Diesel Washington “So yeah.. I’m attracted to Trans men.. However as soon as I see vagina. The physical attraction stays. But the sexual attraction immediately diminishes upon knowing they are a Trans man. Because I’m gay and shallow… I need dick, not vagina I’m too much of a cock sucker.”
Jacob Diaz (aka Junior Fernandez) “There are only 2 genders embrace your gender you were born with and stop the deception #TransWomenAreConMen”
Baxxx “I’m going to be 35 in a few months.”
Tony Genius “I do wish studios would quit with the lie that “We have used you a lot this season” when I see other non exclusives being used every other week, being leads in movies over the exclusives! Y’all play favorites too much, getting too horny over talent, NOT PROFESSIONAL!”

The gays are disappearing I’m afraid, all this bi/pan BS is taking over, sad times
If we see the actors’ comments published here every week and what they write and if we take the current gay porn market, yes, unfortunately it is already like that.
Pride to be Gay is disappearing more and more.
Especially in the minds of many “queer agendas” that are behind the studios and the actors. Gayporn 2024 is already dead!
Usually I ignore you’re rants but on this you’re 100% correct, gays and lesbians did all the hard work in the dark years to be pushed aside by the pan/queer crowd
Can you and the others continue to ignore me with downvotes or twisted (lies) stories. I keep writing like this because it’s the truth (which is gay porn consumers and the gay community have been turning a blind eye to for years and ignoring the truth or trying to suppress it). But it now corresponds to be facts. And these are not rants.
Just take a compliment idiot
And you wonder why people vote you down even a meagre message of support leads to a hateful rant
I don’t know about taking over but they are making a mockery of being Gay. All the letters added to LGBQ are dizzying. The pronoun “thingy” seems more of a comedy routine than something I should take seriously.
I see they keep adding new genders daily. I don’t know if I should laugh or cry or create my own resistance movement.
I love being Gay or a homosexual. I love men. I love cock. I love their touch. I love their smell. I love
their smartness or their dumbness. I love skinny guys. I love muscle guys. I love different races.
Man, I just love men. I love feet. Really love clean, none smelly feet(🤣).
God bless men.
On the other hand if lots more men are fucking men, even in porn…how is this a bad thing?
THATS a tattoo Seth Peterson? I’ve had ingrown back hairs bigger than that. Give me a break.
And to think……once upon a time I was such a big fan of Griffin Barrows and his dick sucking skills.
Today……wanting to fuck mothers.
Oh, okay Diesel. I thought you were part of this recent tsunami of men in gay porn who are fucking vaginas and shouting to the heavens about how great it is.
Griffin is a tired tacky past his prime never was as big a star as he thought he was, clown.
And please, don’t pose for a selfie flexing, when you have racks of clothes drying in your kitchen. Garbage person.
Griffin has long been known for his lust for vaginas, dating back to his tumblr days, when he posted extensively on the subject, so really no surprise.
As for Diesel, I kind of expected that, those who shout the loudest are those who have something behind their ears. His constant emphasizing that he is a gay, who doesn’t want to look at vaginas was just an attempt to shout out his own nature. Maybe some internal biphobia. If he experimented as much as he claims, it’s hard to believe that he avoided vagina while playing with trans guys lol
Very easy to avoid vagina:
Cover with jockstrap and underwear.
Some Trans women have a penis
Fuck the hole that shit comes out not the one piss comes out.
It’s like fucking a guy with a chasity belt on or wearing a cage on his cock.
Or fucking a total bttm who doesn’t like his cock played with. All he wants to do is suck dick and get fucked.
Very easy to avoid vagina if u think about it.
Sigue siendo bisexual, maldito imbecil, tanta mierda que tiras sobre los bisexuales o gay for pay para contradecirte tu mismo 🖕
Gay porn stans have obsession over labelling bisexual guys in porn gay4pay/straight. Purely due to their “too good to be true” mentality.
Maybe the guys in porn in the ’80s and ’90s weren’t any better than they are today and were always complete idiots. But back then, there was no social media, so they couldn’t display their stupidity as openly as they can now. These days, with those idiots posting crap on Twitter all the time, they just piss you off, and you end up not wanting to see or know anything about them anymore.
Maybe So. BUT, I sure would love to see what Leo Ford, or Lance, Damien, or Joey Stefano could do with Onlyfans/Chatterbait….
Saw a old interview with joey Stefano on YouTube hot but a bucket of dumb so I agree with previous comment pretty much certain vintage porn stars were just as bad as today lot
Diesel Washington: I was very disappointed with what he said. For all the protesting he was doing about trans men in gay line, here he goes fucking them. That being said, he said he was experimenting with them & realized that not what he likes. Still, why go through all of that & you’re attracted to them? He’ll probably fuck one again too. People like him need to shut the fuck up. I’ve been a fan of his but my Respect meter has gone down a bit with him & this news.
