Erik Vejvoda of William Higgins as Johnny with Denny Chris as his top at Bromo. And, he was in scene 644 at Czech Hunter.

Taylor Launer of William Higgins with his solo as Terrance Grant at East Boys.

Sam Narcis (aka Ollie Barn & Peter M.) of William Higgins as the latest guy cruised on the street at Czech Hunter.

Erik Vejvoda appears in CZH 644.
Btw. Sam Narcis is not Philip, but Peter M. or Peter (CZH). Also he is doing bisex scene in Letsgobi “Bisex fantasy” with
Scott Grande. So, he is my new tip to alias cat., Scott Grande (boyfun) aka Rado Rux (WH) aka Jim Buffet (staxus)
aka Martin Steel (Southern strokes).
Addition: Scott Grande (Helix Europe) and Rado Rux (eastboys)
I edited the post. And, I will post about Scott soon.
WH alluding Taylor Lau(t)ner crossing over from mainstream to porn? ☺ My ‘tip’ for Denz was only about this handsome hunky guy btw, in the tradition of Old William Higgins.