X: Austin Wilde re LeGrand Wolf and Noah White “Austin Wolfe 2.0”

Amone Bane “I need 1 million more impressions and 1,000 more verified followers till I can monetize on X. Common guys, HBO (help a brother out).”

Crush Daddy “I identify as a snack#Gay #bi #lgbtq #pride”

Panterino “Why did I only see two Black creators nominated at the Grabbys? And why are both only nominated in group scene categories?”

With a man and a woman: Chance

The first studio scene of Mark Lax, who was recently injured in a shoot.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

The reply of Joey Mills to Austin Wilde’s comment “I said this in a podcast and he threatened to sue them smh. You don’t found multiple sites all based on the idea of exploiting young/vulnerable boys if you don’t fantasize about. If it was one video you might be able to defend it, but multiple sites with hundreds if not thousands of films produced under the some context is telling… but that’s just my opinion.”

aka Juninho


  1. baz

    As far as I’m concerned, Crush Daddy identifies as #invisible fr me.

    Oh Max Konnor…..right message, wrong messenger.

    Legrand wants to get litigious about people commenting on his specific porn niche that we’ve all seen with our own two eyes?

    Masculine Jason finaly getting that C section?

  2. Akerus

    Thank you for compiling all of these tweets, Denz! These are indubitably my favourite weekly posts.

    Jason Collins has all sorts of physical problems – in the last five years doctors had to remove damaged veins from his legs and apply corrective surgery for diastasis recti and gastroparesis, not to mention that he has horrible acne scarring. If steroids and HGH are causing you to have all of these problems, wouldn’t it be better to take it easy and lead a healthier lifestyle? Yes, he won’t be as muscular, but he will be alive. I think that’s a very adequate trade off.

    I have no idea about Markie More’s family dynamics, but either his parents are monsters, or he is in need of urgent psychological treatment. All I know is that he appears to have become utterly unhinged in the last few months, and it’s a sad sight to behold.

    Swhirly’s attention-seeking antics are pathetic. That is all I will say about him.

    Christian Wilde is one of the blandest, most boring and uninteresting G4Pyers out there. However, I will say this: he’s always been very attractive. Still an awful performer, but at least a handsome one.

    I find it funny how narcissistic straight guys like Baxxx and Crush Daddy, must always seek attention from gay men while reinforcing their heterosexuality. Crush Daddy has said in multiple interviews that he “discovered” his “bisexuality” when he realized that gay men are willing to provide him with the adulation that he desperately craves, in exchange for sex. This is mental illness, not open-mindedness.

    Logan Aarons and Roxas Caelum are gorgeous, but I stopped watching them when they started going “gay for women”. 🙄

    Mark LAxxx is another narcissitic straight buy who enjoys the power rush of bieng desired by gay men. Sorry, but there have been far too many of those in the last 50 years. Unless he brings something different to the table, I’m not interested. ‘I’m hot, a buy-sexual homophobe and hungry for attention’ doesn’t cut it anymore.

    I don’t get what the fuss is with Legrand Wolf. He owns a group of websites that revolve around age play, which is indeed a bit creepy, but he isn’t doing anything illegal. I don’t get the Austin Wolf comparisons. Austin Wolf is an evil monster who was seeking out and deriving pleasure from the horrible abuse of children. Legrand Wolf isn’t doing anything of the sort and, as long as nobody is being hurt and everyone involved is above the age of 18, who cares?

    • Umambdz

      Crush Daddy can identify whatever to himself, but clearly he’s bi guy and really want attention and money from gays. But the gays isn’t me for sure.

      Baxxx, clearly bi dudes too, otherwise he wouldn’t suck a dick, kiss and eat some peach in Active Duty and his onlyfans account.

      Mark Laxxx surely identified as bi too, I respect him for being honest since the beginning, I really enjoy his collaboration with Adam Awbride, Chase Carlson & Brody Meyer.

      • peter

        I’ve been following Mark on insta for a long time but recently unfollowed when he said he no longer really identifies bi :/ was a lil sad but at least he had the courage

    • david

      The issue with Legrand is that whilst the performers are adults, they are deliberately chosen because they look like underage children. Catering to the fantasies of creeps with pedphillic desires.

      • Mark

        Yup, compare the twinks on there to the ones on cocky boys, they look young but not like 12 year olds.

