Posted inLove David Kadera & Adam Rupert The latest at Lover's Lane of Kristen Bjorn paired real life couple David Kadera and… October 26, 201310
Posted inLove Edji Da Silva & Timo Dylan Lucas Entertainment has taken the route most acceptable in filming scenes without the use of… October 15, 20137
Posted inLove Saxon West & Marco Rubi are lovers according to Kristen Bjorn Lover's Lane of Kristen Bjorn is all about real life couple doing bareback sex on… October 11, 20134
Posted inLove Jessy Ares with boyfriend Ricky Ares Not the first lovers to use the same last porn names. Jessy Ares and his… October 10, 20133
Posted inLove Are Tomas Friedel & Radim Hajek really lovers? From Kristen Bjorn with regards to his Lover's Lane series "The condomless scene featured in… September 26, 201311
Posted inLove Are Jake Steel & Peter Stark really a couple? There seems to be an implied rule that bareback between porn couples is acceptable even… September 23, 201312
Posted inLove Liam Magnusson in love Liam Magnusson [twitter] just tweeted about his new love. But, he is keeping the relationship… September 4, 201312
Posted inLove Timothy’s thoughts on Brent Everett & Steve Pena "You posted recently a question regarding Steve Pena and Brent Everett." "I've noticed a recent… August 25, 201356
Posted inLove Open relationship for Brent Everett and Steve Pena? (tip @ James) On Steve Pena's twitter, it says that he is the husband of Brent Everett. Steve… July 25, 201324
Posted inLove A str8 guy with a gay porn star boyfriend It's weird reading the words "str8 and proud boyfriend of Phillip Abrey" in the twitter… April 6, 201321