The latest update at Wu Boyz introduced Titus Low.

I was curious about the scene description “Titus Low, famous pretty boy, Singaporean influencer, this gentleman requires no introduction.” So, I Googled Titus Low.

The latest search result for Titus Low on Google was in 2024.

Famous for being arrested and that’s all because his recent posts and feed is filled with females and vaginas. I’m not applauding him because he throws the occasional male collab. We know what his true love is and that’s enough for me to say NEXT.
So if everyone believes that in a Muslim-dominated country like Singapore they can openly live out their sexual life (regardless of whether it is GAY or BIsexual) and post it in public, they are very much mistaken! What’s the poor guy supposed to do? He would be socially ostracized, humiliated, persecuted and insulted if he were open about it. I think that’s the main reason why he behaves like that!
Muslim dominated country? You probably mistook Singapore with another or few countries in South East Asia.
I forgot to add. Regardless of religion, pornography is generally illegal in Singapore. Somehow, LGBTQ has been accepted over the years.
No, Singapore isn’t Muslim country, just like Thailand and Japan. Thailand recently passed the law for same sex marriage, Japan are friendly and welcoming country for LGBT visitor.
Indonesia(where I lived), Malaysia, and Brunei are the highest population for its Muslim people, where being Lesbian and Gay are still taboo and never gonna be accept in society.
I recently coming out to my mom and my relatives(on my birthday), sadly, they think that i’m sick in my mind and in my heart, it’s worst than cancer or tumor they said:(
Singapore is not a muslim country, dear!