Belami Online took nine years to release the second solo shoot of Tyler Ruess, who hasn’t aged.

The scene of Alex Ink with Kosta Viking is up next at Lucas Entertainment. Alex now has more ink on his body.

Alberth Pineda now loves to bottom. He started as a top at Fucker Mate and Tim Tales. He does bottom for his fan site. But, it was only this month that he went from top to bottom at Tim Tales. He now has five scenes at Tim Tales. The first three had him as the top. And the last two had him as the bottom, with Nano Maso as his latest top.

Alberth bastardo, seu novo cara gostoso. Se você me trancasse em um quarto com ele por alguns dias, eu faria qualquer coisa com ele, lá em cima ou embaixo. Um porco com tesão……
Tim Tales is repulsive
Alex “Ink” must have a fucking mental disorder. Gross. Anyone that does that to themself has lost their mind.
I agree it’s over the top. But his last name that’s one he clearly chose himself, is “Ink.” I still think he’s attractive.
I don’t think his bf will let him get tattoos on his face. 🤞
If you think Alex ruined his body with ink, I would ask you not to check out the actor Chris Evans. I don’t know what Chris was thinking, but that was a dumb choice. I understand the eagle, but all of the random placed tattoos aren’t working out.
I’m not against tattoes but Alex 😥😥😥
I’m impressed by how Alberth has developed over the last year.
He’s clearly spent time in the gym and has filled out splendidly but I love that he keeps the slightly geeky hairstyle, glasses and no tattoos.
He’s also now a genuinely vers performer. Has anyone else appeared on TimTales as both top and bottom?
Altogether, he’s becoming a star performer who gets better with every performance.