Every Bel Ami exclusive model has a first and last name. Many models share last names with famous artists, actors or literary characters. Model profiles are organized on the Bel Ami website alphabetically by each models last name – except for one.
The Bel Ami model formerly known as “Jean-Daniel Chagall” is now just “Jean Daniel.” His profile, which has been the highest rated model profiles under the “Cs” , is now the highest rated profile under the “Js.” This change happened fairly recently. All of the listings for JD’s video clips and galleries have been scrubbed of the Chagall last name. The only place you can still see it is on the pics of JD’s numerous DVD covers where he is listed as “Jean-Daniel Chagall.”
Not sure what the story is here, but there is clearly a story. Wonder what happened? Maybe the famous French artist’s family threatened a lawsuit????
[this post was written by Trex]
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