For the owners, directors and “screenwriters” at MEN/MG NOTHING! They are a Queer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid organization that only describes themselves on the Internet as the “best adult site in the world (LOL) in gay porn”, which they are not! They are like Trump or Elon Musk! Always do the opposite of what they claim to be. So that means that MEN/MG is a hypocritical lying club and so are the people who subscribe to it and claim to be GAY. I just feel sorry for Jack that he is so desperate and urgently needs a JOB and allows himself to be used by MEN/MG for their “idiotic comedy queer show”. Just like all the other performers who work for this organization! Very sad and very weak. The gays and the gay porn community no longer take them seriously at all.
“Pitiful on every level”
They were always already there in this level. Especially when they started “abusing” performers for their vagina/woman fuck scenes who self-identified as GAY and called it S4P (for example Trevor Brooks or Mateo Thomas). Just to realize their “queer women fantasies” in gay porn! They can’t fall any deeper and pitifully!
But MEN/MG still manages to up the ante EVERY month and continue their offensive idiotic porn comedy show of absurdities or internalized homophobia! So we can see the constant negative conversation or reaction on Blogs and the net and they are rejected by gays, but they still have their loyal, idiotic “FANS” and admirers from the “Queer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid” society/generation!
Jack Hunter has now shown us that he’s nothing any longer. He’s desperate as fuck at this point. He’s screwing more vaginas with FTMs, seeking to collab with women and now engaging in this type of buffoonery. Boy his career has taken a severe nose dive and it’s all his fault. He slid into pussy and never recovered.
Men knows the best way to make a mockery of us and our sexuality. It’s almost like they sit at the board table and say “okay fellas, how can we insult them next?”
He fits perfectly with MEN/MG. They need actors who are desperate and will do anything just to win money or a job. In doing so, they sell their sexuality and change it. Just like Trevor, Kyle, Mateo and many others have done!
And the sad thing is those guys at the board table know that gays will take whatever is thrown at them, that’s why they keep on doing these horrible films. If gays would stop subscribing to that cesspool of site, they would see that we won’t take their shit anymore and MAYBE they will get back to making actual & proper gay porn again. I won’t hold my breath.
Unfortunately, the subscribers or “fans” of this trash site can’t help themselves. They all belong to the “queer organization” or “generation”, they just don’t want to stand by it or say it honestly. If you confront them directly about it, they’ll all say “IÀM 100% “GAY”! But then comes the “BUT”! and then they say it and spin it in such a way that they brainwash people with it!
They are OPEN. They are TOLERANT. They are UNDERSTANDING. No haters or trolls! LOL! They are worse than ANYONE ELSE in the world! That`s exactly how it is! And no other way!
Really guys? honestly wonder if the gay audience still pays membership to for this weird sh*t.
I think they surpassed all levels of cringe with this.
Didn’t Jack Hunter have a GoFund Me page cause he was broke and said no studio wanted him etc?
Perhaps he was desperate and had no choice but to do this circus act.
Why would anyone pay for this type of “gay” porn? There are so many websites out there that post the videos for free. I sure would not pay good money to watch something like this and would not pay extra to be able to download the video either. Besides I used to like Jack Hunter until he started changing the type of sex he was doing. If he wants to go the straight way then he needs to leave the gay side of things including all social medias. If he goes the straight way with this he’s going to find that most females will not have sex with performers that were in gay porn and the men in str8 porn don’t even get paid that much way less than gay performers. He doesn’t deserve any sympathy at all if he has fallen on hard times its only his fault and now he needs to grow up and live with the consequences.
He’s choosing to stay in LA if he ends up on the street then it’s his fault for not wanting to find a real job and supporting himself. He’s not the only one this has happened to but others have actually gotten out of the porn industry and just went on with their lives. I don’t have any sympathy for him if he ends up on the street, it’s his own life and needs to live it. And stop spending everything you make on parties, drugs, and luxuries.
ANYTHING feminine/semi feminine coming at me in a sexual way is not coming w in 5 feet of me! P E R I O D !!! I dont understand str8/pan/bi guys loving to get pegged.
Good god! Normally I don’t comment on this stuff and just let it pass, hoping that things will change for the better in the future, but this scene is both too insulting and baffling to ignore.
