Tom Storm was one of the eight guys who fucked Dean Young in his first scene released by Naked Sword. To be released soon, he also filmed a threesome with Eros Manos and Jolian, as the top and bottom.

Andrew (21 years old, 6’2″, 175 lbs., & 7.5″ cock) was the latest blue collar worker tasted by the owner of Beefcake Hunter.

Vitor Alves was the bottom to Andy Rodrigues in his first scene at Voyr.

And again, BCF won on Tube Site for its viewers and did someone really subscribe to that site?
I swear I never understand gays who keep obsessing straight men. The question is WHY? Do you really think there isn’t any gays who aren’t cute, hot and muscular like those straight men???
Yes and this is self-loathing at its finest.
Some gay men believe “straight” guys are needed in gay porn because either gay men are too effeminate or ugly or there is too little of them or whatever bs. Add acting like bisexuality do not exist.
When in reality majority of those guys are just heteromantic bis who like to jump on dick or fuck tight ass but would never date owner of thst cock or ass.
Dear GAYS who keep obsessing straight men(especially @jktoooo & @asis in this blog) please hear me out:
You have to stop obsessing straight men. Why? Because they are “STRAIGHT”, you know that right? They aren’t sexually attracted to the same gender, there!!! It should be simple. Even if you saw some STRAIGHT guys in gay porn, you know it’s gonna be a Bad and Dull performance, right? They wouldn’t kiss, suck, rim and even not touching each other. It’s not a gay porn art, gay porn wouldn’t be complete and fine without those art.
Gay men proof they are giving the best performance in gay porn when I rewatching ChaosMen vids back when Bryan still manage it. He hire some Hot and Masc gays too, it’s hot when he paired with the same gay model, they had chemistry for sure(like Vander, Griffin be4 he went to bi spectrum now, daddy cliff, daddy ayer, daddy toby Jacobs, Easton, Jon, Bradley, I think that’s all I know). They totally giving the best performance compared to the G4P-ayer.
Back to topic, your obsession need to stop by get out there, exploring the gays community, see that there are some gays who are hot, muscular, cute and even masc IRL just like those straight men. Trust me, they are exist. Just go to the gay bar or someplace that gay men often hanging out. If you curious which hot and cute gays that I follow, check out my IG(@westlifearebest) and my X(@umambdz). I followed the actual gays in there, some of them had an partner. I am sure you’re gonna agreed with my taste, gosh they are hot and gay, I wish I can meet them.
Once again, your obsession towards straight men, it has to stop especially in this 2025. Read again if you still don’t get it.
Copium at its best, this is what you’re doing.
What do you mean I copy? Did my English grammar bad or something??
You seem not to be a native English speaker like myself, so I’m going to help you a little bit here.
The word “copium” is a slang derived from “cope”, a word used to describe attitudes we take to deal with negative situations or happenings.
The person you’re responding to probably used “copium” as a way to denote your positive attitude towards some sects of the gay porn world as a ineffective way to deal with the fact most of the current gay porn industry is shit currently.
As for me, I’m more mixed on this whole subject, as the cynical bastard I am: it’s pretty reassuring to see many smaller studios still producing quality gay-centered content, but still, the larger and more influential players on the industry are still going down the shitter.
This isn’t even related to just studios anymore, as independent creators are even worse in this aspect: scammers, baiters, limited performances, shitty business practices, so on.
But this isn’t what pisses me off personally. No, this is the expected, to be honest.
What pisses me off is the sheer amount of perfomers playing the parasocial game on social media, with their two-faced attiudes.
We got performers who literally post bullshit little “cute” posts with the pride flag in june only to go on to shoot straight scenes to appeal to bisexual/straight content creators on the side, hide it from their audiences, and then throw hissy fits when someone discovers it. I’m not even citing the ones who do all of this in broad daylight only to brag about how they loved the whole experience. How about the self-id gay perfomers who are very limited on how they engage men only to completely let loose when shooting with women?
If we look at things this way, the industry prospect’s become quite grim, no?
Okay, thank you for explain it to me. So that mean he agree with my opinion, right?
