X: Lucy Hart “I’m working on a book of poems about my hooking experience.”


Sophia Locke “NEW scene!! I was proud of my friend @DerekKageXXX for winning SO many awards…but none of that mattered when he was at my mercy.”

Michael Jackman “I’m having a bad day….someone make it better and buy me lunch.”

@CreamyGorilla aka Matt Mason (2020) of Gay Hoopla

Reply from Michael Boston to Dom King “You’re amazing! They’re just jealous.”


  1. AndThenTheresMaude

    So with that comment , it seems Colby is back peddling on his ” I won’t do any more dad/ son porn” that he renounced about a month and a half ago. Quelle surprise 🙄

    It must be cutting into his bottom
    line profit wise since his other stuff is all niche porn.

    Also, he’s looking more and more like that guy from RoboCop that says ” I’ll buy that for a dollar”, except with Colby it would be “I’ll fuck that for a dollar” 🤣

    • IDK

      Now that the Austin Pedo incident is already only a tiny speck in the annals of the porn world, it seems Colby is very willing to come back to his old ways.

      And, as always, nothing was learned.

  2. Akerus

    I LOVE this section, Denz! Thanks for compiling all these tweets!

    I’m shocked that Girth Brooks still thinks he’s relevant. He was insanely boring over ten years ago, and now I doubt anyone but a tiny minority would care about him – newer men who are better looking (and in many cases, equally bad as performers) have appeared in the interim. Sorry, but no.

    The Gay-to-Straight conversion crowd are incredibly tiresome. Derek, Griffin Barrows, Cole Connor, Tim Kruger, Rocco Steele, Jake Nikola, Vince Parker, Cain Marko and a long etcetera, have this bizarre need to constantly tell us how wonderful sex with females is, or how desperate they are to get some. Well, thanks for sharing – now fade into obscurity like Colby Jansen, and stop being a nuisance.

    Speaking about conversion therapy, Dom King and Michael Boston think that people are envious of their obsession with heterosexual intercourse? God, talk about self-delusion.

    Oh, and talking about self-delusion, Davin Strong has managed to come out of his drug-induced daze for long enough to babble about spirituality AGAIN! At least this time his lame, incoherent self-help platitudes aren’t peppered with blatant homophobia, but it’s insane to see how tattoos and mental illness are closely related.

    And speaking of mental illness, Cliff Jensen is one of those people who are driven by a constant need to create drama and conflicts everywhere they go. Good Lord, go to therapy and stop making a mess out of every single situation, mate!

    • Jsmithy

      Jake Nicola too?
      What did he do and when?

      • Akerus

        Jake Nicola lost his gold star, according to both his “husband” Vince Parker and himself, somewhere around 2022. Go to LPSG and you’ll find the thread in which bisexual guys fetishize gay-to-straight conversion, where one of the members uploaded the tweets in which Jake and Vince were bragging about it. The posts are from April 16, 2022.

  3. NovaStar

    This week this week smh lmao

    Girth Brooks: sounds like all kinds of “yuck” right there. And he’s so lame anyway. Ugh

    Jeremiah Cruze: what’s the problem he’s talking about?

    Sophia Locke & Derek Kage: they are both gross as fuck. The earth needs to swallow them up whole, especially Derek’s sorry ass

    Cory Kane: i hope the transition to college life ends up being a good thing for him.

    Colby Jansen: ok pedophile/wanna be pedophile. I miss the dude who liked fucking men and not boys.

    Brock Lee Reynolds & Michael Jackman: they need to go and get their asses a job. I’m not getting these fools no shoes or a sandwich. Fuck outta here with that shit lolol

    Dom King & Michael Boston:
    1. I didn’t need to know if Dom gets off to straight porn
    2. There’s nothing to be jealous of regarding Dom. They both need to go sit down somewhere with the bullshit

    Angel Rivera: he used to be so cool but now he’s one creepy & arrogant motherfucker & it’s not cool or sexy one bit. Things changed once he started fucking then broads . It’s been bad and never the same since and it sucks cause most of his film were good. Oh well

    Another great thread about how bad things are in gay porn. Until next Sunday! Lol

    • baz

      Girth Brooks is still trying to be a thing? What year does he think this is?

      Colby, your statements mean nothing to an industry that has long since left you behind due to your own choices.

      And it seems the trash attract each other. No one is jealous of Dom King and I don’t care about anything Michael Boston has to say.

      Chlamydia Cliff is a narcissistic asshole and no amount of “woe is me” tweets will change that.

      Angel Rivera can go the hell back to VaginaVille too.

  4. Reg

    Ah, so no men huh, Girth? Absolutely everyone else though.

    Derek is as big a joke as ever I see and getting “funnier” each day.

    I’d like to know who is telling Cliff that exactly, but there is a difference body dysmorphia and being a narcissist.

    Colby…you really should apologize.

    Davin, I feel sorry for those whales having to be subjected to your dreams.

    In which case Dom, you’re not a gay man. Gay men don’t fantasize about having sex with women…period. You’re bisexual and by keep proclaiming to be black and white GAY, you’re making it a lot harder for genuinely gay people. You’re basically saying, “You just haven’t met the right woman yet” and gay men are then forced to defend themselves, “I’m gay. You’re a woman, I don’t fancy you” and get branded a bigot. “Dom King’s gay and he fancies women, so why don’t you? It’s just you, because gay men fantasize about having sex with women!”

    He is so fucking out of line.

  5. Bastian

    “I fantasize about being the bimbo with the balloon tits…”
    That’s a pretty strange fantasy for someone who’s strictly top. Also his interactions (incl likes when they were public) with women on Twitter suggest he’s more interested in them than he admits.
    Anyone want to bet we’ll see Dom in a scene with a woman or at least ftm very soon?