MEN‘s decision to make the most off-putting, bizarro porn imaginable continues to elude me. They must clearly do this with some intent, otherwise they would be the most inept, confused production company on the planet (a distinct possibility). If the former is the case I really don‘t understand what their intention is. I think the most logical explanation is that they want to drive engagement, letting the rage of their critics fuel any publicity. Maybe a shared clip of this goes viral on twitter and will find its way to some as-of-yet ignorant soul that finds it interesting or meme-worthy (“not in front of my salad” style). Maybe they are not as calculated and just hope their stereotypical gay audience will snap their fingers screaming „yasss, queen“. Who knows? Their strategy to have more cross-gendered content, be it bisexual-, trans-, or sissy-boy scenes, with female extras (in non-sexual or sexual roles) or now drag queens, reeks of course of homophobia or at least pure ignorance. It seems to be dictated by clueless straight production heads in an effort to make it more mainstream. None of it is designed to make hotter porn. The question for me is, is it actually working or are they in a downward spiral? I at least haven’t heard much honest positive feedback and their videos are getting low viewership numbers, if you can believe the counter on their website. But then again, since OnlyFans’ rise every porn site is struggling and I’m not even sure a course correction would help MEN now. Is there really a quiet majority of viewers away from the porn blogs that enjoys this kind of content? If so, speak up I want to know!
I could be wrong but I thought I heard that MEN put out a survey sometime last year asking to see what their consumers wanted to see and their overall satisfaction with MEN. I think one of the questions asked something about what did they wanted to see more of coming from MEN with some of the choices being BDSM Scenes(like does), FTM scenes, Foot fetish scenes(like Myfriendsfeet does), CMNM/Suit scenes( like MenAtPlay does), etc….
What is gay porn coming to?
For the owners, directors and “screenwriters” at MEN/MG NOTHING! They are a Queer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid organization that only describes themselves on the Internet as the “best adult site in the world (LOL) in gay porn”, which they are not! They are like Trump or Elon Musk! Always do the opposite of what they claim to be. So that means that MEN/MG is a hypocritical lying club and so are the people who subscribe to it and claim to be GAY. I just feel sorry for Jack that he is so desperate and urgently needs a JOB and allows himself to be used by MEN/MG for their “idiotic comedy queer show”. Just like all the other performers who work for this organization! Very sad and very weak. The gays and the gay porn community no longer take them seriously at all.
I agree. This is almost as bad as the transmen and straight guys in porn.
Yet another example of how absolutely horrible gay porn has become. This is pitiful on every level.
“Pitiful on every level”
They were always already there in this level. Especially when they started “abusing” performers for their vagina/woman fuck scenes who self-identified as GAY and called it S4P (for example Trevor Brooks or Mateo Thomas). Just to realize their “queer women fantasies” in gay porn! They can’t fall any deeper and pitifully!
But MEN/MG still manages to up the ante EVERY month and continue their offensive idiotic porn comedy show of absurdities or internalized homophobia! So we can see the constant negative conversation or reaction on Blogs and the net and they are rejected by gays, but they still have their loyal, idiotic “FANS” and admirers from the “Queer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid” society/generation!
Well, MEN subscribers…….this is what you’re paying for.
And more validation as to why I am no longer interested in Jack Hunter’s output as a porn model.
Jack Hunter has now shown us that he’s nothing any longer. He’s desperate as fuck at this point. He’s screwing more vaginas with FTMs, seeking to collab with women and now engaging in this type of buffoonery. Boy his career has taken a severe nose dive and it’s all his fault. He slid into pussy and never recovered.
Men knows the best way to make a mockery of us and our sexuality. It’s almost like they sit at the board table and say “okay fellas, how can we insult them next?”
He fits perfectly with MEN/MG. They need actors who are desperate and will do anything just to win money or a job. In doing so, they sell their sexuality and change it. Just like Trevor, Kyle, Mateo and many others have done!
And the sad thing is those guys at the board table know that gays will take whatever is thrown at them, that’s why they keep on doing these horrible films. If gays would stop subscribing to that cesspool of site, they would see that we won’t take their shit anymore and MAYBE they will get back to making actual & proper gay porn again. I won’t hold my breath.
Unfortunately, the subscribers or “fans” of this trash site can’t help themselves. They all belong to the “queer organization” or “generation”, they just don’t want to stand by it or say it honestly. If you confront them directly about it, they’ll all say “IÀM 100% “GAY”! But then comes the “BUT”! and then they say it and spin it in such a way that they brainwash people with it!
They are OPEN. They are TOLERANT. They are UNDERSTANDING. No haters or trolls! LOL! They are worse than ANYONE ELSE in the world! That`s exactly how it is! And no other way!
