Age verification: Club Amateur USA and Bad Puppy

Gay Hoopla was the first porn site I’ve visited that asked for an age verification. It’s now just a warning pop-up. You just wait for a second or two for the site to refresh, and it will show you their main page. It’s not the case for Club Amateur USA and Bad Puppy.

The age verification only works if you’re using a US-based IP address (including a VPN).


  1. McM.

    I hope these verification companies and databases aren’t US based. It’ll be harder for trump’s administration to subpoena records when the project 2025 plan to criminalize porn is enacted.

    • IDK

      It could be argued that such kinds of puritan conservatives are the ones who got the most to worry about if any information on this topic gets leaked.

      Yes, I’m including Orange Man himself on this. He’s a known sex pest, everyone knows that and his winking history probably has some, let’s say, “spicy” things on it.

      Even though such types love to pretend to be clean of all “degeneracy”, when it’s all said and done, they tend to be the most degenerate of all. All of the conservative politicians and religious grifters who got exposed on the Ashley Madison leak are living proof of that.

      • McM.

        America has a solid history of selectively enforcing laws to the detriment of one demographic or another. While heterosexuals should be just as worried, the plan to criminalize porn – charing producers and performers as sex offenders and placing consumers in a registry – starts with targeting sexual minorities like us. It can only gain traction if it first punishes the “other people”. Removing anti-discrimination protections based on sexuality makes it easier from a legal standpoint. Laws against sodomy will prevent us from speaking out against this and more.

        Heterosexuals will be fine for a long while. Well, not the women. They helped fuck themselves over along with the rest of us.

  2. Bruiser

    The new USA regime’s Project 25 made it clear their goal is to recriminalize pornography. All these rabid Trumper gay porn actors are in for a rude awaking. Votes have consequences fellas.

    • C.A.

      Exactly! It’s funny they didn’t start with the Bible Belt first, they are slowly ecroaching on people’s rights. If the pornstars think it won’t affect them they are idiots. I remember months ago a OF page i followed had me blocked , while sending me sub offers. When I contacted them, they said the partner had family in NC and that’s why I was blocked.

      Also, If they think people are going to buy VPN’s to visit these sites are sorely mistaken.

  3. IDK

    No one learned a thing after that whole Ashley Madison scandal. No joke.

    I see this as nothing more than an extension of the Big Brother bullshit going on in the US ever since 9/11, but with a “think of the children!” twist.

    Because, as we all know, bullshit like this won’t totally allow for the creation of huge databases containing people’s wanking habits for use and abuse of both private companies and governments alike. Not at all!

    Even if we assume both governments and private companies won’t abuse this, there’s also the issue of data breaches, and we all know how far and deep those can go. Again, just ask the people who got exposed on the Ashley Madison hack, or even on the Louisiana Driver’s Licence data breach, about this.

    Speaking of Louisiana: on their age verification legislation, they proposed the use of their digital Driver’s Licence app as a way to validate one’s age… the same one whose database got hacked less than a year ago, as previously stated.

    When are those fools gonna learn that the best way to avoid such incidents is to not have a database on sensible information at all?!

    • MDindon

      It’s definitely begun in Louisiana. I visited New Orleans last month and many of my fave online adult sites were blocked or demanded verification. So bizarre to face that puritanism while enjoying the “good times roll” city. As soon as I returned to my blue state, everything was smooth sailing — for now.

  4. logogay

    Let the “cleanse” begin in America!

  5. Alias74Reviews

    Had to do it for JustForFans. The text was incredibly snarky.

    “We had to do this because….state legislators in Virginia…”

    Trump’s Christian Nationalist bent means they may bring back tougher enforcement of 2259 statutes subsections and recordkeeping.

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