X: Xavier Zane (aka Chris of SC) “I told ya’ll a performer Ray Diesel raped me 3 years ago.”


More on Austin Wolf, who was charged with distribution of child pornography



  1. baz

    Sooooo, Griffin Barrows was already testing the pseudo incestual gay porn waters in 2020? That tweet doesn’t seem remorseful, read the room, Griffin!

    Derek Cline is ripped now? But he was so cute pre bulkup.

    Well, at least MEN is removing their AW videos. So I can at least say 1 thing that’s somewhat complementary about them. I remember Channel 1 Releasing doing a “Criminal Cocks” compilation for models who had committed crimes like rape, murder, theft and attempted murder.

    • Bangle

      Don’t give MEN too much credit. They’ve not removed it for the principle, just fear of backlash and wanting to disassociate from him and the negative press. You can still view Sebastian Young’s entire library on their site, and he went as far as raping his toddler daughter and giving her an STD, in addition to child porn charges.

      • Reg

        MindGeek don’t care. As long as they can get money, They. Do. Not. Care.

        And I’m sorry to say that some people who subscribe to their sites are quite happy to watch porn starring child and literal infant rapists.

        I won’t give the BBC credit for much, but at least they’ve removed all of Jimmy Savill’s episodes of Top Of The Pops from ever being aired again. Australia stripped Rolf Harris of everything they could and no one listens to Lostprophets anymore.

        At least there’s some conscience and making sure that these guys get no royalties or fame after what they’ve done.

        • logogay

          I’m so with you. And since MG “bought” into gay porn, things have only gotten worse. I also mean with the whole “inclusion queer porn” thing and female actors appearing in every scene of MEN
          ruin what they sell there! And they ignore, lie and cheat their consumers and subscribers without asking them. But they still call themselves the best gay adult site on the net. That’s just big money. Otherwise not. But they have nothing to do with quality and especially GAY!

  2. Marco

    I see Jack let Dolf back into the house again after ( insert crazy drama filled excuse here)

    Meth is one hell of a drug I guess 🙄

    • IDK

      It’s quite nice to see people asking the right questions: how can an entire industry bend over backwards to accomodate for a sex pest pedophile who has been abusing people for years by now? How can many performers just turn a blind eye to an known issue?

      About this issue, I would like to highlight two posts: Jack Andy’s and Johnny Viper’s.

      The first is interesting, because it assumes anyone in the industry actual do give a damn about “the community”, which is was never the case. Neither the studios nor the performers actually care about “the community” nor ever did beyond its potential for generating revenue for themselves (be it monetary or social). Even the decision to un-person Pedo Nipples was made based on such terms. Let’s not kid ourselves.

      This leads us to Viper’s comment, the section I loved the most was this one: “But when they throw you on the cover and inside a cell everything changes, you are no longer of use to anyone”

      Yeah, pretty much.

      Both the decision to put up with his horrible actions and to condemn him after years of looking the other way were made with the “what will benefit me the most at this moment” line of reasoning.

      That’s what most performers do, that’s what they always do!

  3. Reg

    So, Jack and Dolf are back together, again, despite yet another of their bitter breakups and new boyfriends…I’m so shocked.

  4. Pavel Ford

    Brian Bonds – Baby ? Damn dude, you look old enough and rough (not in a good way) enough to BE a Daddy…. Baby ? Hahaha
    Jason Collins – This guy is wider than he is tall. Very very short. You know it just kills him to always have to look up in any crowd. I have seen taller old ladies at church.
    DeAngelo – Don’t worry dude, I will never bother you. Your “work” is uninspiring at best.
    Hayden Briar – Good Luck with all that. Stay healthy dude.
    Luccas Tobleron – Who are you ? Nobody is watching you.
    Ty Roderick – Still looking good after all this time.
    Pierce Paris – Here he goes showing everyone that he is a real businessman and hard worker AGAIN ! So What Dude. We all work real jobs. Damn he is starved for approval.
    SkincareDaddy – Whatever… Looking very fake.

  5. Cherrystick

    All of these damn men who are now a few days later coming out saying that they’re disgusted that they worked with him and friends with him, need to sit the fuck back. I feel nothing for them. You saw the warning signs and ignored them. Long response warning but here we go…

    It’s not like you were working at a supermarket with him and found out about his inner workings. NO. All of you men were completely aware of his high fetish for young looking men. Not just young looking men but barely legal passing. At one point he was turning down opportunities with men of the industry if they even looked too “adult”. All he wanted was teen passing boys, nipple twisting and even vaginas.

