JM, Bobby, Benny, Kyler Drayke, Ash Riley, Taylor Launer, Jhon, Beck or Dilan Jager? (04/22 Week 2)

JM of Latin Boyz

Bobby (left) & his brother Benny of Belami Online

Bobby (left), Benny (right)

Kyler Drayke of Sean Cody

Ash Riley (aka Brant of Chaos Men) of Gay Hoopla

Taylor Launer of William Higgins

Jhon of The Guy Site

Beck of Sean Cody

Dilan Jager of Raw Hole

Vote for your favorite.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

JM, Bobby, Benny, Kyler Drayke, Ash Riley, Taylor Launer, Jhon, Beck or Dilan Jager?
413 votes
Ends on 04/17/2022

Mikey Keller of Belami Online won in last week’s poll.

On going poll – Model Of The Month (March)


  1. Pavel Ford

    IF you add up both Bobby and brother Benny you still don’t have one whole cock…
    JHON looks like Humpty Dumpty…
    I guess Beck wins by default.

  2. Camille

    All of them are not really that atractive. I will go for the brothers. I want another Peter Twins <3

  3. andrew

    Lots of hotties. Fiery red pubes are a ginger man’s glory. I’d love to stare into the fiery red pubes of Ash while giving him a awesome BJ.

  4. kevin

    Beck and Dilan…
    Ash looks better with short hair

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