After the owner of Military Classified, the feet of Tyler French (aka Asher) were serviced next by Dan Edwards at My Friends’ Feet.

Cum on the mouth for Alef Kof and Butta Nutt with their oral scene at Treasure Island Media.

Justin Matthews as an officer of the law at Next Door Originals. He responded to a possible B&E at the home of Aiden Garcia (his first scene after Helix Studios?).

Shane Cook was the latest guy with a big dick at Hung Fuckers.

Reese Rideout was in the middle of a train fuck between Ashton Summers and Shamu Azizam at Men. This was the first time I’ve watched Shamu as the top, who was double penetrated by Ashton and Reese.

I thought Reese wanted to be a “straight porn star” and only fuck vaginas! Well, he is a professional “G4P actor” (who even gives courses for newbies on how to shoot gay porn as a straight man) who simply continues to earn his money in gay porn and then insults the gays and the gay community privately in interviews or blogs humiliated. A shizophrenic, self-absorbed and hypocritical wanker. Just like most of the “gay porn” actors now. And despite all the insults and internalized homophobia from such performers, they get the most “work” in gay porn! How sad and unfortunate, which shows how broken gay porn studios are these days (especially in America).What happened to gay porn today?
Gay porn was always like that; At least since 90s. The only difference is that social medias didnt exist in 90s and barely existed in 00s.
As 4 mr Rideout he is just too old and ugly to do gay porn; he has straight pornstar face and looks so disconected when he fucks both men and women. Only + is that he can cum without cuts. To me is ugly bisexual man that is bitter because he had no success in actual acting etc. And he knows he can’t bite hand of straights because they dont give a fuck about him so he will bite gays.
Reese is a pos
I know that Justin Matthews now claims to be straight after almost all his career being openely bisexual but the truth is if your dick cums as soon as it leaves guy’s asshole…you are turned on by dudes.
Like what happened mr Griggs? Did ur Sugar Daddy’s preferences shifted?
Ick. Looks like Tyler French sliced up his toes shaving them. Those are not attractive feet, and probably not a good idea to be sucking on those cut-up scabby toes.
Reece is starting to look like a piece of old leather. He should have quit while he was ahead and people were begging and pleading for him to come back. He’s really been nothing but a disappointment since he actually has.
Justin Matthews, Shane Cook and Ashton Summers are beautiful. Shamu Azizam is gorgeous.
Reese is such a pos!