Bait Buddies, Str8 Hell, and Tim Tales

From time to time, Bait Buddies do release a solo scene. So far this year, they have two. Nothing from 2023 to 2024. There were three solos in 2022. Two of those three guys were tagged as straight, and Buck Richards was their most recent solo tagged as bait.

The latest guy pegged at Str8 Hell was Ivan Gula (aka Evan Novak).

Is there an appropriate time for Tim Tales to release a scene of Tim Kruger, who recently died due to an accident?


  1. alex

    I really do not believe it was a simple “accident”, and I also do not believe it’s drug usage alone either.

    • Akerus

      Really? I thought that he had died in a car crash. Were drugs truly involved? Gosh, I would have never imagined it, as he looked healthy and I have read that he was a well-adjusted person.

      What a tragic situation.

      • Frances will love this

        Damn, Akerus. Sometimes you need to take your meds and learn to be respectful.

        I know you’re wise when it comes to certain context, but this? Intolerable!

        I miss Alex W(Alex with W/Alex W), where is he anyway? He was smart and wise along IDK, Cherrystick, you(sometimes silly too), bottomboybrazil, & hiro_shi.

    • DJB

      Why do you not believe it was a simple ‘accident’?

      • Alex

        Because one of Tim’s friends said Grobes is a manipulative pos, most of the money went to him rather than Tim, who was psychologically abused since he was far too kind and “weak” minded behind the scenes. I would not be surprised if this ends up being a case of domestic abuse gone wrong.

  2. AndThenTheresMaude

    I agree.. this was hushed up wayyy too fast for it to be “accidental”. And yes its too soon. He hasn’t even been dead a month yet. Unless this was a ” final request” , this is tacky as f*ck and a cash grab IMO.

    And on that note I’m just gonna come out and say it and i know this isn’t gonna make me popular but he was know for his huge cock. Thats it. Nothing more

    But unfortunately if you look at some if the responses online, their making him out to be this amazing humanitarian who touched many lives ( with his dick of course)

    I hope he found peace at least.

    • IDK

      This was the expected, to be honest.

      It’s kind of on our culture to “canonize” the recently dead and Tim is no exception to this. If there’s anything more “sinister” about his death, we will soon know for certain.

  3. Jktoooo

    Theres just something Sus about Tims passing. Not murder or anything just wierd. Sad for sure, he was a gorgeous man but theres something off here.

    • DJB

      What is it that’s ‘sus’ or ‘weird’ about his passing?

      • Jktoooo

        Well hes young and looking at his body in excellent shape. Plus the rush hurry and not blame drugs etc. and to dis miss as a simple accident at home is odd. A “simple accident” that killed him!?!? Strange.

    • 24play

      OMG! Do you think there was a vagina involved?!?!?!?
      I know how much vaginas terrify you and some others on here.

      • Frances will love this

        Are you Francis/Frances? There isn’t vagina context here, you are ridiculous.

        Not funny at all.

  4. tig68

    Why is that Baitbuddies has not put up an age verification page for the states that do not allow adult content in it. They are losing subs left and right because of this. All that pops up in those states is this letter to the legislature. This is outrageous that they can not do what other sites are doing and putting up the age verification on their page. This is totally ridiculous.

  5. Pavel Ford

    Totally agree with (ANDTHENTHERESMAUDE) …There is always an effort to idolize and change the history/truth when one of these porn guys dies. Same for a Hollywood “star” after they go too. Sometimes of course, the person was this great and honest caring charitable person. BUT Sometimes they were Just a Reality “star” or Porn “star” with everyday issues and problems like the rest of us. No need to revise the history and make them into a saint.
    That being said, the other part of this post : Straight Hell and Bait stuff ? Damn, Nothing sexy or hot there at all! Stink O !

  6. logogay

    It’s a great loss and leaves a void from Tim Kruger and for Tim Tales. It’s heartbreaking.

  7. Dani De Bito

    Tim’s death is extremely suspicious and the explanation his partner gave gives rise to more conspiracies. I’m sorry, but the explanation that it was an “accident” is incomplete and incorrect. What kind of accident was this? Drowning? Falling on your head? Viagra overdose? I read somewhere that the police in Catalonia are investigating a murder…

  8. Cherrystick

    First off, I wasn’t a Tim Tales fan or a fan of him at all but the loss of someone is far beyond my taste for what he did in porn. His passing is disheartening and tragic. I’m not going to dive into the passing of Tim and the suspicions surrounding his death. I’m going to listen tot he fact that those close to him said it was an accidental and that’s that. If there’s some subsequent investigation into his death then im sure we’ll hear about that but for now, it is what it is and that all.

    As for what else was highlighted…
    Str8 hell is a str8 hell no I’m my book. There’s nothing sexy about seeing a guy getting blown and pegged by a female unless you’re bisexual or a str8 female. Period. So my gay ass will look completely the other direction.

    Bait Buddies reminds me of Chaos Men. They started strong with some relatively new faces and then boom, they became like every other studio with the same overused models. It’s snooze worthy. Plus their last upload with Buck Richards is a no. Buck is one of those “I’m gay but into pussy” type of guys and I’m not I bursted in a single thing he’s part of.

    • Cherrystick

      Oh goodness. Sorry for all the typos guys. 🧐

  9. NovaStar

    I am not a fan of Tim Kruger & TimTales by any stretch of the imagination, but I hate that Tim died & died so young. They will find a way to come back in time and their fans will be there when they do.

  10. Pssuucl

    To answer the OPs question: I would presume a proud pornographer like Tim would expect to live on in his work, so yes I’d expect them to publish on schedule.

    How the future looks is less certain. They probably need to find someone to step in or return the annual subscriptions to fans.

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