X: Derek Kage “Thank you, XBIZ, for awarding me the honor of XBiz Gay Performer of the Year for a second time.”

Kurt Lockwood “To all my non-binary and trans fans. Do not let Trump steal your joy.You exist. You have always existed. You always will exist. You deserve happiness in your own skin like everyone else. Stay strong. This, too, shall pass.”

Jason Collins “I’ve only got a few more dates open to shoot content before my surgery on February 10th. Then I’ll be out of commission for 4-6 weeks. If you’re interested in shooting together or flying out here for a day trip (established performers only) DM me.”

GayVN 2025: Congratulations!

Kyler Drayke “Haha ok so… Now that both GayVN and AVN are over I just want to say how unexpected the Grindr experience was while I was there. Obviously I didn’t have time to be on that app for long because of all the events/collabs/shoots/parties but never in my life have I seen so many STRAIGHT AND BISEXUAL content creators on Grindr in a single place (Guys and Girls). Dare I say Is this now the new norm?! Has Grindr become the new universal Tinder?! Where horny Gay, Straight, Bisexual and Trans go to get in a quick (or not so quick) fuck? I’m not advocating for or against this here, I’m just sharing what I saw while I was there, haha so surprising. Oh and definitely not naming names, I’m not a dick lol.”

aka Kuper Ryan [movies]


  1. IDK

    Another week, another fresh set of trashfires for our enjoyment!

    Let’s take the biggest one out of the way: if you, yes you dear reader, loves a classic slapfight, just take 5 to 10 minutes of your day to go take a peak at Nick’s Xitter. You’re not going to be disappointed!

    He got completely shit on!

    Not only that: he managed to deal with the situation in the dumbest way possible by insulting the ones who pay for his shit.

    I can’t make this up!

    At least the ones who do this and choose to hide it are showing some kind of intelligence and planning ahead, but him? This is 100% impulsive behavior which will only serve to bite him in the ass in the future, specially now he’s irrelevant in studio porn.

    I hope he isn’t into drugs or steroids, otherwise we’re in for a very ugly downwards spiral arc in the future, once his paypigs go completely away.

    Also, for the ones in here that are curious: don’t even bother looking at the winners of the GayVNs.

    Trust me, the names are beyond predictable, with some even winning 2 to 3 categories at once.

    Don’t waste your time like I did.

    • T.J

      Fittfilou and malik delgaty should not have A sit among then
      These g4pay men who use gay men money are getting rich off the gay community and it’s the gay community fault that porn is

  2. NovaStar

    Axel Rockham – i can’t help but respect that point of view. Just make porn i can praise & not rip up lol

    Nick Cranston – I’m not a fan of his work & him working with trans men won’t make me become a fan now.

    Leeroy Jones – He need to get off his lazy ass and get a job.

    Swhirly – So he wants to be a ho. Ok got it

    Danny Fantasy – A hard pass to all of them.

    Evan Jordie – That’s one candle I’d have no problem blowing out! Lol

    Kurt Lockwood – while I am not a fan of seeing trans folk in gay porn, I respect their humanity and their right to exist & with what has now taken place with Donald Trump becoming the president again, we have to fight that much more to stay afloat for the next 4 years no matter who you are, so i agree with what he said in his tweet.

    Buck Richards – I don’t understand how anyone can be Gay or in the LGTBTQ Umbrella and be a MAGA Republican. It just doesn’t make an ounce of sense and I’m sorry Buck had to go through all of that bullshit.

    Jared – an example of a MAGA Republican loser.

    Hans Berlin – It truly is a sad day having a Convicted Felon running America. Fuck Donald Trump & fuck anyone who voted for that criminal asshole.

    Derek Kage – the irony of this many winning Gay Performer of the Year & he’s not a Gay Man. That’s so fucked up and wrong. It should go to a guy who’s truly gay.

    P-MAN/Roman Todd – so Roman emerges after those allegations from last week or the week before. Another guy not deserving of an award like that. Bleh

    Kyler Drakye – he said something that was telling. Why are straight people & women on Grindr? Like what the fuck is that? We can’t have anything that’s ours can we? That’s strange, bizarre & disturbing

    Max Konnor – he’s always the villain with his shitty porn.

    Aspen – i have to check that Documentary out

    Ricky Larkin – fuck him. He’s pure trash that never needs to be heard from again with his sorry MAGA ass.

    This was a long one but a good one

    • Jktoooo

      Moron…we kicked UR LOSER asses this last election so F&$@ off moron!

