X: Derek Kage “Me to anyone that thinks I’m “straight”.”

April Fool’s Day

From Tony GeniusI’ve been in this industry for a while now and I’m starting to feel a little burnt out. I have been less and less inclined to bottom recently and just don’t feel into it like I once did. I feel like a new chapter in my career is forming and it’s looking a lot more like a Dom Top. I love being dominated, I love when you submit to me, and I love a juicy sweet ass! From now on, Tony Genius is strictly a TOP. Sorry to those who haven’t had a taste of this sweet ass…



  1. Hank

    If MEN actually had a “school” it probably be a clown 🤡 college.

    I see that Roman Todd has found someone new after the split from his wife.

    Can Ricky Larkin go away.

    • Sauron

      Yeah he found girl who is like 15 years younger but looks older than him and use him to boost his porn career. Roman Todd liking pussy is old as his career but obviously he likes fucking ass too as evidenced by his Carter Collins scene.

  2. Hal

    Derek please just disappear in bi/pan porn oblivion, we’re all tired of you now.

  3. JR

    I mean honestly, some of these posts proclaiming to be “April Fools Day” pranks, are not that far fetched. I’m assuming the Ricky Larkin books post is a joke too, since we all know he can’t even read.
    Roman Todd “LLC”…whatever that means other than attempt to brag about how you are a “business”. Girl, you are the equivalent of a run down janky thrift store that hasn’t had a visitor since 2000 and makes about $15.99 every year.
    Nobody is expecting genius level IQ from Cliff Jensen, but he does a podcast about childhood trauma, blaming his parents, and then he finds it incredible that they packed up and moved and he has no contact with them? What did he think was going to happen.
    Austin Wilde clout chasing off of Rhyheim. What little respect I had for you Austin, has well and truly gone since you hitched your wagon to VOYR.

    Dippy Derek Kage, please exit stage left and take cheeseball “look at my armpit in every pic” Papi Kovic with you.

      • JR

        Oh I’m sorry, did you think this was a blog that fawns over and kisses the ass of porn actors? Go read Queer Me Now if you want brown nosing, because this ain’t the place and I am not the one.

  4. Eric

    Has Roman Todd signed the divorce papers yet? Not all that long ago he was telling us how much he loves his wife, and he is already in another relationship? Do these people not know what rebound relationships are and that they usually do not work out well?

    The fact that Aspen feels a need to post about “argumentative hate sex” means that he probably should not be in relationships at this time either.

    • IDK

      I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the main reason behind this sudden split was cheating on his part.

      It’s always like this with most of these rebound relationships: one part is already ready to jump shit in the moment their partner discovers the affair behind the scenes. The divorce is just a formality.

      If this was indeed the case or not remains to be seen.

  5. IDK

    I love how an entire damage control defense force has already formed around Derek Kage. It’s pretty curious.

    Nobody forced the guy to self-id as gay. No one.

    As he himself said in his straight porn debut: “you’re going to see a another part of me”. This is a straight up (no pun intended) admission of him being bisexual. There’s no other way to interpret this.

    He may be not straight, but he’s not gay either. Why not just be honest about this? It’s that hard?

    I mean, bisexual men don’t have the best track record in this industry, but at least people like Collin Simpson and Rick Larkin never engaged in any bullshit like this. I thought I would never say this, but Derek should follow their example in this regard.

    • logogay

      The big problem with Derek Kage and other actors in the past who have behaved like him is that the lies are no longer of any use. And his desperate “deeds” to stand up for general minorities and constantly post things along the lines of “I’m not straight!” are ridiculous. In any case, I no longer believe anything this “money ripping off bisexual” says. I know he used to be straight and just because he now does a lot of G4P in the porn industry doesn’t mean he’s gay. He never was and never will be. And everyone who stands up for people like him and others is also to blame for the fact that nowadays no young man can openly and proudly admit that they are “only” gay because they want everyone to be able to fuck whatever they want and then call it sexually fluid. GAY is DEAD!

    • C.A.

      Are you serious? Collin Simpson would go on rants about notbeing gay, not being an escort and everyhting else including hating doing porn, not to mention his leaving and coming back and doing more gay porn.

      I won’t even start with Ricky.

      • IDK

        That’s exactly what I meant.

        Collin and Ricky Larking are both messy pieces of human excrement, but at least they’re pretty open about their intentions and have been for a very long time.

        Derek Kage is pulling a Carter Woods, being purposefully obtuse about his own lies and co-opting gay identity in order to validate his own, and others, homophobia.

        As far as I’m concerned, people like him are way worse than the Collins and Ricky Larkins of the world.

        • Jsmithy

          Wait what: is Carter Woods straight?

          • Umambdz

            No, Carter Woods is bisexual. But I don’t know if he ever admit it.

            It’s pretty clear that he follows female and trans woman in his Twitter account.

      • Meh

        According to Daxx Carter who worked for Gayhoopla Collin Simpson is bisexual irl and messed around with guys off camera.
        Ricky Larkin was always openely bisexual and wrote on some blog in 2013 his opinion about the whole sexuality debate; as a guy in relationship with woman who enjoy gay sex. He even claimed that Jake Porter made him cum 3 times. I doubt dude’s ass would make a straight man cum thats the thing with g4pers; they can barely stay hard fighting with their own blood. Now to cum from fucking you have to be rock hard and aroused af.

        So yeah they are both problematic bisexual guys.

        The truth is genuine Gay-for-pay is really rare and guys who are truly g4p are so physically mediocre we shouldn’t care at all about them.

