Grok is now available for free to all users of X. Let’s ask Grok about all things gay porn.

Is Grok 100% reliable? The top to bottom scene of Adam Bryant at Men was released in 2015.

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You guys are so damn right…
If those prediction is real, then gay porn industry will officially become a QUEER porn, especially MEN/Aylo, HimErosTV & Adulttime. I wonder which studio that will catch up next.
This is totally frightening and I’m so disappointed that gay porn in America will become like this.
Will this impacting on gay community too if they watch gay porn that turns into queer porn? Will they turns into bi spectrum? Denz, what’s your thought?
It’s a business. It will go in the direction where it’s most profitable.
Oh, how will I miss seeing 2 American gay men in action.
Sex between two biological men will actually become a niche in the sea of queer porn
It’s seems like Queer porn is your thing. Yeah just for you, but not me. You can watch those Trans/Bi for yourself. Keep it, but not me. Yikes!
??? It seems that you didn’t understand my comment. Add ‘sadly or unfortunately’ at the beginning to make it clear
@Bastian oh sorry, it just queer porn that you mentioned isn’t really my thing. If it’s your thing, it’s fine, I don’t judge. I’m gay, and always horny seeing 2 American gay men in action.
Queer porn has its place, not in gay porn.
Porn is SUPPOSED to be fun, entertaining and educational. You either like what’s on the screen or not. If you don’t like it, move on to the next. Yes, it’s that simple.
Most gay guys do not like watching “queer porn”. It is mostly a rare fetiche within the gay community. Comments AGAINST “queer porn” have more likes than dislikes over here if you pay attention.
Where do you get the idea that it is profitable? Maybe only because it attracts a wider range of audience. However it alienates the one it’s intended to.
For the most part it’s been shoven down our throats.
Here’s the thing: if we go by previous track record, “queer porn” isn’t as profitable as one would think, while being mostly rejected by audiences.
Even on the amateur circles, it isn’t exacly well accepted.
Case in point:
– Why no Bi, MG/Aylo’s vault of bisexual content they love to plaster all over is basically a zombie at this point, so much so, that it went completely outsource in the not-so-distant past, while having pretty few updates in the present. Most care little about it.
– FTM content on is also pretty sporadic, not being very hot with audiences either. MG/Aylo taking out a whole promotional campaign about “pussy on” pretty hastily off the air speaks a lot about this.
– HimErosTV: does everyone care about Davey Wavey’s little cavalcade of pretentiousness? Every single production of this studio gives the “I really wanted to make actual erotic movies, but I’m not willing to put the effort to do it” impression perfectly. Also, his video about “pussy eating for gay men” was a compete wer fart, so much so, everyone was laughing at him in the comments.
– Modern Day Sins: one of the most silent wet farts in the history of humanity. If you want the definitive proof this “queer pansexual porn” won’t go anywhere, this is it. I mean, this is so much the case, I bet most of the readers here even forgot this thing existed or was ever a thing until now.
Most of this push isn’t based on actual market trends, but on studios and creators trying to pointlessly virtue signaling. If they don’t quit with this shit, the paying subscribers, the ones who matter the most, will simply leave them.
In the OF scene this is already happening, as our boy Jack Hunter proves and the current trent of self-id gay performers pointlessly trying to hide the straight content they make in the back shows.
You forgot CF who have also been releasing their “straight obsessed obsessive” porn (coed) for years just because of their (supposedly) bisexual or straight fans! Just because they’ve now separated it all at once and are able to subscribe to all three sites independently doesn’t mean that consumers or people won’t notice or don’t know/check it anymore! CF still does a lot of bi/straight porn with performers who are new and have never appeared on their gay site (although some performers have been on other gay sites/studios and filmed gay porn). CF is also a manipulator and tries to fool people and to play their GAY consumers for fools. Most of them just don’t notice it or don’t want to know it!
One of those 3 sites will inevitably go under sooner or later like @IDK said on CF standalone post, the subscribers know exactly what they want. I hope it’s not gonna be the gay one.
