The second scene of Reese Rideout [movies] after he made a comeback last year at Randy Blue after 10 years is the latest update on the site.

Reese was introduced by Randy Blue in 2006.

According to his profile at Raw Fuck Club, he has been in the adult industry since 2003.

This guys such an ass. Nathan bronson interviewed him on his youtube channel and via a question from nathan he basically alluded to he would stop gay porn if he got more str8 studio work. I was like fuck u jackass! Uve made tons of $ off of ur gay fan base and u disrespect this fan base by saying such asinine comments as that? Clarify: he made his statement almost seeming w a disdain for his gay work. He just needs to fuck off. U can watch this on bronsons youtube channel. Btw nathan bronson is a respectful very nice str8 pornstar who is not afraid to buddy up to gay and crossover pornstars.
If this is true, he is very fool.
Go to nathan bronsons youtube channel and watch the interview…hes an ass
Why doesn’t he ask Dante Colle to see how to get more str8 work and who also in a recent interview claims that he felt nothing in his gay porn scenes.
Wow didnt know this about dante. Where can we find this interview? I semi respect guys like roman todd who own their gay work but despise morons who USED their gay porn work to make $$$$ then later disrespect their gayporn base fans.
Oh, Dante is part of a very nasty circle in “gay” porn. It’s him, Michael Del Rey…a whole bunch of guys, who slate gay porn bitterly and might even go so far as to be homophobic.
And yet, they keep winning awards. It just makes you realize how pointless those are and for me personally, their already dire scene unwatchable.
It’s a podcast called “Ugly On The Inside” on YouTube. Dante is on episode 50. Be warned that it’s a long and dull podcast interview with Dante trying to come off as some kind of intellectual.
who cares look at him in gay porn he loves it. I dont even want to know about the personal lives of porn stars I want fantasy. Seems like a lot of the disgruntled negative upset frowny face porn viewers are looking for 100% gay hallmark gay porn type content,
Never got into this guy. He’s good looking, just not sexy to me. Though the scenes he did with Chris Rockway were incredible.
I’m not interested in him at all. All these “former” crossover/G4P/bi “stars” who now only do a boring “gay” gig every now and then do mostly straight work can go to hell as far as I’m concerned. Above all, their disrespectful way of insulting their gay fans, customers or the gay community that they have financed and built up over the years in such interviews. Didn’t Reese also want to have gays finance an artificial cock extension when he privately asked ONLY gays for it so he could fuck more vaginas in straight porn with his new, bigger cock? The gays who give him or other crossover guys even one more cent have themselves to blame! Queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid are welcome to adore him!
Like my comment!!!!! I’m running out of VPN locations.
One word comes to mind —- PATHETIC! My goodness, crying pussy who’s begging for attention.
I’m shocked to hear that you despise G4P and bi content and performers, talk about coming out of left field you should comment on every article so we all know this earth shattering revalation.
I despise performers who exploit gays financially and emotionally just because they can’t end up in straight porn. Then they laugh and insult their gay fans together with other actors and also publish these comments and interviews. If that’s okay with you because you’re not gay but queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid like these people, then that’s your business. Even if it supposedly doesn’t bother you, people like you and others are the reason why we gays are treated like this and why we are often taken for a ride, because people like you accept everything and feel nothing about it when they are insulted or humiliated. Basically, you and your “queer friends” here in this blog support all these criminals with the encouragement they get from you, to continue!
You assume a lot
I despise queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid people for disagreeing with me.To make it appear as though I am loved, I use a VPN to like my comments.
I feel like he should’ve started a GoFundMe page for getting other things bigger besides his dick. Maybe a brain to match that ego. Reese has always had this thing about him that’s a turn off. The main thing is that he’s an attention whore but this interview made me see something hidden and alarming. Just because he fucks in our realm doesn’t mean he’s ally, he’s simply a user.
Remember how he put his wife through hell over that past 10+ years. Going on the “G4P” episode of the talk show, doing that stupid ass reality show and countless interviews. Parading around and soaking up the attention while she sat there like she was in misery. In this interview he claims she’s the one asking women to collab w/him for his OF. Gross.
