Jeffrey Lloyd “Don’t forget to follow me on my NEW personal Instagram account @kriklavam.”
Dane Jaxson “I’ve been stepping up my gym routine lately 🙂 I want to gain some weight.”

Aiden Garcia “The books are super limited because they’re my first draft and sort of experimental for something bigger.”

Seth Rose of Gay Hoopla

Hopefully this will mean much less of Baxxx in porn.
I could be very wrong but I thought somewhere it was being claimed that Johnny Donovan was bisexual and not gay.
He did a threesome with a cis and trans woman at trans angels.
So he’s “gay”. Like Arad Winwin, Kyle Fletcher, Derick Cage etc etc etc…
Stop using “cis”, it’s stupid.
Alex are you a cis male?
Be quiet.
I don’t want to sleep with transmen or cis women: but that doesn’t mean I have to be a transphobic c*nt about it.
You’re a cunt regardless.
Jsmithly, you would be if you actually had a clue about what was going on.
I don’t want to sleep with transmen or cis women: but that doesn’t mean I have to be a transphobic c*nt about it.
Johnny Donovan confirmed himself that he was bisexual in a tweet years ago. Hope he didn’t decide to change up the story.
At least he married a man
Oh, the next thing it’ll be a polygamous marriage that includes a woman and then…urgh.
True. That’s why I’ll never have a relationship with bisexual men, period.
He claimed bisexual but I guess saying gay is better shock value.
He’s scum why? Why do you care what he does?
Liars are scum. Got a problem with that, retard?
Okay so you’re scum. Got it!
You’re a goddamn fucking asshole.
Riley Mitchel – I’m not a fan but i don’t wish all of that upon him. I hope he’s recovering from his accident
Christian Wilde – ugh. He’s no one worth submitting to at all.
Rocco Steele – he can stay in Bangkok & never come back with his wack & lame ass.
Baxxx – looks like another lame & boring bisexual in our circles that needs to be banished away from our planet.
Roman Todd – very good question. Two losers in the same jail, why not link up.
Axel Kane – I wish that loser would stop doing gay porn. He is the worst of the worst and he needs to be gone already.
Roxas – another bore & a snore. Ugh
Xavier Zane – too bad his work doesn’t put a smile on my face. Crap
Danny Wyatt – he’s looking good there. I dig him.
Ryder Flynn – that sucks with him & Twitter. Twitter has really fallen apart since Elon Musk took over and this is another example of that. And i refuse to call it “X”.
Diesel Washington – once again speaking the truth. I’m not trying to watch Queer Porn, I’m trying to watch Gay Porn. The shit that MEN & other websites are doing by putting all this trans stuff in Gay Porn is highly offensive & they need to be stopped.
Spikey Dee – what a creep Jesus Christ. Another one that needs to stop doing Gay Porn.
Seth Rose – he needs to be fried up for being the asshole trying to hurt us gay folks. He’s also another example of why this Gay4Pay shit needs to end NOW. They use us for our money only to turn around and want us destroyed. Stop supporting the enemy or the enemy will kill you. It’s your choice.
Johnny Donovan has a look of Justin Timberlake to me he is very cute with a great dick and the scenes i have seen him in are hot
And Danny Wyatt orderly queue that guy is perfection …
The only news that is good and positive comes from Cooper and Trey, Aiden Garcia, Daddy Diesel, Jeffrey Lloyd, Christian Wilde. The rest is still sad garbage and a mixture of pure narcissism, dependency, self-denial and homophobia. Have I forgotten something?
You are mentally ill. Get a fucking life.
Hi, homophobe. Take your bi tears somewhere else.
LOL i’ve never even had the desire to be with a woman in my entire life.
I just think you obsessed nutjobs need to focus your energy on other things. What pornstars do in their personal life seem to trigger some VERY unstable emotions from you people. It’s concerning.
You desire vagina, bi boy.
So now you’re trying to convince people to desire vagina?
And your username is literally “Homophobe”. Thanks for confessing!
Cry more, you fucking incel fuckwad.
“Very unstable emotions”?
That’s rich, specially coming from you.
Now, for your question: we care because these motherfuckers actively chose to become public persons, with a public presence.
What you’re calling “personal lives” here aren’t “personal” at all, because if that was the case, they wouldn’t plaster it all over on social media.
In the case of Johnny Donovan, the guy is giving a public interview on a public platform. He chose to identify publicly as gay, painting himself as a openly gay icon in gay porn, even though no one forced him too, and also chose to have sex with women on-screen, also publicly.
People have the right to confront him over the incongruence between how he chose to portray himself publicly and his equally public actions.
If he acted like the pornstars of old, with no media presence beyond his porn work, then all of this wouldn’t be an issue. The “personal life” you speak of would remain personal.
But no: pornstars today want to be influencers, activists, lifestyle coaches, all of that shit while having to deal with zero accountability!
It’s the good and old pornstar paradox: they want to be recognized like mainstream actors are, but without having to deal with the obligations that comes with it.
One can’t have their cake and eat it too!
I love how your argument is if a porn actor has social media = they don’t have a personal life? Like what?
People can do what they want and have sex with whom they want. Sorry that triggers you! Cry more, incel!
No wonder you never respond my comments: you’re pretty shit at it.
You’re either arguing in bad faith, or you’re a moron. There’s no in-between with you.
My point was so simple even an illiterate, 12 year old could understand: in the moment you publish something on social media, that thing is not personal anyomore.
A person loses all the right to whine about not having their privacy respected when they post every single thing they do on social media.
These performers present themselves as public persons, as in, they use their social media to promote their carrers, get business connections and interact with their fans. None of this shit is personal.
The same is applied to who they fuck: they’re (pardon the pun) fucking pornstars! They base their whole public identity on the people they have sex with!
As with the ones who publish every single detail of their lives online, their sex lives are also not private anymore in the moment they choose to publish said sex lives on social media.
