Posted inMiscellaneous Daniel of Sean Cody, Jesse Santana & Jackson Taylor DANIEL After almost a year at Sean Cody, Daniel (aka Sawyer) finally had a scene… April 18, 20139
Posted inNot Safe For Gay Eyes Why Rocco Reed is still in str8 porn (tip @ Johan) As you all know, Rocco Reed is currently an exclusive of Men. Meaning, he can… April 17, 201359
Posted inAs Models The model in Tanner of Sean Cody (tip @ John) Tanner is the new guy this week at Sean Cody. Prior to his… April 16, 201326
Posted inMiscellaneous Abele Place, Paul Canon with Damien Kyle & Gaelan Binoche ABELE PLACE He was first Linde then Garth before he became Abele Place. It was… April 16, 20139
Posted inStraight Martin Mazza’s straight virus infected Jessy Ares 😁 (tip @ Dean) Martin Mazza [twitter] did one str8 scene with Rafa Garcia a few years ago. I… April 15, 2013100
Posted inRetired or Unretired Charlie of Sean Cody & Kellan of Corbin Fisher are back (tips @ Terry & Jason401) Charlie of Sean Cody was introduced last September 2010 and his action scenes were also… April 15, 20138
Posted inNewcomer Trent Ferris, Austin Reid & Jason Stonebrook 18 year old Trent Ferris from College Dudes 23 year old Austin Reid, who is… April 14, 20138
Posted inSo True? So False? From Sean Cody “He was really shy about taking his clothes off” (tip @ J & Mister89) Neil was introduced by Sean Cody a couple of hours ago where it mentioned "He… April 12, 201322
Posted inMiscellaneous Vander, Bryce Evans & uncut cocks VANDER Three guys that I like at Chaos Men in a threesome. If I were… April 12, 20136
Posted inPorn Fans Retired or Unretired From Terry “Brandon Manilow has appeared in a recent update on Bel Ami” Agree or disagree with Terry's observation on Brandon Manilow of Belami Online "I know that… April 12, 201324