Last year, Mitch Matthews [movies] was on the news as one of the three men arrested after allegedly trying to have sex with children in the Kansas City area during the NFL draft.

Last month, he was interviewed by a news website about his experience with the total solar eclipse.

The sad thing is this criminal will find a way back into gay porn again because studios & the performers don’t have much of a moral compass. We’ve seen so many criminals continue in gay porn after committing a crime, he’ll just become another one and that’s a horrible thing. I pray that somehow or another I’m wrong but i don’t see that happening.
That’s because porn has never been a moral compass itself.
He clearly has no shame at all if he’s giving an interview without even using an alias. 🤢
He’s a child sex predator with no shame in using his government name. I hope his pornstar friends Jonah Wheeler and Joel Someone disowned him.
His dog should be taken away from him. He could be sexually abusing it.
I wonder why he is free. I believe the charges against him dropped
I was wondering the same thing. Perhaps acquitted or something?
Does anyone know why this asshole is back on the streets so soon?? If they are to be free that soon it should only be because of a plea agreement to have their dick and balls removed and then they can go free. We let these monsters off too easy, just making them register as a sex offender isn’t enough.
He posted his 25k bond but it did say he was trying to meet a child UNDER 12 for sodomy. I don’t know when the trial is but he’ll get a dumb fine and probation like they always do
He is advertising on Rentmen again too
Here is the link
I email Rentmen to take profile down but no luck