  6. Max

    Roman Todd new girlfriend definitely an upgrade in looks from his wife. His wife i honestly thought was transgender. She is so unattractive. But Roman new girl is hot. Good for him. Hopefully he will make some videos eating her pussy.

  7. M__M

    So happy for Corey Kane. Sobriety isn’t the easiest thing to maintain, and for a whole year too! Keep it up.

  8. logogay

    I will now ignore every post and post with any comments on or from such actors as Derek Kage, Roman Todd, Buck Richards, Cliff Jensen, Ricky Larkin, Sammy Butler, Jake Waters and other lying barrons and G4Payers/gay haters! They are just scum in the gay porn industry and I definitely won’t support, pay for or watch any more films from these gay baiters. If others do that, it’s their business and this is are their own fault. But this makes gay porn more and more unbelievable and no longer has anything to do with the word GAY. So no one is surprised anymore. Gayporn is Dead!

  9. Pavel Ford

    Lucas Daken – If it makes you sore, take it off Dummy. Here is a news flash, you do not need a cage or chastity ANYTHING. If you don’t want to have sex outside a relationship just don’t do it. If the idea is to keep you honest when your partner is not around just use some control.
    When did this whole cage chastity nonsense start? It is about as dumb as total chest/neck black ink tattoo’s.
    I see Cliff Jensen is back looking for more attention and sympathy…It really must be draining being one of his few friends to always have to listen to this guy bitch and cry…
    Daddy Diesel – Who knew this guy had a blog? Don’t worry dude, I am sure the 3 people who read it don’t miss it at all.

  10. Reg

    “Act” like Malik Delgaty? You could exchange the man for a 2×4 and get more of a performance out of him.

    Roman’s straight, so I have NO idea what he’s talking about.

    No comment on if it was consensual, Aspen…but at least you saved her the stigma.

    I notice there wasn’t actually any denial of Derek being homophobic, gay for money and so on.

    Buck…just go away now. You were interesting for a minute, but you’ve drawn a line under that.

  11. Bastian

    The only thing Derek refers to is the accusation of him being straight and here I can agree with him, but he’s definitely not gay either. However, he did not provide any arguments regarding other accusations, e.g. being homophobic as evidenced by many of his statements.

    • logogay

      It was him and how. On his own fucking X site! And he still is! He finds it normal to first lie to people about his sexuality and then later make fun of his “haters” who ask him or respond to X instead of ignoring or blocking them. He joins forces with other “queer” actors and bloggers and rants against men who don’t want it and understand why he doesn’t admit to being bi or whatever he wants to be and calls them “haters”! But he spreads hate himself. He said that it would be boring for a gay man to only fuck men and that’s why he fucks pussy and he said that the other gays would be envious and jealous because he can and wants to and the gays can’t. So if this isn’t “conversion therapy offensive propaganda” then I don’t know what to think of it anymore. Guys like that can’t help but just shut up, do their “work” and then go to their vaginas in private life as far as I’m concerned. They have to constantly provoke and draw attention to themselves through such negative things, otherwise they would be ignored by gays and the gay community. And they then receive awards from the “gay” porn industry and pretend that they are committed to justice and freedom of speech. What a hypocrite. But I don’t believe in the “queer” agenda that pushes gays to the margins and wants to annex their space. Gay remains gay and not as hypocritical as Derek is! But Derek will disappear from the gay porn scene one day anyway (I hope soon) and will then just sink into uninteresting “queer” bi/straight porn where no one is interested in him anymore. Just like many of his predecessors who were just as stupid as he was.

  12. Miss Piggy

    Again on gay twitter he was the one who got the most mentions to the Josh Moore question “which do you wish would go away” most of the replies were from casual porn fans.

    There’s an account on Twitter from someone saying they are his mother from Huntsville Alabama and that she and Derek Kage used to fuck. At this point anything is possible and maybe that’s why he’s fucked in the head/

  13. EJ

    Don’t know this Kage fellow but by looking at his Twitter link I would say his looks and actions are those of a totally homosexual man. Not sure what the enduring fascination with the sexual preference of this unattractive and rather sexless man is all about , but I would hope that there are only a few who feel this is a heterosexual man. The gay youth of today can’t be THAT ignorant and/or delusional. If they don’t know that gay men have sex with females sporadically than they have got a lot to learn. Not only is it easy but the act of penetration is extremely enjoyable for a man whatever his sexual preference is. Why not leave this man alone? The Life of a sex worker is hard enough without dealing with additonal hardships.

    • Jsmithy

      Gay men do not have sex woth women sporadically.

      Those men are called bisexual.

      Even if they won’t admit it to themselves.

  14. NovaStar

    I wasn’t gonna say anything but fuck it why not join the fun? Lol

    Derek Kage: If you have to keep on trying to justify being gay, then chances are you AREN’T. Too much of what he’s doing involves women of whatever kind and that makes him bi. I don’t know why he just don’t own up to it. What’s the problem with the truth? He’s fucking idiot.

    April 1st: It’s a shame that a lot of the April Fools Tweets were more entertaining that the films the majority of the performers make.

    Lukas Daken: i hate this whole “Chasity” thing. What’s the point of this? If your dick is gonna be covered up, then why would i need to fuck you or watch you get fucked? I love dick or else i wouldn’t be gay. It’s just stupid & ridiculous to me & as a porn viewer, it’s insulting too.

    Roman Todd: I I appreciate his honesty about him not being a “gay man” unlike Derek Kage. That being said, pardon me for sounding like a hypocrite, but I’m really tired of seeing men who are not gay doing gay porn. I don’t care if they’re bi or pan, i would just like to see actual 100% gay men in gay porn but i know that that’s not gonna happen and that’s unfortunate.

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