Posted inRetired or Unretired Back in action for the 2nd time: Jax aka Maddox Jax was first known as Maddox at Sean Cody in 2018 before he became known… February 21, 202413
Posted inNewcomer Newbie to watch: Marcus McNeill Marcus McNeill was introduced by The Bro Network in October 2023. And he got to… February 21, 20246
Posted inRoundup If one scene is not enough: Ariel Astra, Roman Todd, Pierce Harrington, and Trevor Brooks Ariel Astra had a helping hand scene released yesterday by William Higgins. Today, it's his… February 20, 202410
Posted inNewcomer Newbie to watch: Skylar Finchh Skylar Finchh first had four scenes released as the bottom at Say Uncle. He got… February 19, 20244
Posted inModel Of The Week Poll: Milan Zeman, Jackson Cooks, Oliver Diamond, Trey Beacher, Jace Starr, Filou Fitt or James Blond? (02/24 Week 3) Milan Zeman of William Higgins Jackson Cooks of Sean Cody Oliver Diamond of Southern Strokes… February 19, 20247
Posted inX (Tweets This Week) X: Quin Quire “On nights like this, when I can’t sleep, nursing my devastated asshole for an anal fissure caused on a porn set.” Ryan Rose "I don’t even know why I try anymore. Why should I continue to try if there is little to no effort from the other? Cancel culture I might have one for you!" February 18, 202420
Posted inRetired or Unretired If you miss him: Alex Orioli I'm not sure when exactly Alex Oiroli [movies] was introduced since his early videos were… February 17, 20249
Posted inPorn Star Update Exclusive model: Andrew Delta You'll be seeing more of Andrew Delta at ASG Max. He is now their exclusive… February 17, 20245
Posted inTrans Not bisexual: Dylan Tides “Nope, FTM men are men.” Filmed two months ago, the scene of Dylan Tides with Asher James is the latest… February 16, 202493
Posted inThen and Now New look: Gino Zanetti and Quin Quire Gino Zanetti has not had a scene released for over a year. In 2022, it… February 16, 20247