Grok missed the bottoming debuts of Malik on MEN,
As I have always said since I wrote here, unfortunately this is what happens! That is inevitable. What? Not because the consumers/subscribers or fans of GAYporn want or demand it that way, but because the people behind it (Owners/advisors and purchased companies with shares that are all straight and straight porn companies), who are pulling the strings WANT it that way. They post fake survey values or publish fake comments from (supposedly) queer people in GAYporn blogs, GAYporn studios and in GAYporn in general just to “prove” that there are enough people out there who “supposedly” want it that way! This is called MANIPULATION/INFLUENCING people. They talk it into their heads, like a brainwashing algorithm!
If they convince people enough of it and act as if the majority wants it, then at some point they will accept it and no longer defend themselves against it! That’s exactly how it works! Most people who are (still) GAY and consume GAYporn just don’t notice it or aren’t interested in it.
I mean, if we look and observe the algorithm on MEN, for example how individual scenes are judged in percentage terms based on the supposed “like” of a scene, everything quickly becomes clear. Their ratings of scenes with women/vaginas or scenes from the boring G4Payer or scenes where fat, old, or different actors appear (because MEN is supposedly so incredibly inclusive or tolerant) are always rated very high! Just so that they have an (alleged reason) to continue with it. But is that really the case? Is it real? Who can verify or believe that? Is it all a fake or wild fantasy/exaggeration when we say something like that or notice it? Consumers will still be surprised this year. I predicted it.
Luckily it’s not quite as dramatic as I say because outside of America there is also GAY porn, even very well produced, without vaginas and women! And the “private account” (OF or RAWFUCKCLUB) of individual men is also predominantly or mainly GAY, otherwise they would immediately lose consumers/subscribers and go bankrupt!
We (GAYS and GAYporn) still have a lot to look forward to in 2025! Unfortunately only negative!
Get a job challenge. Go touch grass.
Get a life you! go touch grass.
Individual performers who are making this push are having it hard and are suffering the FAFO. A true example of this is Drew Dixon who never recovered from his str8 frolicking and now after loosing mass fanfare, he’s packed up and left the porn world. A massive amount do the guys who do FTM porn never recover their once thriving careers. Michael Boston has fallen off and there is a legion of them who are hiding their str8 sex.
The true blokes to me are ones like Timothy Champagne, Derek Kage and Dom King. Who make such asinine statements about sexuality and yet want to cloak and bank off the homosexual label despite engaging in anything outside of homosexuality. They’re the ones who perpetuate this push more than ever.
The question for me is why??? Is it truly worth it? Are you feeling that FOMO that you’re willing to jeopardize your careers? I see that it’s the attitudes towards the gays that help fund their careers after they shoot this str8/bi/trans work which is the determining factors of the careers tanking. The ones that have that “yeah I did it and fuck you” stance are the ones who really tank. That’s cool though because honey after I see these guys tip toe through the vagina tulips, I unfollow, unsubscribe and block. Cause one thing is for sure, they love the publicity whether it’s positive or negative. They’ll even say that in their posts and replies.
Porn is a business but at the end of the day, part of that business is profit and if you’re screwing your main clientele over by engaging in nonsense, it may not happen immediately but your days or going to be numbered.
It seems like you know exactly the OF creators that hiding straight/bi sex. It’s not a surprise that ppl like Derek kage, Cole Connor, Timothy and Dom are doing it.
How about Drew Valentino, Bruce Jones, Greg Dixxon, Brody Meyer, Jay Mathew, Justin The Jock, DeepDick, Thomas Long, Brody Fox, Colton Reece, Lydian Grey, and Rocky Unleashed? Anything I should know if one of that I mentioned doing str8/bi side?
Now we all know that GAYS like Griffin Barrows, Cole Connor, Michael Boston, Alex Kof, Logan Aarons, Rocco Steele and Rheiym has been messing around with FTM or with woman, and yet they keep claiming they’re gay. It’s totally disgusting and maddening at the same time. I will never understand why being gay isn’t enough for them.
