Noel of Sean Cody in trouble with school for doing gay porn (tips @ Malthe & Leonard)

The solo of Noel of Sean Cody was released last October 2013 and his most recent scene was released last December 10, 2013.

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Hours ago someone on posted that Noel of Sean Cody was outed at his school for doing gay porn.


Anyway, my cousin is a schoolmate with the model who plays Noel. Apparently this last week word got out around the school that he was in gay porn. He got severely bullied and, instead of helping him, the school will not let him graduate due to him causing a “campus disturbance”. They suspended him for 10 days, which leads to an automatic FA (failure from absences).

Several students planned to protest by wearing support shirts, making posters, and skipping a class. The principle is threatening to automatically expel any student who joins in.

I am still very closeted, and it hurts to hear friends and family think this guy is a sick and disturbed person by being in gay porn.

On Facebook, he thanked his supporters who are trying to help him with the situation but he believes it has been blown out of proportion and he doesn’t want media attention. He also believes he hasn’t done anything wrong. He just want it to end. His supporters, on the other hand, believes that media should be involved so that the school will learn its lesson.

UPDATE Noel is back in school.


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