    The consumers knew. For the most part, the gays were steadily ignoring his content and exiting stage left when he was heavily focused on the youth aspect amongst other things but you porn boys saw the same thing and stripped naked to fuck, suck and eat with him. You all saw it too but the coins made you put your morals aside. Now that it’s exposed, you men are clutching your pearls and saying “oh I can’t believe I…”.

    Some like dumbass Cole Ryan are even giving him the benefit of the doubt. Feeling bad that his attraction urges are for kids and infants. Trans model like Noahwaybabes took a defensive approach and said that we need to look at the ones who worked with him and criticize them but if I’m not mistakes were you laying there letting him lick the kitty before and after your T took affect.

    Sean Austin saw the same fetish as us and yet you spreaded those cheeks for Austin. Look at the 17 y.o. Why were you hooking up with Austin in the first place? Sucks that he put the vid up and exploited you but you shouldn’t have been sleeping with him in the first place and his gross ass should’ve not accepted the task.

    The hypocrisy of the industry is that you’ve got active men who are telling you that other performers like Austin are lurking around and yet you’re giving awards to these idiots. Xavier Zane is accusing Ray Diesel and yet, it’s falling on deaf ears. I’m not a fan of Xavier’s but his accounts should be validated in some aspects too but just like Austin, Ray continued to trot along unscathed.

    I’ll stress this one more time for the gays who support these porn boys. Before you fall for the big cocks, manly frames and “fluid” fuckers, examine these guys, get knowledge on their antics and don’t wear rose colored glasses when they speak hurtful rhetoric and belittle your homosexuality. Don’t let wolves sneak under the radar in sheep’s clothing.

    • Bsg67

      Victim blaming aren’t you a special kind of asshole

      • Cherrystick

        No I’m being completely transparent. At 17, he shouldn’t have been seeking out to sleeping with an adult and If you look at my statement, you’ll see that I also called gross ass Austin out for accepting the encounter, maliciously filming it and severely exploiting the 17 y.o. Despite the fact that he asked him to afterwards taking it down.

        What is true is this…
        Austin’s actions were grossly wrong/ highly malicious and the other is that they both made bad decisions.

      • logogay

        This question makes it unnecessary to see who the “special kind of asshole” is here!

    • IDK

      So Noahwaybabes is telling us that we should criticize Noahwaybabes for working with Austin Wolf? If that’s the case, then fine by me.

      In all seriousness, how cynical one can be?! Did they just develop a serious case of convenient memory erasure syndrome?! Or are they just playing dumb and expecting everyone to have the memory of a gold fish?!

  6. M__M

    Brian Bonds: The thing is that almost everyone is struggling right now. The sugar daddies are all too busy trying to stay above water to fish for sugar babies.

    Skincare Daddy: He changed so much since Project Runway I don’t recognize him anymore…

    Everything that needed to be said about 🐺 has been said I don’t feel the need to input anything else.

  7. JR

    Cole Ryan- Shut the eff up. You feel “sorry for him”? What the hell is wrong with you, the guy is a pedophile. He had videos of infants being sexually assualted. Videos of a 10 year old, tied down and raped.

    Josh Moore- another of the “I think we all saw that coming” brigade. If you saw it coming, why didn’t you say anything. Why didn’t you go public about what you “saw coming”. Oh that’s right- you cared more about your “career” than doing the right thing. You, and everyone else stood by and allowed it to continue. You’re gross.

  8. The Porn Emperor

    Sure is a lot of “I’m so special because I knew he was bad all along!”

    Hindsight is 20-20.

  9. The Porn Emperor

    Sure are a lot of people saying “I’m so special because I knew he was bad all along!”

    Hindsight is 20-20.

  10. Alex_is

    Ray Diesel … wow … disappointing. I guess I shouldn’t be to surprised, though. Anyone who works for studios like Blacksonboys (which has apparently been renamed to Downlowboys) is at the very least questionable. Some of their scenes, especially the gang bang stuff, left me thinking, that studio should be investigated.
    If the allegations are true, and there are more victims, I hope they find the courage to come forward. The story seems to have gotten barely any attention, though. Overshadowed by Austin Wolf I guess…

  11. pennzy

    Ah yes, another open secret that everyone knew about, as so many scramble to write their tweets of shock and surprise trying to distance themselves from the whole situation.

  12. Ruckus

    I know DeAngelo isn’t out here trying to perpetrate that he’s shy when I’ve seen him be blunt and rude with people.

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