And one more thing, you mind mention those performers who shoot bi/straight scene other than Derek kage, Cole Connor, Crush Daddy? Please, I need to know since I carefully and picking my OF subscription.
I don’t think so.
But now to business:
If avoiding the guys going all in with the bi shit is your objective, then avoid subscribing to any (and I mean it) Brazilian OF account ever, as this kind of stunt is quite common in this circle. I’m being completely serious here, to the point citing individual names here would be way too of a hassle for us both.
In the US and UK end of things, we have quite a lot: AnonBttmia, Kayden Hylls, Eddie Burke, HugeAjax, Roxas Caelum, KaylebAlexander, Apollon, Masculine Jason, so on and on and on.
So he’s actually being sarcastic?
Eddie Burke, oh wow!!! He’s doing straight/bi scene? I didn’t see that coming. He was so good doing gay sex with Bruce Jones & Connor Wolfe(UK gay pornstar).
How about Drew Valentino, Bruce Jones, Greg Dixxon, Brody Meyer & Jay Mathew? Is there any scandalous/straight/bi thing that I need to know?
I’ll put it in the most easy way possible: you are desperate for representation and porn is not the way. You’re coming across as needy af, so much that you’re ignoring the most basic facts.
It’s because of people like you that this industry is the way it is: stop asking for more gay men just because they share your sexual orientation and DEMAND more skilled people, both in skills and looks, regardless if they’re gay or not.
You know, most of gay porn nowadays is mostly unwatchable because of these reason:
1. G4P still exist, they giving bad and dull performance and earing some bucks from it. Don’t you think gays/bi deserve that bucks than those shitty G4P-ayer that won’t suck dick, rim, kiss and touch?
2. The desperation to look for new talent.
Imagine if you see the same model over, over and over again. Don’t you think it’s gonna be boring? Don’t you miss the golden times era when the gay porn industry fresh with new face and new talent? Because I keep seeing the same model over and over again every time I check the website. It’s definitely boring.
3. Most importantly, Gay model give the best performance ever.
While some bisexual can give a good performance, but nothing compared to the actual gays.
Now @alex, excuse me if I’m being desperate and caring with the gay porn industry and its model since I’m a fan of gay porn. The Gay Porn industry may possibly improving theirself by hiring more gay/bi model like long time ago and not by worsening with bi/trans porn, especially for MEN/Aylo, Adulttime & HimErosTV. That way, it’ll attract more consumers/subscribers to the site. Who doesn’t happy when you see some fresh new talent?
…and you literally proved my point.
I sexually admire MEN (straight bi or gay) but I mostly admire masculine gorgeous men. I believe I am not alone on this and sexual atraction shold be just natural otherwise you are being a sexual hypocrite. I envy the owner of BCH because I’ve realized MONEY is a huge turn on for straight guys (and they love being blown). I believe that 100% exclusive gay or straight is not really that accurate, bisexuality is more common than straightness (like the old times Greek Empire era) and as long as there have been seduction, love, respect of boundaries, I don’t see any problem (ethical or morally) to seduce straight guys. That’s why I love BCH and similar pages and I used to love the old Sean Cody days.
@camille Let me tell you about me who are being gay, budd. IT’S GONNA BE LONG, I know one of you don’t give any damn, but feel free to read my story. It’s not just about my story, how I found this blog, and how do I stop obsessing on straight men in my country.
I live in Indonesia and I had a deep admiration to GAYS in the US, they are my type compared to my local guys. Because the LGBTQ+ is banned in my country, I couldn’t see or meet my own kind in my country. Since I love watching gay porn that mostly made from The US, I realized that i had a deep crush on GAY GUYS from the US. Be4 I found this blog, I was watching all kind of gay porn, including BCH, Military Classified, sketchysex, fratX, slamrush… After I watched more sensual gay porn sex with a lot of kissing and touching, my taste of gay porn has changed and I filtered out my downloadable vids. Now, I liked sensual gay porn, like Sean Cody(back when the golden times era, the foreplay was HOTTT, I wish Sean Cody direct more), IconMale, RockCandy, Blake Mason, Randy Blue, CockyBoys, Cocksuremen, Lucas Entertainment, Corbin Fisher, and many more including OF. Well, now I get turned on and my dick rock hard with all kissing and touching in gay porn, it’s hottt. I arrived in this blog about 2 months ago when I googled one of gay porn star(I often googled the gay pornstar).