Xavier Zane: He said nothing but the truth about America.
Markus Kage: STFU
Tristan Hunter: No truer words have been said than that. Sucking dick IS therapy & I can always use more of it! What about you guys? LOL.
Tony Genius: Twitter & porn have always been a mess but adding Elon Musk into the fray makes things worse so I’m not shocked by what Tony is saying.
What a week man smh lol
You can be physically attracted to a Trans guy, because they look like men. But not be sexually attracted to a Trans guy. Physical attraction and Sexual attraction two different things. And again..
We talking about 20yrs ago..
Yall mad I’m not a Gold star gay.
If Jacob Diaz thinks there are only two sexes, both clearly defined with no greys or blends, he needs to go take some biology lessons. There are two that are the most common, yes, but they’re not everything.
Griffin never had me fooled. I remember when everyone went insane for him after that clip of him sucking dick and getting sprayed. People were team him. He post it as his main clip on twitter. He was featured on Hulu and Netflix docs about sex work and OF stardom etc… When he started eating that trans pussy, it confirmed that he was nothing more than a bisexual man that was pulling the wool over the gays eyes. Now he’s getting comments on all his women related thinks that say things like “love seeing a gay boy experimenting” or “love your bisexual era”. It’s not an era. He’s always been this way.
Diesel trying to be the savior of the gays against this erasure push and dude you participated in the same thing. You were already fucking guys in and out of porn. You were engaging in anal sex and yet you’ve already stated that you’re attracted to trans men. You were engaging in anal sex with biological women and you’re still attracted to them. You’re not gay, you’re bi. Stop with the tomfoolery and stop trying to be the gays voice. You’re not. You’re as bad as all these “queer” porn stars you’re ragging on. The hypocrisy of it all reeks.
Omfg I experimented with Trans people 20yrs ago…
When I claimed to be Bi..
The statue of limitations has expired…
I realized a long time ago I was really gay and fooling myself. Geez christ..
I shout for gay pride because it was a long road to get here to accepting and living my truth.
And if u want to hold over me what I did 20yrs ago…
Go fuck yourself.
Now I haven’t said that you haven’t made keen points in your recent stance. I’ve commented many times on here and other places in support of you when people were calling you bitter and out of date reitree. I’ve been in support about you being spot on but you have to admit that you kept your trans and bisexual stuff secretive the whole time till someone did some digging to expose your bi/blowjob piss porn.
You have now given all those men that you’ve been calling out on regular basis, ammunition to use towards you. They’ll easily say “dude STFU” simply b/c you’ve done the same thing they’re actively doing. You have to admit that that’s hypocritical of you.
Sure, go fuck yourself is the response to me but the same thing will be thrown at you from both sides of the fence. The gays who thought you were one of us fighting against the homophobia when in fact you were initiating the same thing you claim to despise.
It’s also the same response many people like yourself use when backed in a corner. You yourself have already said that you’re attracted to trans men. You didn’t say used to or were.
Listen, it’s been 20 years ago but you were well into your adulthood and in the porn scene. You engaged in bisexual/ trans sex in porn and pvt. That’s gay right?!?
You may now sleep with biological men on a regular basis and that’s great but simply put you’re part of the bi-spectrum. Homosexual men aren’t even giving a nod towards anything with a woman or a vagina. From youth to adulthood we know from the very early beginnings.
You said the same thing yourself to other guys. The ones who are fucking FTMs and women. That they may say they’re gay but clearly they’re not. Your words precisely. You got called out by many and your response is to say “well now I can’t make anyone happy”. Well you know what if you would’ve been transparent in the beginning, the backlash wouldn’t be so deep.
As you have stated so many times when referring to your past and present fellow porn stars who are engaging in the same thing you did, stop calling yourself gay when in fact you’ve been one of the ones in the past pushing the queer narrative. Being bi is fine. We still have love for ya. You might just be strong towards one side of the bi spectrum and again that’s cool.
I’m not going to end saying what you said to me but I will say that you’ll never catch a break with those words. Good day to you Diesel.
Diesel Washington, you are absolutely gorgeous. Absolutely incredible. And you are also very funny. You always say the truth with with some built-in humor. Hugs and blessings, gorgeous gentleman!
I don’t know this “Griffin” actor, but this confirms once again that these guys have always been bi or g4p. Only the years of lies or insulting/homophobic statements in gay porn to their gays/consumers via social networks always remain the same.
Baxxx you sexy beast! You’ll be sexy ALWAYS 🤩