Posted inPorn Star Update Gay, then bisexual: Chuck Conrad and Enzo Muller Back in December, Men released a prison themed scene of Chuck Conrad and Enzo Muller.… March 11, 202414
Posted inModel Of The Week Poll: Ryan Caan, Edgar Ruso, Travis Alban, Radim Kastan, Lukas Katon, Adrian Blaze, CJ, Samuel Blanco X, or Alex Sng? (03/24 Week 2) Ryan Caan of Fresh Men Edgar Ruso of Naked Sword Travis Alban of Belami Online… March 11, 20247
Posted inRoundup Fucked by his own cock: Hatler Gurius, Jason Crew, Ben Rose, Josh Slyman, and Cody Allen Hatler Gurius, in his scene with Joey Mills at Men, is the latest porn star… March 10, 202411
Posted inX (Tweets This Week) X: Rocco Steele “After a 2-year depression and not going to the gym, I’m better now and working way back slowly in time for my 60th birthday in July.” DeAngelo Jackson "As an adult entertainer, I’m mentally exhausted. I never speak unless I have something to say. What I see happening in the adult industry is concerning. The apartheid and genocide of the Palestinians can not continue" March 10, 202419
Posted inPorn Star Update Former Chaos Men models: Dick Dawson, Dietrich (aka Gunnar Joseph), and Kyle Bryant (aka Roman) Dick Dawson had scenes released in 2021 at Chaos Men. He returned this month via… March 9, 20243
Posted inNewcomer Newbie to watch: 6’6″ Shamu Azizam Shamu Azizam was introduced last month by Sean Cody via his scene as the bottom… March 8, 202418
Posted inNewcomer Ski mask: Oz at Bait Buddies Recently, we had Zane of Men and Luccas Toblerone of Tim Tales, who wore masks… March 8, 20248
Posted inNewcomer Boyfriend of Trevor Brooks: Swhirly The latest model introduced by Cocky Boys was Swhirly, who had a scene as the… March 7, 202410
Posted inPorn Star Update Probably filmed after the surgery: Logan Aarons with Daniel Evans The first scene of Logan Aarons at Cocky Boys had him in a flip-fuck with… March 7, 20243
Posted inSame guys Two guys, same name: Steve Collins The first guy named Steve Collins [movies] had scenes released in the 80s for studios… March 6, 20244