I read every comments, including the past post. I realized that most of gay model that I watch, was mostly fake gays and G4P-ayer. I also watching some vids where there isn’t barely kissing/touching/blow/rim, the model turns out to be G4P, I think it was from CM, NDS (2008 – 2016 era), and, not all of it since they are based on story). Sean Cody after has been brought by MG, their “sensual” quality has dropped with more G4P/Straight models who only kiss for sec and not seems genuinely.
Thanks to this website, IAFD, Social Media, and LPSG I can tell which the real gays, fake one & the G4P-ayer.
Back to my little story, you may wondering that I’m closeted gay, some of my friend and my relatives know that I’m gay, various response towards my sexuality, some of them chose to be silence(don’t care) and gross about it, I mean fu*k them, I don’t wanna be like this but this is myself. My mom didn’t know yet, but I’m gonna tell her on my birthday later. I’m gonna turn 21 on January 21st. I’m so persistent that it’s gonna be fine, she will accept it and move on. It takes time. I also get pissed if someone ask, “did you have gf?”, I wish this is like in Europe to tell them that I’m gay. So sick with that question.
Now @camille, YES, Straight guys are indeed gorgeous and masc. They are refreshing and beautiful to see. I work as shopkeeper, and yeah I see a lot of cute straight guy and daddies. But at the same time, I realized and telling to myself that they are straight, perhaps there are some hot and cute guys who are genuinely gay just like myself coz I see aplenty of gay men in the US who are totally hot, cute and gorgeous just like those straight men. We live in a world that actually BALANCED, if a hot straight guys exist, so with gay men. There! That’s how I can control myself from straight men in my country. But still, my type is always GAYS from the US, I wish I can meet and marry one of them LOL🤭.
Well @camille, at least you admit that you still admire those straight men than being hypocrite or liar. But “that” obsession is definitely toxic. Straight might willing to get blown if they get paid, but in my gay porn art, it’s not hot and doesn’t turn me on so much, even if they willing to fuck you, they wouldn’t look at you and touch you, and I’m sure he is closeted bisexual. I’m sure this is not just me who agree. Imagine if you are rich and gay, would you give your money to those straight men than the actual gay men who technically attracted to you? Does straight men deserve so much better than gay men?
Unfortunately, studios like MEN and their subscribers are currently too obsessed with wanting actors who are straight/G4Payer and only produce boring scenes that contain no real sexy hot interaction between two men doing everything to each other (kissing, sucking each other, rimming). That’s why actors like Chuck Conrad, Malik Delgaty, Fillou Fit, William Seed, Kenzo Alvarez, Drake Von and many others on MEN never rose above themselves to offer better “performances” that could convince gays that they would at least have fun with it what they do. So it is and remains just boring, monotonous “WORK”!
I just look good, have a permanent (artificial) hard-on, get it over with and collect my salary check. That’s how it works with studios and actors on MEN! They film everything MEN tells them (inklusive with Woman on their (Not GAY) Porn Site). That’s how consumption of porn ala fast food works for people who have no idea (or want to have) what hot gay sex between two (or more) men actually means.
With studios like BCH you know what you’re at least subscribing to and watching because they only specialize in showing guys who are G4P/Straight fucking another man. This is a fetish site!
But MEN describes himself as as the “Best GAYporn Site” out there right now (even though their monthly scenes consist of just those typical recurring G4Payers or they even film and publish vaginal sex with women!) even though they aren’t!
In fact, it’s much more than just being in and out of someone’s ass with an artificial permanent boner!
I’m more offended that that hideous creature (who loves being called a fxxggxt by these “str8” men) won’t have an attractive young gay man service these men, it’s really hideous to look at a this mf looking Jabba the hut say “coll me fagget” while sucking them down.
The mass orgy of NS looks great. Hot men fuck each other and do EVERYTHING to each other! And Tom Storm is delicious.
The Latinos on VOYR are hot too. But didn’t VOYR want to move on to vagina porn?
BCH is good as long as these G4P/straight guys fuck, not just get blown.