  6. NovaStar

    This thread reminds me of why gay porn is in such a bad place. I long for the day when we have gay performers who are actually gay again. Gay performers who don’t fantasize about fucking women or anything feminine. I know that we will never escape having bisexual men in gay porn, but those who are exclusively gay, can y’all just remain gay? That’s all I want. Guys that actually love the ENTIRE male body and don’t ignore any part of it just because they’re top or willingly have a body part be ignored because they are bottom. But the problem is it doesn’t seem like it’s going to change anytime soon. 2025 is around the corner and seems like each year that passes, things get worse and worse in gay porn and I’m afraid of where we’re gonna be a year from now. We deserve so much better than what we’re getting and I don’t know what it’s gonna take for things to change, but things are in desperate need to changing. I just had to vent cause I’m tired y’all. I’m so tired of mediocrity being passed off as being sexy & these tweets remind me of the mediocrity. It’s gotta stop.

    • IDK

      Dom King sure does fit the bill: he’s another one of these “total tops” that are overpopulating gay porn these days. For his credit, he at least sucks a dick once in a while, but only predominantly on studio content, as on OF, he seems to rarely do so.

      I wouldn’t be surprised at all of he made the switch at any moment now.

      • NovaStar

        I’m waiting for it to happen. It sucks to expect a gay performer that you like to go and betray you & his audience. That is not how things should be going but here we are in 2024. It’s pathetic.

  7. Cherrystick

    If you have to keep announcing your “homosexuality” and defend it by saying you’re attracted to the realm of heterosexual porn and sex then you obviously aren’t catching the memo. Dom and Michael both are dealing with the same problem. They’re falling out the favor of the gays and they’re panicking.

    Dom and Michael have both engaged in vaginal sex themselves with biological women. Dom calls himself a “former str8” and Michael tried his best to hide his foray in pussy land till it was called out and then had his little twin bro try to defend his choices with him. He then engages in WNB and films another pussy engaging scene. This happens when your porn status is deteriorating. Pander to the bisexuals and str8s.

    They both need to take several seats, reserve one for Derek Kage and another for Angel Rivera. Then sit the fuck down. You’re not gay, you’re bi with a preference for men. Enjoy being on the bisexual spectrum and stop trying to bank of homosexuality.

    This isn’t a knock on bisexuals, this is a smack against these “gay” porn dud dudes using the gay label while clearing promoting anything but gay. I don’t know where this push is coming from but it clearly is another small step in pushing fluidity over homosexuality. I’m growing sick and tired of all of this.

    As for the rest of these people featured…

    I’m for one am not excited about Girth’s return. It’s going to be filled with women, trans and very limited twink content. That’s a true pass for me.

  8. Pavel Ford

    Damn… These Entitled assholes just keep begging for free stuff. BUY ME shoes, BUY ME lunch (that is not the first second or third time Mike Jackman wanted free food)
    Join the rest of the world and work a REAL JOB – you can then buy anything you want if you live smart.
    Cliff Jensen – yeah we get it. You are a real catch nowadays…said absolutely NOBODY !
    Angel Rivera – Still trying to rekindle that blazing 4 alarm fire that ONCE WAS his career. Sorry pimp, its just a smoldering burnt pile of oatmeal on the stovetop now. Its Over.

  9. Nick

    Jeremiah Cruze: Absolutely correct.
    Sophia Locke: Derek Kage’s mask is slipping. He says he’s too gay. Locke’s comment says otherwise.
    Lucy Hart, Cliff Jensen, Colby Jansen, Girth Brooks: No. Just no.
    Greyson Myles: Best Post. Informative, useful, used his visibility to help the gay community. 10 out of 10 for him. Applause!
    Lobo Carreira: I believe in him. I hope he gets treatment. He can seek help at Pineapple Support.
    Dom King: A little bit arrogant. Michael Boston: Sweet, he always tries to lift his colleagues up. He doesn’t deserve hate. I’ve seen him campaigning for prevention like Greyson Myles, in addition to other campaigns for the gay community. When a certain actor whose name I won’t mention for ethical reasons was depressed, I sought help from about 15 to 30 other pornstars. Most of them didn’t even respond to me. Boston not only responded, but he helped, and he didn’t go on social media to pose as “good boy” to gain social validation. He helped discreetly and disinterestedly. I know because I saw it with my own eyes.
    Angel Rivera: Very narcissistic. Go back to your vaginas! Weren’t you fighting and being rude to your fans because of them? Let them pay you now! You deserve to be totally ostracized by gays.

  10. JR

    All I can muster to any of these is
    Michael Boston- nobody asked for your irrelevant opinion. Nobody is jealous of Dom King or anything about him. Take a seat on your flabby out of shape pale ass with the rest of the clowns where you belong.

  11. logogay

    It was only a matter of time before Dom King jumped on the “vagina bandwagon” and started talking and writing shit. Just like Derek, Angel and many others here in their posts! When he first filmed a scene for LE, Dom gave an interview to Michael Lucas in which he clearly stated that he was heterosexual at the beginning and had a girlfriend. He only jumped on the “gay bandwagon” later. So it was completely clear to me from the start that he was also lying about his “alleged homosexuality” and I had written about him at the time that he would fuck women. I was treated with a lot of hate and dislikes at the time because all the stupid “queens” here thought Dom was absolutely GAY! Now all his “defenders/fans” are getting their comeuppance! I hope he fucks a lot of vaginas soon! So that it will be even more painful for those who defended him. Bye Bye Dom…..

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