Last September, SantanaXXL won Performer of the Year at the Urban Awards.

His second scene in gay porn is the latest update at Men. Mostly gay porn.
Last September, SantanaXXL won Performer of the Year at the Urban Awards.
His second scene in gay porn is the latest update at Men.
I guess if str8 porn can have “plumper pass” (overweight women getting fucked by super hot guys like Preston Parker, etc); gay porn can have its overweight PS’s. I wouldnt want to ever shame him other than its unhealthy to be severely obese. Best wishes to him of course.
u sound stupid he’s a award winning pornstar
Hon, I don’t care. You’re obese and you’re using that status as a scapegoat to gather sympathy, coins and popularity while at the same avoid any responsibility about your health. Some hoes deserve shaming.
This Bloated short dicked “porn star” is one bad weekend of drive throughs and pizza orders from making it on the MY 1000 Lb. brother show. Doctor Younan Nowzaradan aka – Doctor Now would have a field day with this weak willed gas bag.
LOOK….. From the beginning of time there has always been this rule.
– Some people are cut out for certain jobs, others are not. – A Dwarf will never be a great basketball player or play in the NBA. A super skinny weak person will never compete and win a weight lifting contest. A one armed person will never compete and win a medal for swimming. This guy “Santana” should never be a PORN STAR. There is a reason most porn stars who last and make tons of money are fit, at least somewhat attractive, and have stamina. This Overinflated Beach Ball of a person is NONE of That.
Sorry. Anybody ( and I am sure there will be some ) who wants to tell me I am an asshole for speaking the truth and being unkind, your in denial and know you are full of shit. I bet nobody gets hard and jacks off to this guy. I’ve asked 10 people I know, the score was -zero-
that’s actually not true Santana XXL has been a pornstar for almost 10years now and has won porn awards
For context, I equally dislike and hate the ghastly, withered walking corpses like spikey “gonorrhea” dee
I just spent some minutes of my life to check what those “Urban X Awards” were all about and… I’m not surprised they nominated him. In fact, it’s pretty on-brand.
Their whole goal is to be inclusive in their nominations, not to reflect some kind of “popular appeal”. It’s no wonder the organizers themselves gave the awards the title of “all inclusive”, which is pretty self-explanatory.
In all, I really don’t care.
This is clearly not targeted at gay porn consumers. It’s just a shallow exercise on virtue signaling and should be treated as such.
Whoa! That’s a lot of categories in the Urban X Awards.
I mean, within his niche I imagine he does very well. He doesn’t need to branch out or do mainstream porn. Something for everyone
So much pearl clutching going on here. If he’s done it for ten years and obviously fills some kind of niche, then good luck to him, I suppose. It aint my jam, but I not going down the road of ‘know your place’ which posters seem to be saying here.
It’s not as if he’s taken your job, or anything. Some think porn has some kind of must be adhered to meritocracy, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whether we agree with them or not. Good luck big boy!
Apparently he’s been working in gay porn for so long. But I’ve never looked at it! There are several reasons for this. Firstly, I just don’t find him attractive or sexy (for my sexual fantasy/imagination), he’s just not my type. Secondly, he works for MEN. I don’t subscribe to this “Queer” studio, so what happened! Anyway, I think they’re just using the poor Santana for their own purposes, to appear in public and among people as a diverse, tolerant and people-friendly studio and to get promo for positive feedback. But in reality they put him in ridiculous scenes where they make fun of him and his body and then call it comedy or fantasy! That’s what MEN is like in reality! They only use women and men with other body shapes for their purposes, not to appear diverse or female-friendly! I mean, if you look closely, they have been insulting their biggest customers for years, which they (supposedly) still have: namely the GAY community! But they call it funny, comedy, acting! Fuck yourself MEN! And everyone who stands behind you! You’re all no better if you support a studio like this, which in reality only exploits people and insults the people for whom they (supposedly) make porn. Namely GAYS! And last but not least to the people out there who keep screaming that it’s ONLY porn, it’s ONLY a business, it’s ONLY fantasy and they’re all ONLY doing their job : Fuck theirselves the most!
You are so right!!!!!!
There are so many ridiculous scenes in MG/Aylo branches except VOYR and Sean Cody.
They actually mocking this poor guy instead of making him fame. So sad.
Wait a minute, MG now owns VOYR?!
If you visit VOYR website and you scroll down to the below page, it has Aylo license. But the site probably managed by someone else outside of the US bcz the office is in Brazil.
