Collin Simpson, Travis Stevens, Drew Valentino, Luke West, Lucas Leon, Hatler Gurius, Ricky Larkin, Vin Roxx, Windom Gold, Jack Hunter, Dakota Lovell, Derek Bolt & Cliff Jensen



Hatler Gurius vs Ricky Larkin

Pride 2022!


  1. Rockhard288

    Ricky Larkin and Inkfit are two bi dudes having a spat. Actually read their convo lol. Inkfit was asking for a bi scene. And later on then Ricky Larkin has typical response of “not into dudes, but dick” hahaha

    Both of them can kick rocks for all I care. They aren’t welcome

  2. Bluelips

    Travis got a nice and toned body ๐Ÿ”ฅ

  3. Ben

    Concerning Luke West.. I’d like to see the begining of that text conversation please.. I mean what the guy did say was indeed rude.. but I got the feeling that since Luke went on many dates with him, and didn’t kinda say something about this, the beginning of that message was key to understanding the context of the conversation.. but then again, they are in Alberta..

    As for monkey pox.. IMO Pride everywhere is going to be quite Interesting this year.. I love how my local news (Montreal) is under reporting the outbreak in-order to not show judgement towards certain groups… (Btw Montreal is the epicenter of the outbreak in North America) Which in turn is doing the exact opposite.. I’m just glad the Canadian govt rolled into town to dish out free smallpox vaccines to those who feel they need it.

  4. Reg

    You’re one daddy who I hope Child Protective Services save THREE children from. You’re unfit, not just because of the steroids and no child deserves to have you inflicted on them.

    • Alex W

      I was thinking the same thing. His kids will not be beaming with pride once they get a bit older and figure out who he really is.

  5. andrew

    Cliff Jensen: 6’3″, 185lbs, 33yrs old, muscular, broad shoulders, deep voice, big dick and a total top. Wow. I’m glad you know your status. My booty wants you to know my status is ready willing and more than able to please you.

  6. The Porn Emperor

    Does Cliff Jensen realize his real name and DOB are in that Tweet?

    • Andy

      I think he knows and probably doesn’t care. Cliff Jensen real name is on internet already. I just want to know which website I can go to find Mark Long real name.

  7. Cal Q. Later

    Should we be worried about Colin’s “kids”? I wish him well, but he hasn’t been the most stable guy in recent past, so I hope this won’t turn out to be a disaster for those children.

    • Reg

      We should be worried, because it will inevitably will be a disaster. He’s not healthy to have in anyone’s life, not even his own and definitely not children.

  8. HJ

    Hats off to Collin Simpson for doing the right thing, manning up, and marrying the mother of his child. Hats off to him for embracing his new step kids. Sure, he gets lots of hate. Sure, he’s made mistakes. But maybe (just maybe) he’s ready to man up and make a difference for the people in his life. This is worthy of applause and not snark. Way to go, Collin!

    • Reg

      I know you mean well, but to quote Helen Lovejoy, “Won’t somebody Please Think of the Children?”

      It’s worthy of concern, alarm even and pity. The post will come. He’ll be gushing about another woman, because he’ll have cheated and got together with someone else. The relationship will have ended because of drugs, or domestic battery. It wouldn’t surprise me if the charges will be child abuse and or paedophilia. He’s ill. Mentally and physically ill and it’s not safe to have him around any child. The “wife” must already know that and doesn’t care, which means her existing kids weren’t much safer with just her. It’s sounds like the “happy couple” are perfect suited, but there shouldn’t be children caught in the middle of that sick and twisted mess of drugs, violent instability and unfit parenting.

      • Eric

        Him doing gay porn will not help this relationship last either.

        He acts like he has no real interest in men and proclaims that he is done with gay porn, but then he gets back into it and has more gay sex for the whole world to see. At this point I think we can reasonably assume he stays in gay porn because he wants to. Few women are going to be happy with that long-term, even if he truly only does gay porn for the money and attention.

        Either he continues to act in gay porn and she decides she has had enough, or he gets out of gay porn yet again to appease her and ends up resenting her for it.

        • Reg

          Collin doesn’t just have gay sex…he has EXTREME gay sex. He bottoms, gets creampied A LOT and swallows. He does far more than a lot of models do and you can say that he gets paid more for doing it, but not that much. He’s agreeing to have sex with men, which even some openly gay men don’t care to do in private. A straight going doing that would effect their mental health, but a man who might have internalized homophobia, enjoy gay sex and even be gay AND abuses steroids…he’s coming apart at the seams and he’s going to take those kids with him when he explodes.

        • IDK

          Is it only me or Collin Simpson’s relationship feels pretty “interesting” to me?

          He’s parading this woman and her kids around like a little trophy family even though they’re together for so little time. It just feels so forced…

          I wonder how is his relationship with the kids, if he actually cares for them or just stay in the back letting her be a parent by herself. Also, how the internal dynamic is going change now that he’s supposedly expecting a kid of his own?

          I just hope he can stay out of the roids and drugs now that he’s a “family man”, otherwise these kids are going to pay for it dearly.

          • Eric

            Treating people like they are floats in a parade is never a good sign.

            Collin’s wife is probably the kind of single mother who is happy to let any willing man become a “bonus dad” to her children.

            With all the relationships Collin has had over the last few years, they can’t possibly be a couple for more than what, two years?

            Blended families comes with challenges of their own, and Collin doesn’t need any more potential issues.

            • Reg

              It can’t even be two years. She’s not the first he was parading on Twitter. He’s done that with at least three women. He had a girlfriend, then he had another who was supposedly having his baby a couple of years ago and now this one. It’s not been this same woman. He just goes on and on and on about women, interspersed with his gay porn work and aggressive homophobic rants. He’s got absolutely no separation between his porn persona and the real world. He’s taken his work home with him and is bringing his private life into the public eye…it’s no wonder he’s gone mad, especially when you also throw drugs into the mix.

    • andrew

      Well said HJ.

  9. aadsaed

    Still can’t believe WIndom got that fugly mess of a tattoo on his chest. What a waste of a body.

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