1. Jktoooo

    I would….WITH a condom, and not give a BJ but certainly kiss and all the other. Viruses live…and life fights to continue. Its only a matter of time for this virus to learn to mutate around these so called blockers so it can again spread and i dont wanna be part of it when it turns. That expressed this guys gorgeous and other than using a condom i wouldnt have any other reason to enjoy some fun w him

    • DJB

      It would extremely unlikely to contract HIV from performing oral sex on someone. EXTREMELY unlikely.

      • Jktoooo

        Yes im aware of the arguments but im not 100% convinced

  2. M__M

    John Thomas is so handsome! But he looks about the same? I don’t see any massive gains.

  3. OldFatGuy

    If Camillo stops with just the one tattoo and the muscle development just a he is now he’ll remain perfect.

  4. Jaames

    Aside from that dumb tattoo, Camillo is looking great. Hopefully he doesn’t get any bigger than that.

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