You’re right. It is now also part of this “company”. That’s why they’re now slowly introducing vaginas into their GAYporn on VOYR. Of course, at the beginning only by “supposed” men, but later women and bisex will definitely be added. This company has bought into GAYporn and is now slowly but surely introducing more and more women and vaginas month after month in order to destroy GAYporn from the inside out. And they manipulate and influence the understanding and tolerance of the GAY community and GAY subscribers/customers not to defend themselves or express criticism, otherwise we will immediately be seen as an Hater, Agitator, Troll or intolerant towards to the “queer” community! So that they can continue to undermine and destroy GAYporn. I mean, if we look at the nominations for the GAYporn Awards currently viewed again, we see once again which company/studio is the most nominated or which “crossover actors” nomminated work for this company. There is also the Best “VAGINA Scene” (BI SEX SCENE) category in GAYporn again where WNB is the most nominated! That says it all. GAYporn and GAY Award Shows are now firmly in the hands of the “Straight/Queer Agenda” and are financed and manipulated by them!
They were always a heterosexual based porn company. They’re just doing what they know sells. IT used to be G4P models and female guest appearances, but over time they saw how most gay men didn’t gate keep and allowed them to keep pushing the envelope. Now it’s quite a mess, and they can’t just go away because they are a conglomerate.
That’s one boring motherfucker. I saw his stuff on my Twitter page and I told him his content was boring because he was the only one sucking dick and he needed the dudes he was sucking to suck on his dick. That fat bitch blocked me. Now I’m seeing that they’re allowing this lowlife into the mainstream and awarding him for being mediocre. I am all for diversity, including people of all sizes, but one thing that doesn’t change no matter what color and what size you are is the attitude and this dude’s attitude is rotten. I will never support anything this rat does. Fuck him.
It’s just as well that he’s on MEN because that’s where all the toxic waste goes, so he fits in there perfectly.
if he blocked your ass its because you did something to him so what did you do ?
I Love SantanaXXL
Fat acceptance is both gross and crazy AF and that’s from someone who was morbidly obese. Confidence is one thing delusion is another
I really can’t stand the recent emergence of people who treat their self-inflicted obesity like an immutable, oppressed identity that they need to be defensive about. They often use stupid terms like “fatphobia” in the same breath as homophobia. 🙄 They’re utterly ridiculous and insufferable, and it’s no surprise that they move in the same circles as the radical TQ “everyone and everything is VaLiD™” types.
You all are such horrible bitter queens. The type that would gladly give money to the gay baiters on OF with crap content with no effort instead of supporting fellow queer creators. Look at yourself in the mirror please. If you’re supporting deplorable straight creators with half assed content, you have no right to speak on Santana.
Santana earned his status.
The only thing he’s earning are pounds and a one way ticket to the graveyard if he keeps this up.
Not my type at all. But Best wishes for him. He has sucked beautiful cocks more than I can imagine.
Your autism is showing
Gross. Celebrating obesity instead of addressing it for the medical issue that it is is why it continues to be an epidemic.
Yuck what’s this new fetish of fat black men in gay porn This guy is GROSS!! 🤮🤮🤮
He’s so DEMURE !
Oh, y’all really tried it in these comments, huh? Let me set the record straight about SantanaXXL because clearly, some of y’all need a reality check.”
First of all, y’all coming for his size? Be serious. Santana isn’t just a performer; he’s a movement. While you’re in these comments with your Wi-Fi struggle opinions, Santana is out here breaking barriers and getting to the bag. Ten years in the game, and STILL the highest-ranked Black plus-size gay performer in the industry. Not to mention working with top studios like and getting nominated for 13 awards, winning two. Did y’all catch that? TWO. Where’s your trophy? Oh, that’s right—there isn’t one.
And let’s not forget, his debut made waves. It wasn’t just a scene; it was a statement. Now he’s back with Gobble That Cock Part 2, starring alongside heavy hitters like Trevor Brooks and Shadow. Meanwhile, y’all sitting on your futons with your free trials, mad because Santana is out here living the life you wish you could touch.
The charisma? Unmatched. The presence? Unstoppable. The success? Well-documented. Santana is out here redefining what it means to be a performer in this industry, showing up as his full unapologetic self, and inspiring a whole wave of people who actually matter.
So keep hating from the comments while he stays booked, busy, and unbothered. The funny part? Every time you talk about him, he wins. Stay mad, because SantanaXXL is laughing all the way to the bank. Now, respectfully, log off and touch some grass. Bye. 💅🏽