It should be no surprise that he would see his gay work as nothing and be vocal about his true intentions and it wouldn’t shock me that he wants to go into str8 porn. What shocked me in the interview is the level in which he talks about gays and gay sex like we’re gross. He doesn’t want to engage, he just blanks out when fucking men. Hell he was so uncomfortable even speaking about sex w/men. He said when he fucks guys he doesn’t see a man, he sees a woman to get off and when he bottoms he pretends he’s a woman to get through. Basically he doesn’t see gay men as gay men. He sees us as a turn off.
Nathan and Reese made gay sex and porn out to be this ick factor. Nathan asked him about gay men push back towards guys like him and all of the crossover stuff and he tried his best to deflect. He knows we’re sick of the bullshit and he can’t come up with a reasonable answer as to why we should still support.
He kisses Dante Colle’s ass in this interview. Making him the savior of crossover. We’ve got this brigade of guys who want to screw anything and we see more and more guys like Reese putting down the gay industry and the gay community. The same market of gay men that built them up and gave them any notoriety through support are now the punching bag for them to use and throw to the side like chewed gum. Reese has been shooting bisexual and trans stuff lately so I knew it was only a matter of time that he would be one of these blokes.
Like he said “give me enough str8 work and I’ll do str8 porn only”. The way he made a mockery of us and the way he clearly sees gay men, if he wants to do str8 porn then goodbye bro. We gladly give you away. Honestly it’s been long overdue.
I’m really wondering if this Nathan Bronson is really such a nice, respectful straight actor who, strangely enough, only interviews actors who work in gay porn but don’t see themselves as gay and hate their work, why he always deliberately asks these questions and then himself thus involved in this offensive crap? He should interview performers who are GAY, love their work and men and then I would think he would be a nice, respectful person towards the gay porn community, but not as a participant in such an interview crap!
I agree. I’m thinking that the actual gay men in the industry already know the deal with him and his channel and they probably know it’s not worth the time and tomfoolery.
I dont think its anything done on purpose on nathans part. He just has zero reason to interact w gay pornstars not that he probably dislikes but he just has no one in his circle other than crossovers who, to me, themselves seem to surround themselves w mostly straight people.
If that’s the case then Derek Kage isn’t GAY and is a crossover/G4P/Bi actor! So that’s the “proof”! Because he also spoke to Nathan Bronson and had contact. Thank you for your “revealing” answer!
Dummy derek kage is another crossover I cant stand the moron.
Nathan Made two porn scenes with They where transgendered scenes where he sucked cock and got fucked.
So it wasnt just me, he did seem to have a disdain, a shame of his gay porn yet he eats ass, sucks dick and fucks AND often cums in and/or pulls and cums immediately no scene cutaway in or on manhole. I despise this guy and glad I NEVER forked 1cent to support his pathetic ass.
“He said when he fucks guys he doesn’t see a man, he sees a woman to get off and when he bottoms he pretends he’s a woman to get through.”
Oh my… this sure is one hell of a red flag, if I ever have seen one.
Hmm it is all the more weird in that Nathan Bronson has a scene at with trans star Jaquline Braxton where he sucks her cock and gets fucked by her up the ass….
His real sexual preferences only interest me to the extent that they may explain his poor performances. Never having found him attractive or his work persuasive, I’ll continue to ignore him.
I agree. I was a Randy Blue fanatic back then and he never did anything for me. Sure he has a nice ass but plenty do as well. There were many other guys. His whole media tour promoting his “str8ness” is the only thing that aided towards his longevity. Red flags have always been there but recently those little fucking flags have been blowing hard. Reese did himself no favors with this interview and with that dry ass bread pudding.
I won’t lie, I was a fan of his. He gave me the performances that i wanted in a porn star but once he spoke out about his porn experiences & i started to evolve for myself, i became turned off. It’s another case of a straight man using us gays to get over. He’s a creep to me and he isn’t aging well at all either.
Do people honestly think Reece Rideout is straight this man is getting fucked raw by other men and sucking dick. I signed up to his only fans he is bottoming for plenty of men. He can identify however he wants but he is sexually attracted to other men.