  3. HiggsBoson

    So Jared Tyler’s husband has filmed with FTM and he is now bashing the trans community? Last week he was supporting mass deportations. What’s next, supporting the overturn of Obergefell. What about when the Supreme Court decides that insurance policies doesn’t have to cover PreP or HIV medication? I’m sure these two trash boxes will support such a decision, right?

    If these two racist, xenophobic, and transphobic assholes are so MAGA, then why don’t they move out of Weho to FL or TX where they would fit right in?

  4. Jktoooo

    The freaks known as leftists have brainwashed a whole slew of ppl about trans this and trans that and U MUST accept w/out question Im so glad the true tyrants r now completely out of power!

    • NovaStar

      Spoken like a true psychotic deranged cult member. I’ve wondered why you come off as an asshole and now it all comes together. Your head is so far up Donald Trump‘s ass, you couldn’t tell the sun apart from the moon. And then you have the nerve to call yourself gay or whatever the fuck knowing that he’s gonna come for us sooner or later. It’s all good cause you’re gonna get yours real soon. Karma knows when to show up.

      • Jktooo

        Ur a fkn moron u shallow idiot . Just accept it jerk off cuz thats all u have u deranged lunatic and its really rich a deranged lunatic is calling someone else a “deranged psychotic” when its u leftards who r the lunatics. U leftards ALWAYS project onto other who YOU actually are now F$%# off u lunatic!

      • McM.

        Yes, the leopards will come to eat his face. The problem is they’ll come for ours at the same time.

        I have a different take on jktoo. He’s fun. He clearly lacks impulse control and is wholly incapable of carrying on a nuanced conversation, so anything he writes is inconsequential. Still… it’s amusing to see him go off on a frothing-at-the-mouth rant, typed with deliberate incoherence, believing people take him seriously.

        jktoo is an easily triggered snowflake. Thank you for engaging him. Maybe in a later post you can goad him into writing a wall of text.

        Have a good night, NovaStar. Stay sane.

        • Deepgloat

          My theory is that jktoo is some sort of semi-intelligent animal who doesn’t have fingers—he has to bat at his keyboard with his paws (hence the constant abbreviations and… *interesting* spelling choices). The lowered intelligence also explains the chaotic through line of his screeds.

          • jktooo

            arencha just so clever….hahahahaha

        • jktooo

          no i just put your shit to shame and its easy cuz you all r shallow morons

      • Umam

        Based what I see on his inconsequential typing, I don’t think he’s gay. He’s queer for sure.

        • jktooo

          yes and being “gay” doesnt seem to help you either.

  5. Reg

    How was Roman Todd at those supposed “awards”? I thought he was locked up.

    And Aspen’s outing himself as Gay4Pay today. Somehow though, I can’t see that “documentary” being a Netflix sensation.

    • Sauron

      Aspen was never G4P to begin with- less than month ago he said he can’t cum from fucking pussy no matter how long and hard he will pound and only giys can easily get him off and he is afraid he is turning full gay.

      • Eric

        Do you know which Tweet Aspen said that in? I cannot find any, but he did say 90% of men are gross:

        • Umam

          People like Aspen is totally disgusting, admitted that having sex with men is gross just like Derek Kage who claims to be gay and yet telling gays to like vagina. Totally hypocrite and repulsive.

          Is Aspen yet claiming straight? Straight my ass, the true straight men won’t kiss, suck dick, eating ass, eating cum and fucking with men(straight men mostly avoided cum, it’s fact although few of them enjoy it).

          I said that because I’ve seen his performance on ChaosMen where he was introduced for the 1st time. And then he move to Nextdoor and MEN, tbh his performance was good in my opinion. But after seeing this tweet is making me angry, remorse, disgust and puke at the same time. Why the hell is he doing gay porn if he felt gross to men? Yeah for money, but there are plenty another way to get it without have to break your true sexuality. If he’s doing it, he’s not straight. He’s bisexual, period.

          It’s 2025, I hope I wouldn’t see his lame ass in gay porn again. It’s time to see the new actual gay/bi men who enjoy his works.

        • Sauron

          I could find it like 2 weeks ago with advanced search but it seems like he deleted it; someone also spot it and wrote about it on lpsg.

  6. Cherrystick

    This is our sad reality. Look at what GAY porn awards do. They cater to anyone who isn’t gay and force their trash fires down our throats. Then these lame ass guy flock to their social media accounts and parade it in our faces. Why in the fuck would Derek Kage win the biggest award for a gay performer of the year when he’s been the main character in perpetuating gay is a choice style content. He’s already paraded that Sophia Locke girlfriend of his in our faces. He’s even gone as far as getting a vasectomy to ensure he doesn’t impregnate his female and trans costars. This isn’t the shit that a gay man in gay porn should be worrying about and yet he wins top prize.

