Men has five scenes listed under the female to male category.

Up next under the category is the debut scene of Chance Hart on the site.

Chance is known for his scenes at FTM Men. Mostly gay porn.
Men has five scenes listed under the female to male category.
Up next under the category is the debut scene of Chance Hart on the site.
Chance is known for his scenes at FTM Men.
One more freak show to add to the greatest freak show of all. It’s quite fitting, at least.
The most amusing thing about all of this is how this garbage is going to be out right after they announced two major corner cutting measures in two of their major gay porn studios.
That’s an interesting bit of timing right there.
Gross. This needs to be on its own FTM site, not on MEN. Pussy of any kind does NOT belong on ANY gay porn site. Period (no pun intended)!
I’m gay as fuck and really don’t mind.
Then take your gay ass over to those Trans sites and watch all of that shit over there.
It has never been the latest on their website and never will be. This “Queer Agenda Company” Continues Their Vagina and Inclusion Therapy in Gay Porn for their Customers!
Finally, we can enjoy some diversity, equity, and inclusion in gay porn – which means less dick and more pussy.
Be quiet.
Sage doesn’t really do it for me but seeing him fuck that mangina is hot
Be quiet.
ICK !!
Absolutely fucking disgusting!! Women need to stop trying to colonise men’s spaces
When we say that the gay community is not really inclusive people like you are the reason for that. You literally talk like those conservative radical Christians who still thinks being gay is a disease and as the truly peace of shit you are your transporting that same thinking on other people who are part of the community also misgendering them. I like dick but rather than discriminating people I just don’t watch it. It’s really that simple.
You can dress it up all you want, but a fish will never turn to beef.
I don’t see the problem here Chance Hart has a lot of fans. He is a masculine man with big clit and nice pussy. Also plenty of porn models like Michael Boston, Pierce Paris, Cole Connor, Ty Santana made videos with men. There are gay men we like trans men too.
You are retarded.
Trans men aren’t men, they are women. No matter how much T one takes she’ll always have a poon and XX chromosomes. Women don’t belong in gay porn and need to stop trying colonise spaces for gay men. Anyone that films with women, I block
You are straight. Or bi. Or queer. Or what ever. Like the names of the actors you mentioned. Just you not GAY and not stands for GAYporn!
Gross. Sage Roux has been tainted now.
There’s so much Transphobia in these comments which is extremely disheartening from our community.
I’m attracted to transmen but the vagina aspect is in essence a deal breaker for me. We can do other things though.
Trans men are men period. Therefore they should be included in gay porn. If it’s not for yoy. Don’t watch it. Simple.
I find fisting a major turn off but I don’t think they should ban fisting porn and not have it represented in a porn forum.
Y’all have a lot of misogyny and internalized homophobia to examine. We all do. But Y’all be throwing tantrums over the oddest things.
A trans man’s pussy is part of a man’s body. Make an effort and begin to appreciate pussy.
Need a tissue?
I really wouldn’t be that bothered by it. They’re old guys with old opinions. They won’t be part of the community for too much longer.
Baby you won’t even get to the old age
Not wanting to see vagina in gay porn is not transphobic but if someone sees it that way, then I don’t give a fuck cause i said what I said. I have not heard of transwomen being in lesbian porn and they’re women too so why do we need to reinvent the wheel and have this in our circles like this? It’s bullshit. They have their own segment in porn & it belongs over there, not over here. You wanna see it that badly, take your ass to those sites & view it there, not on MEN, that’s all there is to it.
Trans men are women! They’ll never be men, they don’t belong in spaces for gay men. Facts aren’t transphobic. It’s homophobic and grapey to continually push women and their poon on gay men. No matter how much T a pooner takes she’ll always be a woman
You claim that FtMs are men, but at the same time, state that the repulsion gay men have for them is rooted in misogyny!
Your worldview is a bunch of contradictions slapped on together with low quality scotch tape, barely holding itself together.
You claim to love FtMs, but at the same time has to go through multiple hoops in order to deal with the “vagina question”.
That’s precious!
This is either one of two things: you’re either blatantly lying in a patheic attempt to virtue signal or you’re so cucked as to force yourself to “like” FtMs in order to not be considered “teansphobic” by terminally online “activists” who couldn’t give less of a shit to you.
There are two genders and you cannot switch. Your virtue signalling shows you are sick amd twisted. Oh and accusing of misogyny proves you are just repeating buzz words. Byt yes, maybe some gays do hate women!!!!!!
I am pretty sure these FtM has gotten knocked up by these gay men on more than one occasion. They just don’t say anything about it. These FtM models are hellbent on running through every active gay porn model and give them “real pussy” Its like a fetish for them. Most gay models won’t say no because they fear retribution and being labeled a transphobe. And that’s bad for your reputation and business.
It’s too late to stop this, it’s a wrap. The community is infected. I come across quite a few gay men in real life asking to try FtM or had tried it.
The only pussy I want to see in Gay porn is the cat in the corner looking on in complete disinterest at two hot guys with cocks going at it.
Selling folks on the idea that you see this stud, you think “DAMN he fine” and the drops his drawers ans surprise there’s a PUSSY… Sorry, but that’s not my idea of something I’d EVER want to happen.
Adding… It’s like bitting into an apple and finding out it’s actually a Banana!