1. gymjock

    Why do those guys look underage and malnourished? That’s not my cup of tea.

    • Ivan

      Most of them are approaching their 30s

    • McM.

      You know why! To scratch the urges of ephebophiles.

  2. NovaStar

    They both look like they’re in dire need of a cheeseburger. Not cute at all.

  3. Cherrystick

    Anyone who looks like they’re Austin Wolf approved is an instant NO for me. Sorry.

  4. Mark

    Even when I was twink aged I was never into them. Can we get back to the hot college jock types like in the glory days of Corbin Fisher, with Dawson, Aiden, Connor and Lucas?

  5. Pavel Ford

    You just know the camera crew could have given them a sandwich, Damn !

    • Cherrystick

      Hell with chips and a soda on the side. For dessert Twinkies for the Twinks.

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