Now please, use your brain for something more than white knight for pornstars por once!
“publish something on social media, that thing is not personal anyomore.”
Except it is. I’m not saying you don’t have the right to comment on it. But that is still THEIR sex life. It doesn’t involve you whatsoever.
You STILL haven’t answered my question. Why does it make you so angry? Someone’s sex life is their own – THEY get to make those choices.
Do you have reading comprehension issues? Go touch grass and pick up a book.
No, it’s not.
When you post something publicly, that thing is public.
If you shit on the city square, what you’re doing is public. The principle here is the same.
By your logic, if someone had sex with a dead roadkill on a public venue and posted said video on social media, no one would have the right to criticize them, because “it’s still THEIR (lol capslock) sex life”.
As for your question: no my dear, I’m not mad at Johnny or any other performer. In fact, most of these things are like white noise to me.
I do not expect anything from pornstars, specially gay pornstars, since most of them are social alpinists who don’t give a shit about their costumers.
Also, the whole “go read a book” thing from you comes out as a complete hollow statement.
You should be the one taking our own advice.
I don’t need to get involved in a discussion or reaction to this “Queer/Bi/Straight/Pan/Fluid” Guy @pornlover anymore, because it’s always the same reaction from him or from homophobic studios or actors who do all this “vagina crap” repeatedly film and produce in gay porn or to do perpetrator/victim reversal and to call all people who defend gay porn as haters or liars! It is he who lies all the time that he is gay and not bi or “queer”, because he has NEVER shown any reaction other than always being on the side of this “queer agenda”, which is also in this blog is up to mischief and continues to try to deny gays their right to criticism or reactions! That’s the only thing such people can and do over and over again!
You’re the one who spends most of your time here being outraged by people criticizing performers.
If anything, the one who should be “getting a life” here is you.
And your second question could be as easily thrown back at you: why you care so much about what people here think or don’t think about performers who don’t give a crap about you or don’t even know who you are?
I already directed this question at you once or twice before, and all I got was radio silence. The reason of that is obvious: you don’t have a response and admitting to your blatant white knighting would make you look quite pathetic.
Now please, do us all a favor and quit your whining and histrionic hissy fits.
Most of my time? I visit this site maybe once every few weeks. I don’t make it a weekly ritual to hate on pornstars that literally have no effect on my life hahah.
You must be confusing me with someone else on here.
“why you care so much about what people here think or don’t think about performers who don’t give a crap about you or don’t even know who you are?”
Because I genuinely want to understand why some of you think you can tell others how they identify in their personal life? Some of you on here act like YOU OWN these people. It’s disturbing!
You’re a bitter because we’re not reciting the ‘queer’ talking points like a bunch of muppets.
Go eat some vagina.
No thanks. I’m into dick
But YOU sure like to talk about vagina a lot!
You’re projecting very hard. Sorry you’re probably some old fat incel who’s only chance with any of the men on this site is if you pay them hourly.
You ain’t only into dick. It’s obvious based on your reaction and responses. How much FTM have you beat off to, Mr. Bi Boy?
An actual gay man would have no issue calling these guys out.
Okay you truly are deranged. You’re obsessed with other people’s sexual preferences. It’s not normal.
Psychopath school shooter vibes. You are a sick fuck.
Dodged the question. Shocker.
And people are free to fuck any sex/gender they want, and we’re free to point out that they’re not gay for it.
Oh no! People critiquing the actions of public persons! The horror!
Cry me a river!
You call people pathethic while spending your time whining about any criticism directed at your pet pornstars. This is your default setting.
Why would any pornstar need to hire a PR company when they have you, who do it for free?
That’s what I calo dedication!
You are pathetic dude. All of these comments are exactly the same every week. The author of this blog searches for tweets about transgender people to rile all of you psycho incels up and increase engagement. Rinse and repeat.
“Critiquing the actions” You STILL don’t get it lol. It’s actually hilarious at this point.
I don’t know what country you reside in, but here in the US (where most of these pornstars are based) it’s legal to have sex with males or females. It doesn’t harm anyone and it’s time for you to accept that.
Or you can keep crying about it. Pop a blood vessel for all I care. XOXO
I mean, I believe Mr. Pornstar Defense Force shouldn’t be the one to call anyone “pathetic”, but that’s just me.
If you don’t like the comments on the posts of this blog, or the posts themseves, then what are you doing here?! You’re just wasting everyone’s time with your whining and white knighting.
You try to sound so cool while just repeating a bunch of buzzwords like a parrot: “incel”, “virgin”, “cry moar”.
Again: is rich to see someone so invested in defending the honor of pornstars who don’t give a shit about them to telling others to “cry more”.
You’re the one here crying.
You’re always crying.
In the moment someone criticizes your selected group of pornstars, you go completely ballistic! This is not normal!
There’s several comments on this very blog of you doing this, that are… public! Everyone can see what I mean.
This comments section is so toxic.
So with the one who type.
My God, the grift with Riley Mitchell never ends. His go fund me last year for $50k for new teeth since his dentist “messed up”…..turned out to be total meth mouth. Now he is telling some tale about breaking his glasses and not being able to see his phone or find his way back to his hotel?? Is he suddenly totally blind without his glasses like Velma from Scooby Doo?? And his anxiety about asking for help? Sure doesn’t seem to have any anxiety working in Ptown and dancing on a box all summer.
Oh, and if his eyesight is so terrible, how’s he managing to post on social media.
He’s as bad as Cole Conner and Jack Mackenroth. The lies.