Spikey Dee was shared by Johnny Ford, Trevor Brooks, and Shadow at Say Uncle.

Kosta Viking was double penetrated by Charlie Cherry and Nico Zetta at Lucas Entertainment.

Arno Antino was fucked by the shirtless Ryan Bones at Icon Male.

The bigger Filou Fitt was the top to Ro Reyes at Men.

Speaking of Filou Fitt, did Malik Delgaty outshine all the studio scenes this week with his fan content with Filou? [h/t C.A.]

Say Uncle – Johnny Ford, Trevor Brooks, and Shadow all fucking each other would have been a better scene. Even with how it was filmed.
Lucas Entertainment – Like it or not, the studio specializes in gay men having sex. Hot sex. It produces the type of content everyone else here pretends doesn’t exist.
Icon Male – It was made by one of the Canadian studios that films for BroNetwork or Men. Nothing special.
Men – Far better that Filou Fitt ended up there than other porn studios. Let him thrive there, and remain there.
Apart from LE, I personally don’t care about any other scenes or actors. At least LE shoots good gay sex where the men do everything to each other and the quality is well-made GAYporn. I won’t say anything about the other actors and studios, I’ve already said too much about it and it doesn’t make any sense anyway because neither of these studios or actors will improve or change. And the biggest joke and insult is for “me” that Malik has finally decided (probably through a lot of money) after YEARS of the “G4P Situation” to take a cock in his mouth to prove something to himself and everyone else! I would rather he just do what he has done so far (namenly nothing with Guys) or finally disappear from the gay industry and finally leave us gays alone. Just like all the other “G4Pèrs” are doing at the moment.
You are not happy with anything. Neither situation is a win one on behalf of Malik.
I am a fan of Malik (the most gorgeous guy in porn nowadays) sucking or not sucking a cock.
Malik is actually puting a penis in his mouth. Sacre bleu !
It’s interesting how people are praising Malik for doing the bare minimum expected of a gay porn performer.
It just goes to show how standards have dropped in recent years.
Even then, he only sucked dick and worshipped Filou’s body because the latter is also another self-id straight men who only tops, so there’s that. At least this shows he has some level of self-awareness to not expect his customers to pay for a snooze fest in which the he and his co-performer just stare at nothing while jerking off.
I guess this at least counts for something.
William Seed…Paging William Seed., It’s time to suck some cock on camera!
Malik is far more exciting to watch than say Tim Kruger, Rocco Steel or Cade Maddox, supposedly gay guys who are even more limited in their performances. When was the last time we saw any of them sucking cocks or taking it up the ass? The fact that Malik sucks cock quite well and enthusiastically and then gets a facial is more than many other gay performers who flinch or are seemingly repulsed by cum.
Spiky taking three dicks gives me hope he might actually like gay sex.
Kosta Viking is a huge, massive stud/slut and we love that.
No idea about the other couple.
Be quiet.
Eww are we really still supporting Spikey?!?! He’s still just grossed me out. All I can think of is him and dinosaur sheets all the while acting like a little boy getting fucked by his dad before school. He reeks of ick.
As for Malik and his highlight of mediocrity… that’s all it is, mediocrity. I’m not praising him for doing the least.
The only positive I can get out and lord knows I thought I would never utter these words but here we go. Lucas Entertainment is the winner here and has been producing some good content lately. Damn that left a bitter taste.
So…….basically all of it’s a steaming pile of shit except for Lucas Ent.
Malik is so aggressively dull and unsexy, even when doing something that is basic in gay porn. Such trash.
Truth be told, Malik does a pretty good job of giving head! Not sure if this is the first time he’s had a dick in his mouth. And finishes with a load across his face and swallows, gotta give the guy an “A” for effort!
I also think that Malik gave a good blow job. I like his work. To all the guys who don’t like his gay4pay stuff: Why do you watch it?