Really guys? honestly wonder if the gay audience still pays membership to for this weird sh*t.
I think they surpassed all levels of cringe with this.
Didn’t Jack Hunter have a GoFund Me page cause he was broke and said no studio wanted him etc?
Perhaps he was desperate and had no choice but to do this circus act.
I kind of adore this, which is very representative of our diverse 2SLGBTQQIA+ community. However, sadly there’s no pussy.
To everyone else: Do not feed the troll.
It’s weird and niche, but at least they’re actual males with real dicks. Unlike FTMs, this actually falls under the scope of gay porn imo.
Does it, tho? Jack is presenting as a woman.
Yes, this falls under the basket of crossdressing/sissy/femboy fetishism. Two males having sex is gay regardless of their superficial presentation.
If other people tell theirself it long enough or allow theirself to be influenced by others (keyword: brainwashing!), then many others believe it too!
Send a nuclear bomb on this industry, please.
No need to bomb something which will already implode by itself.
Why would anyone pay for this type of “gay” porn? There are so many websites out there that post the videos for free. I sure would not pay good money to watch something like this and would not pay extra to be able to download the video either. Besides I used to like Jack Hunter until he started changing the type of sex he was doing. If he wants to go the straight way then he needs to leave the gay side of things including all social medias. If he goes the straight way with this he’s going to find that most females will not have sex with performers that were in gay porn and the men in str8 porn don’t even get paid that much way less than gay performers. He doesn’t deserve any sympathy at all if he has fallen on hard times its only his fault and now he needs to grow up and live with the consequences.
He’s choosing to stay in LA if he ends up on the street then it’s his fault for not wanting to find a real job and supporting himself. He’s not the only one this has happened to but others have actually gotten out of the porn industry and just went on with their lives. I don’t have any sympathy for him if he ends up on the street, it’s his own life and needs to live it. And stop spending everything you make on parties, drugs, and luxuries.
Why would anyone want to watch this inane production?
ANYTHING feminine/semi feminine coming at me in a sexual way is not coming w in 5 feet of me! P E R I O D !!! I dont understand str8/pan/bi guys loving to get pegged.
Looks like a nightmare. There’s nothing else to say that hasn’t already been said.
WOW – it’s unanimous. Everyone hates this. Do subscribers actually like this type of thing?
Not really unanimous – the commentators here are absolutely marginal in our community. A community that stands for inclusivity and loves pussy.
Again. Do not feed the troll.
MEN became a circus of horrors.
Good god! Normally I don’t comment on this stuff and just let it pass, hoping that things will change for the better in the future, but this scene is both too insulting and baffling to ignore.
MEN‘s decision to make the most off-putting, bizarro porn imaginable continues to elude me. They must clearly do this with some intent, otherwise they would be the most inept, confused production company on the planet (a distinct possibility). If the former is the case I really don‘t understand what their intention is. I think the most logical explanation is that they want to drive engagement, letting the rage of their critics fuel any publicity. Maybe a shared clip of this goes viral on twitter and will find its way to some as-of-yet ignorant soul that finds it interesting or meme-worthy (“not in front of my salad” style). Maybe they are not as calculated and just hope their stereotypical gay audience will snap their fingers screaming „yasss, queen“. Who knows? Their strategy to have more cross-gendered content, be it bisexual-, trans-, or sissy-boy scenes, with female extras (in non-sexual or sexual roles) or now drag queens, reeks of course of homophobia or at least pure ignorance. It seems to be dictated by clueless straight production heads in an effort to make it more mainstream. None of it is designed to make hotter porn. The question for me is, is it actually working or are they in a downward spiral? I at least haven’t heard much honest positive feedback and their videos are getting low viewership numbers, if you can believe the counter on their website. But then again, since OnlyFans’ rise every porn site is struggling and I’m not even sure a course correction would help MEN now. Is there really a quiet majority of viewers away from the porn blogs that enjoys this kind of content? If so, speak up I want to know!
I’m guessing that Jack was desperate for money.
I could be wrong but I thought I heard that MEN put out a survey sometime last year asking to see what their consumers wanted to see and their overall satisfaction with MEN. I think one of the questions asked something about what did they wanted to see more of coming from MEN with some of the choices being BDSM Scenes(like does), FTM scenes, Foot fetish scenes(like Myfriendsfeet does), CMNM/Suit scenes( like MenAtPlay does), etc….
I love it! Jack Hunter is an artist, full of talent, Keep your lashes up gorgeous