FAN OPINION Alias74’s take on Sean Cody’s bareback

Seancody_barebackSean Cody finally started airing bareback clips which has been the talk of the interweb. Just look at the number of comments one of these clips ramps up on any of the various gay porn blogs (they almost triple that of the comment number on other sites' bareback clips). MOP – this very blog – even wondered: "Will the membership site ACM of Corbin Fisher bring back bareback?" As a brief history, Corbin Fisher featured "near back" as I liked to coin it: performers engaging in bareback sex for anywhere from three to eight minutes before pulling a whiplash/viewer backlash inducing "Hold on….let me put a condom on" segue into resuming "crazy hot guy" fucking. They’ve since spun off a pay per view site with bareback only content; thereby announcing the EPIC FAIL of the global gay community that because of our bizarrely catty, condom-nazi criticism regarding condomless content – we now have to pay MORE money to see what we want (pretty savvy of the business geniuses at Corbin Fisher…the same company making millions off of suing online pirates).

Chaosmen Treasureislandmedia

MOP isn’t alone in thinking what other sites like Corbin Fisher, Chaosmen (one of the first original content studios incidentally to go exclusively bareback – YEAH, CHAOS!), Treasure Island Media, and the like will do to "step up their game" so to speak and attract new viewer subscriptions. All these moaning bitches commenting on blogs and boards on the Sean Cody BB clips pose the same battle cry: "Oh yeah….Corbin Fisher and Chaosmen better step up its game, SC is bringing the thunder."

To quote Cher in "Clueless"….AS IF! You know, I am really beginning to think there is some truth to the legend that watching porn rots your brain: First of all, each of the aforementioned websites really does have its own look and aesthetic to the point where they’re not really similar in models and content (although there are site jumpers). And even IF it were true that rival studios could suddenly be like "Oh man, they're doing this….let's put this clip up now"….the production and then editing time for these clips is closer to several weeks to one month, or in the case of Chaosmen several months behind. It's rare that they are shot quickly and put up quickly (although I think NDS and Randy Blue are pretty quick on the draw). The majority of studios stay ahead production wise so there isn't a draught of clips as the week or months go by. But seriously?!?!!? Commenting about competition macrowise when microwise it's not really possible at this point seems like a lot of useless chatter. Let alone the fact that condomed gay porn is the norm so ONE MORE site providing bareback content shouldn’t really be stealing too much of a slice from the whole pie. Again I quote "Clueless" – we can certainly make more room at the dinner table.

COPPERFIELD THEORY AND….and you say….it's very likely that the majority of these Sean Cody BB clips were shot WAAAAAAAY back when…..Thereby proving what I like to call my gay for pay "Copperfield" theory. Which goes a little something like THIS: In the trajectory of most gay-for-pay performers there come several major points in their burgeoning career where there is a potential for them to commit to performing a gay hardcore sexual act and then after that one time – checking out of the porn industry ALL together, or pulling a Copperfield – as in a disappearing act. Those points usually tend to be a) Topping a guy, b) bottoming for a guy, and c) barebacking. Think of any of your favorite porn stars who just suddenly disappeared and look at their last clip….did they bottom? Did they bareback? And then disappear? Let’s see it in action shall we?


When Corbin Fisher became the second major original content producer to release bareback gay content (albeit in the context of having a vajay-jay present in ACS Bi clips) the evolution of the majority of their performers was the following – solo, vag-taco clip, several condomed clips with 'straight' guys, and finally a "take the money", get barebacked in the ass and then…..COPPERFIELD! i.e. this is how Elijah, Simon, Ethan, Jonas, Mario, the Twins, Nicholas, Colby, Jared, Brody, Vince, Bryan, and the legend himself, Lucas exited the CF stable….each one a 'Copperfield' after doing a bareback clip – some in features like Elijah in 'Down on the Farm' and Lucas in 'Dawson and Lucas’ Bromance in Sydney' or whatever the hell it was called.

And need I remind y'all about Corbin Fisher's Aiden who did solo’s on several sites, got blown and rimmed on Sean Cody, and then pulled a very long Copperfield before remerging phoenix like and becoming a decidedly more muscular but newly hungry bareback bottom, popping off multiples and hosing down the furniture in weekly clips(!).


And now back to Sean Cody – I believe these bareback clips were produced some time ago. Remember when Dennis was a regular on SC and then suddenly disappeared but then magically re-appeared for a clip: THAT was probably when his BB clip was shot – the evidence, your Honor? "Dennis and Jaimie" went up Sept. 2010, "Oscar and Dennis" November 2010….Dennis goes on self imposed hiatus to find his soul in Tibet OR conquer Mt. Everest and then BAM! "Nolan and Dennis" April 2011 followed by "Franklin and Dennis" May 2011.

And then THAT happened….the now infamous bareback clip heard round the world: SC's second ever bareback clip released January 1, 2012 – Happy New COCK! "Dennis, Jordan and Calvin Bareback"….which incidentally became such a sensation because SEAN. CODY. FINALLY. DOES. BAREBACK!!!!!!!

Buuuuuuuuuuuut…..what everyone fails to realize is that while the no condom stuff is what peeps focused on…SC is but one of the last bastion original content studios to do bareback (as in one of the few websites that pioneered the whole "straight guys doing gay things in clips produced exclusively for the internet and not found on any DVD" aesthetic). It appears that SC is giving in to the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR because bareback is such a huge huge huge huge draw (and a completely, headline grabbing divisive, 'pitchfork and torches' issue) such that anytime ANYONE gay or gay for pay jams their bare rod into someone's gaping junk it's OH. MY. GRAVY. NEWS!!!!!!.

SEAN CODY SPIN OFF? So to the people flouting their "competition is good/Darwinian original content power struggle" nonsense…..STFU! Because honestly? I also see Sean Cody spinning off a bareback only site soon, but only time will tell. After all, Corbin Fisher made a go of it, and what are most of these companies doing except emulating each other’s business models in the changing economic landscape.

One thing is for sure….We may all be test subjects in what appears to be a Battle Royale where the only winner is the studio sucking your credit card DRY each month like a Treasure Island Media cum-whore!

PS As it stands, Sean Cody's 'Pierce' is the only performer so far to buck my "Copperfield" theory – After getting fucked by Brandon bareback, he returned to bottom for both Jaime and Liev. Wonder how many of SC’s stable will fly the coop (and the industry all together) after taking the bareback leap?



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