Mikey Keller, Ash Riley, Tony Heart or Dexter Quinn? (April 2022)

The weekly poll winners for the month of April 2022.

Week 1 – Mikey Keller of Belami Online

Week 2 – Ash Riley of Gay Hoopla (aka Brandt of CM)

Week 3 – Tony Heart of Gay Hoopla

Week 4 – Dexter Quinn of Gay Hoopla

Vote for your favorite.

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Mikey Keller, Ash Riley, Tony Heart or Dexter Quinn?
987 votes
Ends on 05/31/2022


  1. k

    Is gay hoopla paying you? Cus like none of thel are straight and none of them made a gay scene, none

    • K

      All* of them are straight.

      • Srw

        GH’s owner and staff rig the polls on MOP by flooding them with votes. He comments here every now and then.
        Check this week’s poll – their guy is average at best and surrounded by much hotter guys and the GH guy will still win.

        • Reg

          GayHoopla put more effort into their publicity campaigns than they ever have a single sex scene.

          • trex

            this is not fake news

  2. Ted

    What about Beck from Sean Cody? My vote goes to Beck, otherwise Dexter is alright..

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