Quin Quire on Pride month “Ah June, the time of year when my existence is seen as some kind of statement and the number of times I get called a fag my strangers in public goes up 300%”

Jack Hunter on selling his car “A hefty sum. Some would probably just say to sell it, but the Silver Surfer (my car) was my late father’s…”

So, Colby, if you ain’t bi, you’re what, straight now? Jesus Christ.
Do people actually like blown out holes like what Nate Grimes is showing off?
As for Colby Jansen…when one tweets that “I’ll fuck anything for a paycheck”, then all your gay support dries up, then you have to get a porn PR company to generate “buzz” for you, AND then you start doing straight femdom porn in-order to “pay the bills”, it’s no surprise that he’s come full circle, a.k.a gone straight.
I just wish he’d be honest and say he fucked up and stop doubling down thinking he’s going to reclaim his glory days. I hate to say it but he’s sure is living up to the bi/ pansexual stereotype now…
Colby popularity like his youth are long gone.
Can’t stand joey mills but total respect for that post
Colby Jansen is just flat out gross. He thinks changing sexualities is like changing your underwear. No one should flick a penny at his sorry ass.
Shwirly, you and your “boyfriend” (LOL) could fuck and lick vaginas together. That would be a birthday present that he would definitely be very happy about!
Tony Genius, you complain about hypocritical award shows? There are a thousand other reasons to reject them, because they have absolutely nothing to do with GAY! Also, why are you one of the very few who in this other picture are not wearing a F….T-shirt but a normal one? Oh, that’s right, you’re not GAY yourself, but Queer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid?
Vince Vega, writing your “stupid provocative comment” like that so you can get attention from GAYS is ridiculous! Most people don’t know you and you can continue on your “vagina trip” but without GAYS!
The same goes for you Colby! You change your sexuality or affiliation more often in your life than someone changes their socks! Today like this, tomorrow like that! It’s sad when you don’t know where you stand in life when this “Queer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid organizations” confuses you so much and constantly seduce you to different “definitions”, that didn’t exist before !
Mateo Thomas are you living your “gay porn star fantasy”? Go to your vaginas and become a “crossover star” like your colleagues Derek or Trevor!
Bryce, how adult up and above all “male straight” you have become! You’re now punching guys in the face professionally in one of the most “homophobic industries” in the world, thereby proving your “masculinity”? How deeply sad!
Nate Grimes and Lobo Carreira, doesn’t what you’re doing, hurt?
Thanks Denz for all the “insightful” posts at the beginning of the week.
You sound nice.
Nate is ill. He must already have the most horrific medical complications from being in the state he is today and it’s only going to get worse with age. It is no different than Bulimia and Anorexia to do that to yourself.
Grimes is revolting. He is self destructive and has mental issues.
I thought that Carreira was the perfect man. The attraction is now gone.
Romani… no you aren’t. You are a caricature.
Mateo needs to stop acting as if he’s empowering gays to sleep with men. Okay dumbass then explain how you were empowering us when you were balls deep in some girls vagina during that awful WhyNotBb scene? You know every gay individual loves their validation by inserting themselves inside a woman. He’s a fucking idiot. Stop with the fake ass gay humanitarian crap.
Damn. I forgot Colby even existed. I’m so sick and tired of his explorations and revelations. Dude you’re bisexual. You started off piggybacking that gay coin, then started sliding into women like it was going out of style. If you’re screwing dicks and pussies, you’re the B in it all. The question now is, are you trying to cost up to the str8s only?!? We all know how that’ll pan out.
BREAKING NEWS TONY.. they’re all rigged and staged. Period.
I don’t care for Quin but he’s got a good strategy. Jack might want to take paper and pen for this one. If the fucking isn’t paying or working anymore, work a normal job. Walmart is hiring. Target is nearby. To think that you have an outlet but you’d rather try to milk that last bit of coins from the gays. You might want to hit up that girl you inquired and do the whole I’m sticking kitty but I’m still gay scenario.
As for Lobo and Nate, I’m not kink shaming anyone but remember that there’s always risks factors and complications. These acts give you an elevated risk for infections and so much more. Plus once it’s destroyed, there’s not turning back.
Quin Quire is supposed to be 34 years old now. Its nice to see that he’s finally grown up and gotten what will hopefully be a regular job that will last for years. Hopefully he won’t be complaining any more about anal fissures.
Failed porn actors such as joey Mills, who support the beheading of the LGBT community in the Palestinian territories. I like to see him make a gay porn in Gaza. with their hamas, Hezbola or Islamic State friends, Joe mills you are an antisemit and homophobic person. You are rubbish and a islamic terrorist supporter. Bastard