Roan Birkin, Max Harden, Calvin Russe, Danny Clay, Jonas Kaizer, Jonathan Tylor, Eli, Vikko Vigo, Vincent Hrad or Ronny Mack? (08/22 Week 2)

Roan Birkin of Flirt 4 Free [room] & Belami Online

Max Harden of Gay Hoopla

Calvin Russe of Gay Hoopla

Danny Clay of Boy Fun

Jonas Kaizer of William Higgins

Jonathan Tylor of Active Duty

Eli of Corbin Fisher

Vikko Vigo of Fucker Mate

Vincent Hrad of William Higgins

Ronny Mack (with homemade videos at Raw Fuck Club) of Cocky Boys

Vote for your favorite.

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Roan Birkin, Max Harden, Calvin Russe, Danny Clay, Jonas Kaizer, Jonathan Tylor, Eli, Vikko Vigo, Vincent Hrad or Ronny Mack?
417 votes
Ends on 08/14/2022

Harold Lopez of Lucas Entertainment & Elver Gudo of Gay Hoopla won in last week’s poll.


  1. Camille

    It was hard to vote among Vikko, Calvin or Jonathan but I chose Calvin

  2. Fathom

    I voted for Calvin too; that smile. I recently saw Ronny Mack in an amateur thing, but he was tagged as GingerBeardxxx or GingerBeardNYC. The pics above don’t really do him justice; he’s hot and everyone wanted to fuck him, plus he topped.

  3. Bluelips

    Jonathan Tylor is my number, but Roan and Calvin are crazy hot too!

  4. vonschlomo

    Calvin? Folks must know something about him beyond his bad photos above. He looks kinda jiggly.

    The guy with the best potential who’s also hot is Corbin Fisher’s new guy, Eli. He needs to leave his body hair alone. You can tell he likes it but doesn’t like all of it quite 100% so sits around all day trimming being prissy. Let the chest hair grow NATURALLY! He said he’s not only gay but very versatile and loves to fuck, so could be a great performer, in addition to being very hot!

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