either. U used to feel ashamed about taking part in gay hookups ignoring lockdown and having crush on Dante (who is now trying to be straight porn star). I feel sorry how life treated u.

  12. logogay

    The fact that Aspen is gay is just as unbelievable to me as it is with Derek Kage, Angel Rivera or others who fuck everything (especially vaginas) but continue to claim to be gay. Wakes me up when there really should be an honest truth. Oops! They don’t exist in (gay) porn at all!

  13. Magnus

    These MTF guys are trainwrecks. All of the fishing for compliments and kudos just makes it even more pathetic. Feel free to do what you want, but if you post pictures online in an attempt to illicit a response, that’s my response.

    Aspen… You are not profound or intriguing. No one has high expectations about you, any congressmen or congresswomen. So I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. But please, do whatever you need to to continue this belabored discussion about your sexuality.

  14. Nick

    I’m sorry about the pornstars´s posts. Some are sad, others show that certain pornstars think gays are fools to believe the lies they post.
    Lucy Hart: Total dislike for this person. Not because she’s trans, but because of her personality.
    Alejo Ospina: Lacking humility.
    Angel Rivera, Pierce Paris, Lane Rogers: Deadly boring. Does Rivera think gays are idiots? Go back to your vaginas! Let’s see how much money you can make with them.
    Theo Brady: I ​​believe him, because I’ve interacted with him. I hope people make positive comments. He seems to have self-image issues. This is more common than you might think. Solidarity for him.
    Ricky Larkin: Ever since he almost killed Roman Todd with his irresponsible behavior, I’m terrified of him. And what a person with negative energy! Always so bitter, full of hate.
    Tannor Reed, Lucia and Kevie: They’re looking for their truth. I don’t judge them. Lucia should just seek psychiatric and psychological help about this obsession with turning anuses into vaginas. I hope her friends help her.
    Kellan, Jared, ASummers: Handsome. Beautiful hairstyles.
    Henrik Sommer: I hope his friends help him. It’s sad to see his self-destructive behavior resulting from drug addiction. Another one who needs psychological and psychiatric help.
    Teddy Brice: Another one whose friends should help and who needs psychological and psychiatric help. It’s shocking how some people can’t see they’re in a self-destructive cycle. He should have learned from his recent events.
    Aspen: There are some really bad things in his past. I don’t discredit the pain he feels, but sometimes life punishes us for our mistakes.
    Santana: These awards are pathetic. Winner? With 1 scene? The award should have gone to Sean Xavier, who has been on a string of excellent works.
    SPECIAL MENTION: To the commenters. Today, especially, I laughed a lot with the comments. People here are very funny and creative in their responses! And also many serious comments, with which I completely agree.

  15. McM.

    Lane/Blake – He is going about it the right way. People should be trained before participating in heavy BDSM, especially doms. Bondage and restraint by leather, rope, or other means can be dangerous – the inexperienced can unintentionally hurt a partner. He can easily find classes depending on his area. Lane should reach out to someone like Kristofer Weston instead of using a blast tweet asking for just anyone to train him.

    Ty Roderick – How much are you paying? lol. I only know Davinci Resolve. Not investing time to learn Premiere Pro because Adobe can kiss my entire ass.

    Jay Alexander – He’s such a sweet guy. Too bad he doesn’t see how Sean Costin is manipulating gay men. He knew a “bashing” would gain him the most sympathy, and it’s working.

    Lukas/Lucia – Remember everyone, Lukas is NOT trans. Lukas’ change is due to autogynephilia, he is sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a woman. Though I do respect he’s never claimed he is transgender. I just bring this up so people won’t be confused and believe one is the same as the other.

    Kevie – Now she is transgender. Kevie suffers from gender dysphoria – a disorder – and appears more comfortable the further she moves towards presenting as a woman.

    Teddy Bryce – I hope this is before the surgery. Your body has already told you “enough”, time to listen.

    Thanks for this week’s twitter round up, Denz! It made for good reading in the comment section.

  16. Bruce

    May your balls be with you ALWAYS!

  17. JR

    Fuck this is an especially depressing selection of tweets this week. Sad when the least depressing is another step in the descent of Henrik Sommer. We all know this doesn’t end well for him right?

  18. Fred

    I love the church ladies in these comments clutching their pearls, spewing their transphobia and trash talking porn performers when you’re on a porn blog. Thank God the queer community is more diverse and inclusive now than it was back in the early 1970s when I’m sure most of you lived or wished you did when it was all about white clones and not much else. Your gay bro spawn of today are carrying on in the same way but the queer community doesn’t want a bunch of pick-mes in their midst, bringing down the vibe with all you negative feelings. Loosen up, gals. The B in LGBTQ+ doesn’t stand for bigot. Try to enjoy your community as it evolves. Evolution is a good thing. Try to keep up.

  19. Amerson

    I feel bad for Sean Costin but he’s not gay, bi, or pan. He’s g4p. In his earlier career he pretended to be bi to avoid backlash but now that straight guys has used bi/pan/ g4p as a trend to get followers, Costin is open about being strictly straight. So him getting beat up is not a homophobic crime nor should it be treated as such. If he got beat up for having sex with men or acting gay in public, it doesn’t count because at the end he’s straight. At least he now knows what actual queer men go through.

  20. Tony

    Aspen really needs to expand his perspective and understanding of the world. The abhorrent concept of “sin” is not a concept in all or even *most* world religions. It’s also not something atheists like myself believe in. He’s fine to believe in that, but he ought to learn how to not impose his beliefs upon others.

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