I mean, those weren’t even the first ones to destroy their own carrers over the years over this shit, or does anyone still remembers who the likes Adrian Hart or Riley Mitchel even are at this point?
Ironically enough, these kinds of stunts only assue they lose their relevance even faster than they otherwise would.
But our little boy Timothy Champagne sure is an interesting case. Oh boy!
Some time ago, he uploaded an entire rant about “biphobia” on his Instagram account, whining about how “the gays” just couldn’t accept his bisexuality, accusing him of being a baiter and “g4p”, while spamming his replies with vomiting emotes every time he did a scene with women.
How “evil” and “intolerant” the gays are, imarite?
Except, our little “erotic entrepreneur” here has omitted some key important details in his little rant:
For one, he’s being called a “baiter” recently due to trying to pass his dry humping scenes with Zane Walker, a pal of his from the straight porn world who is another pathological baiter, as a legit “bottoming debut”. He did this multiple times, by the way, even though anyone with over 2 braincells could see that shit was fake.
How embarassing.
Also, his few straight scenes were a complete and total failure, something which he apparently got very salty over, because, as most of us know, most of these self-id bi/straight creators would rather shoot with women than with men, with many of them being not exacly shy about it either.
Yes, his whole pretentious rant was just a smokescreen to mask his own scummy actions, the baiting and personal frustration with his straight videos not doing well. However, the woke social media brigade, as dumb as they are, took it all in earnest, because as previously stated, they’re all both extremely gullible and stupid.
Derek Kage is another one who is slowly loosing steam, with his most recent posts on Xitter getting very engagement. The ones who were mad at him already left, all that’s left are the brainless thirst brigade who, in their majority, aren’t the exacly the most inclined to support him financially.
How nice.
Remember Elliot “I’m 110% straight” Finn/Zane and it’s everybody else who isn’t straight. He did damage to his career by doing that FTM scene at Nextdoor and his continuing to try to claim that he has never been turned on by men. He also somewhat grossly overestimated the level of interest he thought people would have in content from him and his girlfriend.
To sum it up, gay porn will still be the least successful/popular genre in the porn industry as a whole and it’s gonna get even worse.
These bitches deserve to get humbled.
Alex: why come to a gay blog if you hate gay porn and want it’s actors / consumers to be “humbled”.
Take your homophobia away from us!
Surely I don’t need to tell you why it’s the least profitable industry compared to the rest and because 100% gay men aren’t marketable.
What the hell is ur problem? Ure having bad day or something? If you don’t like it, just go away from gay porn. Go watch straight/bi/trans porn.
lmao even
You are going to ask Grok what this AI chatbot knows about gay porn.
And your very first question is “Who is Malik Delgaty?”
I chose someone familiar to most of us so each of you can check the accuracy of Grok.
Grok cannot help but confirm that the essential ingredient of gay porn nowadays, something that should not be left out in any circumstance, is pussy.
Yeah, I can tell how much you love real and artificial pussy IRL.
Milo Miles who has previously described himself as gay, has by way of working for Legrand Wolf’s company Carnal+ recently did a few trans porn videos with FTM performers from the company.
Interesting take,
about Malik Delgaty: He has been the number 1 gay porn star for several reasons (his beauty is above the rest) sometimes I feel sad for him because I believe he’s too beautiful for porn. I admire his brand also: he’s not an attention whore posting every time, trolling, provoking, and he has been respectful to the LGBT community. The reasons people hate him or at least don’t like it, is insufficient in my reckoning. Malik is beautiful and a good performer (yeah a good performer as a top)
Queer in porn: I don’t see a problem seeing transgender, or other manifestations of LGBT in gay porn. Or I mean sort of. For instance, for every queer video there are dozens of gay ones. If that ratio stands I’m ok with that.
Next top to bottom? Laughable the answer given by Grok. Fitt Filou or Dom King are going to be next.
About Men of Porn: The only place I have never been censored. I appreciate that.
Why are so many in the comments using the word queer? Jesus fuck! That word has come to refer to LGBT people and gender non-conformity. I still dislike it.
You guys crack me up! Threatened by the mere existence of pussy!!! So funny!