Bisexuals: Enzo Muller, Cliff (CF), and Adam X Lee

Enzo Muller showed his versatility with his threesome at Men (via Why Not Bi) and Falcon Studios.

Cliff was introduced by Corbin Fisher via his scene as the top to Tony. It was followed by his bisexual scene with Chris at Bi College Fucks.

Adam X Lee is the latest straight guy at Bait Buddies. He first had gay scenes released at Sketchy Sex and Bait Bus. His straight scene was released last month by See Him Fuck.


  1. logogay

    Real Gays have no interest in such gaybaiter/crossover workers in gay porn! I put such actors on the blacklist because they are not convincing as gay porn actors and give bad performances! NO to such actors!

    • sdsr

      I don’t agree – some are excellent performers in gay scenes (and, if they really are bi, why shouldn’t they be?). Corbinfisher’s Chris, for instance, who’s in the scene above, is presumably bi (unless he’s gay and faking it) but one of the most enthusiastic bottoms in the business, and an enthusiastic cum-gobbler to boot. Straight performers are more likely to be unconvincing. (Some gay performers aren’t convincing in front of a camera for that matter.)

      • IDK

        I would agree with you… if we were still on the 2000s, that is.

        At that time, tops sucking dick or engaging with the bodies of their scene partners wasn’t taboo yet, so much so, that even guys like Zeb Atlas (who was the very definition of a “total top” at the time) did it frequently.

        Now what do we have? Even the self-id gay men of the industry don’t want to suck dick or bottom anymore. It’s all about jackhammering it in the most boring way possible. No wonder most of those seem to love FtMs: no dick to suck!

        This shit is so pervasive that many performers of old followed on this path: Austin Pedo (who used to bottom and suck dick on RB) and (bafflingly) freaking Johnny Rapid (who bottomed for more than 100 men in the old days) tried to reinvent themseves as “total tops”.

        If I wanted to watch his shit, I would just go and watch straight porn.

        • logogay

          If these actors were all TRULY bi they would make better gay porn than if they were constantly fucking vaginas. I know that exists and it’s OK. There are lots of actors who were really good porn actors in gay porn but were also openly bisexual. There’s nothing wrong with that. But queer beginners like that, gaybaiters who are new or are just filming in gay porn and give bad performances the whole time and then film several scenes for the straight porn industry and you can see that they’re better there, it’s frustrating for a gay man who likes watching gay porn.
          These are facts. No wonder gay porn studios are so poorly attended or have subscribers cancel if they always use the wrong actors instead of using actors who really love what they do (namely sex) with men! And so we’ve been going around in circles for years because nothing changes and these queer/bi/straight/pan/fluid agenda studios or actors are used again and again and more and more often than actors who are really gay or even studios that produce these vagina porn on their sites. And as for the G4P guys like Malik Delgaty who don’t do anything with a man (blowjob, rimming, kissing) or the pseudo gays like Derek, Trevor and many others, I don’t even want to start discussing or talking from the beginning.

  2. Magnus

    I would love to see a bi scene where the guys do what they really want to do… put a sock in her mouth to shut her up. Unlike in straight porn, it’s not about you bitch.

  3. R47

    I am a gay man. To me, queer is a slur. Why must gay me put up with women Or transsexuals in our pot. You don’t see Brazzers or any other straight site having to see man parts in their porn. So completely wrong and unfair.

    And I don’t really want to see posts which call me out for believing ant anything. I’m not. I just would rather not have to see them, just alas I don’t think straight guys would rather no see penis or anal sex between 2 guys

      • IDK

        And you’re pornstar white knight.

        Nobody is perfect.

    • IDK

      The frustration you’re expressing is warranted and a very real problem in the current gay porn industry.

      We are talking about a industry those mission should be the promotion and celebration of gay sexuality, but what we’re seeing is anything but it.

      The studios are way more concerned with paying lip service to a supposed “sexual fluidity” and accommodating the grievances of straight-leaning bi men and g4ps, which is the expected, considering most of the ones behind the camera (and in front of it) aren’t gay not capable of grasping what gay audiences want.

    • NCBored

      Re: ” You don’t see Brazzers or any other straight site having to see man parts in their porn.”
      How can you have straight porn without cocks?

      We’re all free to watch what we like and NOT watch what we don’t, and I don’t see the point of anyone criticizing or trying to dictate what you “should” watch.

  4. McM.

    I’m put off when Iza Elle/Raph North movies show up at Falcon. There’s always something lacking. They produce scenes for Men bring all the Canadian performers so used to giving bland performances the directors barely eek out more energy for “serious” work. Worse are the straight and supposedly “bi” men who refuse to suck a dick – I cannot stand that. It shows they don’t like other men’s bodies and overshadows what may have been a good fuck scene.

    Enzo Muller and the other guys gave as much in the scene as they do at Aylo/Men; good enough. The direction and camera work; good enough. Good enough isn’t up to the standard I expect from FalconGroup.

  5. Nick

    As a 100% gay man, I feel insulted by this joke that is this ridiculous fluidity agenda. How can someone say is queer if he doesn´t suck a penis? This is an insult to the intelligence of gays. And worse are the deluded gays who believe this nonsense. They should study more History of the Gay Rights Movements. As for these people, I have zero interest in them.

    • pornlover

      “I have zero interest in them.”

      Okay then don’t watch their porn. Watch something else. No one is forcing you to do anything. Cry more lol

      • IDK

        We would, if the studios didn’t insist in shoving them in our faces every single update, that is.

        Also, these performers don’t give the slightest shit about you or your white knighting of them. They only see dollar signs, even the ones who claim the contrary.

        And the funniest thing is you, of all people, telling people to “cry more”: the guy who can’t stand anyone criticizing his pet pornstars!

        That’s funny!

        • pornlover

          ” shoving them in our faces every single update, that is.”

          These are scenes on websites that are all BISEXUAL porn scenes! What do you mean they are “shoving them in your face” every update? Why are you on the bi porn sites to begin with?!

          Are you fucking insane?

          • Umambdz

            Bitch, just because CF has sperated their Str8 and Bi content to their own sites, doesn’t mean this applied to on

            You’re such an asshole who keep playing white knight although none of them wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about you.

            Quit criticize while most of this case still happening, you dumbass.

    • George

      There was a guy who sorta went viral about coming out as queer. He was asked if he had ever had a relationship with a man or been intimate with a man to which he said no. He was also asked if he ever would have a relationship with a man to which he said no and that he doesn’t ever see himself having a relationship with a man. Remember Hollywood actors like Andrew Garfield and Darren Criss going on about either being a gay man just without the physical act or about how they were culturally queer.

      • logogay

        That describes the “queer” community and generation exactly. Wanting to call yourself that, putting a stamp or logo on yourself (or others), but not BEING it! Without sex, without experience and without intimacy/honesty!
        And a “Modern Conversion Therapy”!
        That is exactly what this “agenda” describes, at the top of which are studios like MEN or Adult Time and others for gay porn (LOL)!

      • Matt

        ¿Who’s that guy? ¿Who are you tal king about?

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