Bruce Beckham on fan site collaborations “I have a type, so if it’s not a match, it’s only because I want to make organic content that’s super hot to me.”
David Benjamin “Not bad for a 50 year old! Ok, 49 but whose counting.”
Brody Bauer “Knowing your #STD status isn’t just about your health—it’s about respect for your partners and yourself. Regular testing is key to staying safe and informed. Take control of your sexual health.”
Then and now on Markus Kage

Timothy Champagne “This video is also on my YouTube which I would love your support on (yes, you!)”

Michael Vente “Reminiscing over the amazing sex I had last night. 6’4 tall & 9 inch dick, came deep inside me and didn’t even care to let me finish… got me feral & leaking cum all day today.”

My god… Just when I thought these tweets couldn’t get any more inept, here we are.. I mean seriously every single one is a cry for attention, an HR incident waiting to happen, or a cautionary tale.
Btw Markus Kage, very tacky 😒
Did “masculine” Jason finally get lipo?
No but he did cause Jesse Jackman and his bf Levi to break up recently after both showed up in interviews on his YouTube channels..
And here I was thinking Jackman and Dirk Caber were still going.
Scratch my concern – just found out Jesse Jackman is a Trumper.
Well, either that or gender reassignment….
It almost felt that Timothy directed that towards Ace Carter, yeah towards all the creeps for sure but like a dig to ace.
Back story for those who dont know: Tim and Ace filmed a lot together. My understanding is Ace wanted more but Timothy was not into their friendship/collaborator-ship. Tim left their situation. Recently Ace content created extremely controversial stuff where a step dad fucked his step son (spikey dee, not under aged) who appears very underaged. It was controversial enuf aces OFs acct got closed by of (eventually it got reinstated but considering the situation re: austin wolf it was super controversial. Anyway some of TCs commentary almost seems directed at ace, just my opinion
@Cliff Jensen – what’s a tittle?
A portmanteau of “little titties”?
This is a very underwhelming week in the gay porn world of tweets but I’ll say this:
1. Jeremiah Cruze comes off as a creep to me
2. Markus Kage is corny
3. I’m right there with Sean Harding, I want to go to the DNC too lol.
I think everybody here agrees Markus Kage is weird/corny/tacky. To me, he’s scary. He has a bad vibe, very heavy energy.
I’m glad you said that because I feel the exact same way. His vibe has always been off to me from the moment I saw him. He comes off as someone who is a taker and even an abuser. He is a narcissist through & through. I wish he would leave gay porn already because he takes the energy down tremendously with his presence. He’s another example of why gay porn needs to do better than what it’s doing now.
Seems like a sad bunch of people this week.
Bruce B. – I’m so over that guy. I’ve met him once and thought he was so high on himself.
Timothy C. – while some good points, I have to laugh that he think he has seen it all and been though it all because he has been in the industry for a few years. Plus, not into G4P guys. Also, how many videos does he have with Ace. I guess it is ok to film with him if it make Timmy money.
Micheal J. – pay your own bills!
Greyson – nice to hear someone that knows his worth. Work for folks that treat you well or also be your own boss…. options.
Jacob – education is important, you might want to take that hint.
David B. – yum, you look sexy regardless of age!
Gay4Pay and how to get paid for being (Blah, URGH) “Gay”. A “Documentary” (air-quotes intentional) by Adam Jacob Ranski.
Its funny how some posters here keep calling openely bisexual men “gay4pay” just because their idea of bi man is just closeted gay man so when there is some masculine bisexual man who prefers women he is straight.
When all the evidence points out that most are bisexual.
I mean, most of them act exacly like g4ps, so the distinction is nothing more than a formality at this point.
Both demographics are pretty loud about the fact gay sex is so painful to them and how much they prefer to be with women.
This is pretty much their default setting.
No- the difference between them and gay4payers (that were always very rare) is that the former are turned on by men and hookup with them off set.
I know in your worldview bisexuality doesn’t exist or if you are about to accept one claimed bisexual he must be very queer acting, effeminate, with woke mentality etc. Sorry but no- most bisexual men are masculine and straight passing in real life…As in porn. They outnumber gays several times.
I can’t help but laught at your baseless assumptions.
It’s kind of precious, really, as you failed to adress any of the points I brought up in order to argue with a poorly made strawman of them.
Your two first points are kind of moot: I never denied the existence of bi men nor suggested they should act in x or y way. This is a thing you made up in your head.
My problem is with how many of those bi men you white knight for feel ever so confortable with disparaging their gay audience, you know, the ones who pay for their shit.
They may or may not have gay sex in their lives outside of porn, but the words that come up of their mouths are no different from the ones of a homophobic g4p.
If the gay porn industry was a serious one, shit like this wouldn’t be accepted nor tolerated.
So, Markus really does look on the outside, what he is on the inside.
He has “Sergeant Miles” Vibes! It started that way for him too! I can see Markus with one leg in prison or a psychiatric ward in the future!
He apparently made that one ex girlfriend’s life a MISERY. He tortured her far afar, with abusive messages, contacting her family, stalking her online…
I think he did it to more than one, but one in particular, he was dating, engaged to, then refused to let get away.
The man has a scary side and not just in his politics and ugly hateful Tweets.