    In the audience we see Malik Delgaty and Fitt Filou being pictured multiple times. Winners of many categories included a man that just beat the hell out of his wife last week, one guy who calls himself gay despite being pegged by a group of women and engaged in a threesome with a dumbass jock and his conversion loving wife, a guy who’s inducted in the gay hall of fame despite sleeping with vaginas and multiple fan awards given to multiple guys who actively sleep with females on a daily basis. Yup. These are the GAY porn award winners. These damn shows are as crooked as the wigs of Drew Dixon.

    Other than that mockery award show things that stood out to me…

    Nick Cranston must really be hurt despite his whole IDGAF attitude. He’s posted multiple times about receiving backlash for his pussy licking and fucking brigade with Noahway. Yep buddy that’s right. Your GAY fans don’t want to see that shit and your actions and attitude has consequences.

    That twink boasting about being fucked by four lame ass bisexual boring dudes is comical. Notice we always see those four fucking in groups with one another. Seems like a trend that is played out and so whitewashed.

    And for the fellow US commenters. Despite our media not showing a single lick of the coverage, other countries are crying for us and protesting in our behalves. They see it and sense the oppression that will soon stranglehold us. Censorship is strong now. Look at how many adult sites need our verification and personal info for viewership. Yet some of the porn idiots that are still popular helped vote for the oppressiveness.

    • Umam

      You’re speaking the truth, Hun.
      This GAYVN awards is totally repulsive and a joke.

  7. Mark

    I find all the liberal outrage over trump very hypocritical considering most of them were putting their heads in the sand while Biden and Kamala funded a genocide for 2 years. Any moral high ground liberals had over trump supporters is gone and it shows none of you are serious about any issues. Genocide is the worst crime imaginable and liberals were ok with it because their half of the duopoly was doing it.

    • Ian

      And the alternative was a man who had supported Israel to the hilt and is now unpausing arms shipments to Israel and advocating for Palestinians to be removed from Gaza en masse.

      We did not like Biden’s policy, but we knew it gave Netanyahu grief and it was practically nuanced compared to what Trump was going to do and indeed has already done just a week into his presidency.

      Responsible voting means weighing your choices and being levelheaded. You can’t pressure for meaningful change if you aren’t even allowed a seat at the table. Purity tests are the stupidest things to filter presidential candidates through once you get to the general election.

  8. logogay

    Nick Cranston: Just shut up: Gays are tired of hearing the same stories from vagina fuckers. Just keep filming with vaginas and you won’t get any more money and attention from GAYS!
    The same goes for Kyler Drayke and his bullshit talk. You can disappear from GAYporn too!
    Shwirly: What about your bisexual “boyfriend” Trevor Brooks? Isn’t he enough for you anymore since he started fucking women?
    Danny Fantasy : You deserve better than this group of straight/G4P/bisexuals who don’t get far beyond just filming the same thing with one man over and over again (except Dom)!
    Evan Jordie : Film more GAY porn please! You’re hot!
    To all the award shows and their winners (Derek & Co.) who aren’t even really GAY, I just say: everyone go to hell!
    Cliff Jensen : I think this sex doll from Cliff was “tested” by several women, as we can see in the picture. Gays are not interested in that. And that’s apparently not what the doll is intended for. Way too expensive and nonsense!
    And Aspen and Ricky: Finally keep your mouth shut. Nobody, absolutely nobody, is interested in you two anymore or knows you two anymore. At least the whole GAY community!
    Thanks Denz for the start of the week.

  9. Chris Duran

    “Gay” (bisexual) Derek Kage is being awarded for having contempt for gay men who only want to have sex with other men. He removed that he’s “gay” on his pinned bio on his Twitter. He’s thirsting over women like a dog in heat now. The industry will continue to prop up this liar and fraud.

    What happened with the alleged child rape case (the daughter of his ex-girlfriend) with Aspen? That criminal is another fraud. I see he stated that he’s “gay” again in a strange recent tweet about Harry Potter. He posted shots of his new girlfriend and he’s promoting that awful gay-for-pay “documentary” he’s in again. He attacks and insults people when they remind him that he’s “gay.” He’s only “gay” when it’s convenient (money). What a garbage person.

    • Eric

      Aspen needs to just go away, along with a hundred other gay porn actors. He clearly has some serious mental health issues and should stay off of social media.

  10. Bsg677

    Aspen fuck right off you piece of G4P shit pedo.

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