Not a good sign: Collaboration of Men and Sean Cody

According to XBiz on X, the upcoming series, The Bath House, is a collaboration of Men and Sean Cody.

This is one way of saving on production costs. Collaborate with another site that you own. It’s one scene for two sites for the price of one.

Were the models paid twice?


  1. logogay

    Another good or bad sign???? No MEN/Sean Cody from MG are run by a straight porn and queer organization that wants to uphold the female quota in gay porn and wants to be inclusive because otherwise it could seem discriminatory (ridiculous). While one studio (MEN) has developed into a queer studio and has massive scenes of poor quality every week and further developed into comedy scenes with women, the other studio (SC) slowly die out. No more new faces, no more good scenes and no more good quality gay porn that used to be gay porn! What they still has to offer GAYS is bitter, bad and just disappointing! GAYporn is simply at the END!

  2. NovaStar

    2 terrible sites coming together as 1. What can go wrong right? 🤷🏽‍♂️

  3. Rich

    “The Bath House”, not a surprise as SC can’t leave the gym area anymore…

  4. IDK

    It’s almost like MG doesn’t give a flying fuck about their gay porn studios or something.

    These kinds of corner cutting measures aren’t anything new either: their blatant reuse of sets and even whole scenes is already well documented. This is just a continuation of an already existing trend.

    I won’t be surprised at all if they announce some sort of inner restructuring of their sites in the near future.

  5. Alex

    Hopefully the shutdown of both studios is in the near future.

  6. a

    they are basically two divisions of a parent company so it is not a collab, it is just sharing models and filming locations..

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