Axl is currently the latest guy introduced by Active Duty. Like other models of Active Duty, Axl has body tattoos.
14 & 88 Tattoos According to Anti Defamation League, the number 14 means “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” and the number 88 means “The eighth letter of the alphabet is “H.” Eight two times signifies “HH, ” shorthand for the Nazi greeting, “Heil Hitler.”“.
Spider Web Tattoo According to Anti Defamation League “The spider web design tattoo is often found on the arms or under the arms of racists who have spent time in jail. In some places, one apparently “earns” this tattoo by killing a minority. However, non-extremists may sometimes sport this tattoo as well, unaware of its other symbology, simply because they like the design.“
Celtic Cross Tattoo According to Anti Defamation League on celtic cross tattoo “This is one of the most popular symbols for neo-Nazis and white supremacists… It is important to note that the Celtic Cross is used widely today in many mainstream and cultural contexts. No one should assume that a Celtic Cross, divorced from other trappings of extremism, automatically denotes use as a hate symbol.“
My guess is that Axl didn’t know the negative meaning of his tattoos.
Dink of Active Duty replied to a comment by Cowboy Bob, a JUB member, on Axl’s tattoos “You are absolutely right that I had no idea about the meaning behind Axl’s tattoos. I see so many tats on these guys that I don’t always inquire as to the meaning. To some, the tattoos have meaning, to others they get them on a whim or bet or just by being plain naive as to the true meaning behind them.
“The next time I speak to Axl, which should be soon, I’ll be sure to ask him what his tattoos mean to him. It is my thought that his answer will come with much naivety or regret or both.”
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