1. Res1

    Was he already fired from the racist Corbin Fisher? Their viewers down vote any ethnic looking model. The black guys typically have terrible ratings just because even when they look better than their worst models like Kenny. It’s white bread central over there for a reason, no rye or white that’s for sure.

    • Mk

      Look at the down votes at the top.

      • IDK

        I don’t know why you’re surprised.

        He’s a g4p and one who hasn’t even done a gay scene yet.

        There are several posts here about g4p white models which have been also downvoted to hell, so this is nothing new.

        • Res1

          Um, arent most of Corbin Fisher models g4p? That doesn’t change the fact that the black models usually have very low ratings on their website.

          Good to know that menofporn is full of racist whites too.

          • IDK

            I would take your accusations more seriously if the wokesters on this blog didn’t use the term as a buzzword to slap on the people they don’t like.

            Want an example? There was a poster on here which accused JJ Knight of racism. He didn’t do so because he enunciated a repulsion to working with black performers or anything of the sort, but because the black guys he fucked weren’t black enough for his tastes.

            Yes, the fucker was trying to apply colorism in the context of US racial relations, you know, where the one drop rule is a thing… I believe I don’t even need to explain how moronic and sociologically illiterate this is.

            There’s no problem in not liking a certain performer, but there’s no need to make up bullshit to paint them as a terrible person because you don’t like them.

            This person also was using this supposed racism he pointed out to justify straight worship in the gay porn industry, because of course he was.

            And no, this wasn’t an isolated case.

      • Dom50

        Maybe the down votes are for the self hating Rob at Military Classified.

  2. Space Tomato

    Next stop: FraternityX

  3. OldFatGuy

    Hey look, it totally depends on what a guy is comfortable doing. If its not what the producers want him to do, he’s free to go elsewhere. Its not about race since there have been plenty of guys in CF history that only did a jerkoff scene or only a jerkoff plus straight scene. Obviously he feels its OK for Rob to just suck him off while he watches pussy porn if he feels that’s not gay, and maybe it pays better than what he’s offered elsewhere. In the end its all about getting the most money. If he’s OK with it then we should also be OK with it since its the model’s body and they get to choose what they do with it. Maybe he can follow the path of Damien White and go to hussiemodels and do straight porn. Although considering how poorly Damien did and how much trouble he had getting it up and staying hard even for pussy, we won’t be seeing much of Damien in the future.

    • Res1

      Um, this scene could have been filmed before. Most porn actors nowadays are free agents. I’ve seeen Gayhoopla actors go to Corbin FIsher.

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