I always ask myself when such messages from so-called “porn stars” (LOL) like Jay Tee, Jeremiah Cruze, Sage Roux, Cliff Jensen, Roman Todd or Michael Vente publish what are they really trying to achieve? Lack of attention? That this will shock others? That they are proving what kind of sexual spectrum they are in other than “GAY”? Do they even speak to and for gays anymore? No idea! It’s the eternal mystery in the (gay) porn business that will probably never be solved. The main thing is to write something and hope that it gets published here or on another blog!
We can see that Markus Kage has very big mental problems! And he looks like a Nazi or one of those radicals who stormed and terrorized the Capitol back in America years ago. He has some “Sergeant Miles” vibes to me!
As for Thimothy Champagne and his predators and pedos in (GAY) porn: take a look at STRAIGHTPORN! These people and studios who work there are no better. Always complaining about gay porn, how shit it all is and what kind of scum is supposedly there all the time, these statements are starting to get annoying. If you (Thimothy) have such problems working in (GAY) porn or it’s all so bad then get out of the porn business altogether or get into straight porn instead of continuing to work for a “sexual orientation” and then just being “negative” about it and over and over tell “negativ” about them!
Thank you Denz for this releases.
He already started to flirt with some performers on the straight side of the industry recently, even going as far as to release straight content, so you may get your wish sooner than you think.
These guys seem trapped in hamster wheels of their own making
One thing I notice about the homosexuals here is their hate for BISEXUAL MEN. They dismiss every man who has fucked a woman off camera Gay for Pay. Do these homosexuals know Michael Boston a slightly effeminate guy has fucked FTM? Cole Connor has fucked FTM on his only fans. No one would say Michael Boston & Cole Connor are straight. The homosexuals think sexuality is black & white. They ignore the fact porn models job is to SELL the FANTASY. They are getting mad at men who do a good job. If a porn model doesn’t make homophobic comments why are they so angry? They need to just understand porn is fantasy not real life.
You are really trying to embarrass yourself every time, aren’t you? Condragulations, you are the winner of this week’s challenge again.
You seem to imply people are throwing parades at Michael Boston and Cole Connor for fucking FtMs while condemning bi/g4ps, even though this is as far away from reality as it can get.
And the funniest thing at all is that you’re pretty out of the loop about the guys you cited here: while Michael Boston self-ids as gay, Cole Connor doesn’t. He, by his own words, identifies as “fluid”, not gay.
Michael Boston himsef seems to not hold his adventures into vagina land in high regard: as far as I know, he didn’t even share the scene in his own social media or OF. The revelation of the existence of said scene was also quite a PR disaster for him, to the point of even his brother butting in. If he was legit embarrassed by it or preventively damage controlling, I leave for the reader to decide.
Another thing you’re pretty out of the loop about is in regards to the many homophobic comments made by bi men in this industry, with the most common being the utter disregard for their gay audiences and gay sex itself, with their constant “I feel nothing from gay sex” and “it pains me to do it” bullshit combined with “women are so much better”.
This shit is disrespectful as hell and not even scratching the surface of the many incidents involving them.
And you know what is the most ironic things about this? When self-id gay men go on to do bi, straight and trans scenes, they express a clear and loud reverence for what they’re doing, none of this “I feel nothing” or “it pains me to do it” bullshit. Drew Dixon did it, Rocco Steele did it, Adrian Hart did it, and so on.
Quite a double standart, right?
And unfortunately, these people will never fully fuck off to the straight part of the industry, because even though they claim again and again to hate gay sex, they know pretty well no one would give a shit to them if they did so. They only have a spec of relevance in the porn industry because they do gay porn, because one can sell bad gay sex as long as there’s “straight” or “straight-adjacent” bullshit on it.
Michael Boston fucked FTM on three separate occasions IIRC. He didn’t just try it, he likes it.
Well, his reaction to his first set of FtM content was preemptive damage control after all.
That’s nice to know.
Did he even try to hide the deed on this other two occasions, like he did before?
Adrian Hart too?
Well, there goes another one for the trash pile.
I don’t know what you’re trying to do with this post but it’s not working at all. Bless your heart.
So you share a screen shot of Markus Kage but don’t mention he is doing the Nazi call in the video????
This man hasn’t don’t gay porn in a minute, just recycles old videos, says transphobic and homophobic things and the only people who love his stuff are gay guys who need therapy. But by all means, continue promoting him.
Markus Kage — wtf happened to you? You used to be so hot!!
BROCK BANKS/KYLE DENTON: They are telling something very important. Mental health. Kyle Denton experienced a very stressful situation recently, with someone telling lies about him. He must certainly be an unhappy and bitter person to make other people’s lives hell. Maybe he’s envious of Kyle´s beauty.
CORY KANE: Beautiful and polite.
KEVIE ROMANI: Happy to see she is well. I think it’s beautiful that she shares her happiness. I would never hate someone simply for existing and trying to be happy.
GREYSON LANE: Cute and simple.
ROMAN TODD: He has become more human in the last two years. Unfortunately, he has suffered painful losses and this seems to have made him a more aware and sensitive person to the problems of others. I did not sense any falseness in his post, just a sincere desire to help.
BRODY BAUER: Absolutely correct.
TIMOTHY CHAMPAGNE: Gorgeous and talking about serious issues.
MARKUS KAGE: He seems like a very difficult person to live with. Why is he always so angry? Very negative energy. He should take a long-term Anger Management course. I think it would be very useful for him; he would gain quality of life. But he seems to be a narcissist, and narcissists rarely admit their faults. They live in constant denial.