  3. Jktoooo

    Derek….u can still gtfo of this country…our country doesnt need shithead lowlife leftist kooks. U all have fkd this country up as it is….and DO let the door whack ur ass on the way out

  4. logogay

    Shwirly: You start posting “Conversion Therapy-like” tweets like your (boyfriend?) Trevor Brooks did in the past and you also think it’s funny! But we’ve (GAYS) known for a long time that one day this “I have to start fantasizing about vaginas and women now” virus will hit you too! You should do like Trevor, get hired at MEN and there you can lick and fuck as much vaginas as you want! MEN have now become experts in “Modern Conversion Therapy” for GAYS!
    Crush Daddy : You also started filming for MEN. But only G4P! Maybe you should also face the truth and only film with women (#bi#straight#trans#ftm#crossover#). GAYS don’t need you! But we already knew that!
    Panterio : Because these (GAY?) award shows, their nominations and people who vote for them have always been and are internally homophobic and racist! We GAYS have also known this for a long time!
    To all the Chance fans and CF fans out there: Hahahahahaaaaa…….
    Logan & Roxas : I agree with #Akerus in this opinion! And for everyone else who (GAY) has started fucking vaginas: you won’t get any money or attention from me anymore as a GAY! Other GAYS should do the same. Then this “Conversion Therapy shit” in GAYporn would finally stop!
    Sasha Hamilton and Holden Beau : Sweet!!!! Legrand Wolf: Your photos and videos with (physically smaller) boys cause discomfort and incomprehension!
    Than you Denz for this Week beginning.

  5. Eric

    Crush Daddy’s label should be “moneysexual” or maybe “heteroflexible”. He has basically said in interviews that he has no real interest in men, and this whole “I don’t know what my label is” seems like a way to hide his lack of interest in men. People like him are one of the reasons why bisexuals get so much flak.

    • logogay

      People like him (or Malik, Cuck, William, Kenzo, Parker and many other G4P) are the reason why GAYS like me have become so cautious about porn with such actors or have a distant attitude towards bisexuals in GAYporn and that’s why GAYporn has crashed so much financially in the last few years (especially on MEN)!

  6. IDK

    Well, what do we have here?

    It’s easy for people like Crush Daddy to go the “labeless” route, considering he’s in a stable relationship with a woman and any disruption on same-sex rights will have zero effect in his life. His path is mostly set in a very comfy and stable direction.

    I hate to use the “priviledge argument”, but that’s pretty much it.

    Now for the rest:

    The best way to respond to Swirly and his pathetic attempts to shock and piss off people is to completely ignore him. If he wants to go straight, then more power to him… but he’ll soon have to cope with the consequences of this choice, as the straight side of the industry is not very keen on crossovers. Just go ask Jack Hunter about what this shite did to his longevity in the industry.

  7. Alex

    legrand is the kind of ashy, sex addicted pedo I’d looooove to physically assault. These fuckers do not deserve a single second of fame, jail is the perfect place for them.

    To “crush daddy”: honey, you’re just as much of a sex addict and need the coins to fuel your addiction, you’re bisexual in denial and people that don’t have a solid grasp/clear idea on their sexuality are pussies to me. You’re supposed to be an adult, bitch ass.

  8. C.A.

    I noticed no one has mentioned the CF Chance tweet about only wanting to do collabs with women. That whole tweet and interactions are comical. The dude is relegious and was “conflicted” doing that gay porn scene. Telling people they are going to hell because they are gay. Sad, messy work.

    • Umambdz

      Luckily I was right to ignore this guy on CF, he might be good looking for others, but not me. Plus he is homophobia? No sir, he can go to pussyland once for all.

      And his performance with Grayson seems to be forced, kind of awkward and coerced.

    • Umambdz

      OMG, you were right. I just checked his X acc, he is religious guy.
      His wish is str8up to working for Brazzers, Team Skeet etc.

      It’s a shame to CF for hired this homophobic guy. Now I’m going to cancel my subscription till CF hire the perfect gay/bi guys who enjoy his work. Bye CF.

  9. Cherrystick

    Swhirly has a dream about fucking women and enjoys it and is coming to this revelation that he might be bisexual. Boy please. You dated Trevor and we know he loves pussy too while claiming to be gay. You’ve already experienced pussy and you’re trying to make a transitional statement for us to celebrate you and your new content that most likely will feature vaginas. Many have done this in the past and you’re not the last.

    That CF blood is a trip. Dude you’re not going to have it easy and keep your little following being a homophobic douchebag. Your reasoning isn’t making sense too. Porn is sinful but I’m willing to collab with females, just not men. Boy this is nothing more than homophobia bottled in religious chaos. You’re just embarrassed that you fucked a guy, liked it clearly and now trying to hide it but it’s too late.

    Crush Daddy is trying to pull the no labels card because he gets called out left and right for his weird ass conversion porn that him and his girlfriend showcase. They’re both creepy and any of these so called “gay” models who film with them are just as lame.

    Quick takes are:
    Markie More is giving Henrik Sommer vibes. Makes me think that conversion bullshit he went into has warped him mentally.

    Max Konnor is back on his racial equality high horse. Take it from a fellow black man, you tried this a while ago and sold out to ChiChi and Noir Male. No one believes you.

    And why is Legrand just being called out by many others. The gays knew something is off about him from the get go. He’s falling right into the same pathway as Austin. The obsessive fetish for kid like models, his new dive into vaginas and vagina themed porn and I guarantee you sooner than later he will start doing dwarf porn. Instead of filming with those men because of their attractiveness, he’ll objectify them for their size. Austin most likely will sell out any info to save his pedo ass. I wonder what names he’ll throw under the bus?!? Believe me it might be a Le”grand” statement.

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