X: Pierce Paris “I feel like most of what I post on social media makes me come across as a douchebag, but I can assure you that’s not the case.”

Then and now: Sven Basquiat

Bigger: Camillo Beischel

Amone Bane “I am Bi racial, Bi costal, Bi lingual, Bi sexual. Black Man.”


  1. baz

    Pierce, you are just as much, if not more of a douchebag than how you come across on SM. You’re the equivalent of a frog suddenly stating it’s an eagle.

    Gabriel Cross as always been an unattractive right wing Tory, so seeing him fuck vagina is just shit icing on a shit cake.

    Never been interested in Amone Bane, so…..he can go wave his vagina flag all he likes.

  2. Umambdz

    With reference to Gabriel Cross, honestly, I agreed with Alex, IDK & Cherrystick.

    Most of these self-id gay pornstar are just sex addict, sex machine, attention whore and clout chase.

    It’s not just Gabriel Cross(but probably Scott wild too), Aiden Ward(surprisingly), Michael Boston, Hairy Calvin(OF Creator), Kosta Viking, TexasGymJock(gay then went to bi-curious thing, don’t happening yet, but I bet he done it in personal life), Dean Michaelz, and so on…..
    They all lost in my book and I unfollowed them all.

    Lastly, there will be an upcoming scene with Drake Von and Noah Way on Wednesday at supposedly to be the best gay porn site. I’m not even surprised, but I totally so furious that supposedly the best gay porn site haven’t changed their bio to the best QUEER porn site.
    Disgusting studio.

    • Umambdz

      @Denz, you don’t have to post about another trans scene on MEN. Ignore my last sentence.

    • IDK

      I mean, Gabriel Cross is a very interesting case indeed.

      He started off in the industry playing the innocent little twink in many NDS and MEN.com scenes, which worked quite well, considering his low stature and then lean body.

      These were his “golden years” in the industry, kind of, as he had actual relevance within studios and audiences.

      Then, once his studio output started to dwindle, he got together with Scott Wild and started to suddenly bulk up and adopt a more “hunky” aesthetic. It was around this time he, coincidentally, stated to shoot FtM content with many of his then orbiters. We all know the names: Leander, Jonas Jackson, Mr. Attention Whore, so on.

      I mean, it’s not like we’re seeing a clear pattern here, right? It’s not strange at all his tour into vagina land just happened to correlate with his sudden and *totally natural* bulking spree, right?

      It’s not like PED use has a very clear track record of fucking up men’s sexuality or anything, leading to things like hypersexuality, sex addiction and the fetish pipeline, right?

      Bu then again, why should anyone care? He’s nothing more than a curious footnote in the gay porn industry at this point. A little diversion.

      He even expressed desire to shoot content with women recently, which just goes to not only validate my previous little accessment of him, but also prove how he went down the deep end. He might as well do it. He did multiple PiV scenes already, what will this really change?

  3. Jktoooo

    Jax (x name @jyhaynes92) must have closed his X acct since cuz u cant find his video anymore, at least I couldnt.

  4. John

    Gabriel cross blocked and unfollowed!! Tired of seeing vag on my timeline. Matt Ellis is disgusting as well

  5. C.A.

    I remember a scene that La El put out with video of Collin Simpson where the actress was bleeding, i guess to a tear during sex , they didn’t care and kept filming the scene.

    • Reg

      Not to get too gynaecological, but she could just have been on :-/

      • C.A.

        I haven’t watched the scene in years, but it was clear she was in pain. The way Collin was finger fucking her( he was on the verge of fisting her) in between he was eating her out and said he didn’t mind to keep going. It was an unedited version of a previously released scene. Either way the model was in pain and the owners and Collin didn’t care. There are a lot of men who get off on watching people who are in pain and suffering during sex.

        La El’s tweet reminds me of the mass exidus a few years back when he cut the scene pay by $50, which led to Jayden Marcos, Kendrick Driver, Sean Costin to leave. La El is a Sad, Sorry, Slimey, Sadistic Son Of A Toothless Bitch! He loves to humiliate his models by talking about how much they like gay sex and presenting them as less than men. Interesting for a studio that makes gay porn and promote their models as being totally straight and Alpha males. A model that shows enjoyment in having a dick up his ass or fucking a guy and then he gets the model to make a ton of videos for release at a later date, just in case the models leave because of the harrassment fro La El and the other production staff.

        • rockhard288

          LaEl treats his models and his customers poorly. GH is on it’s death’s kneel anyway

        • IDK

          Let’s also not forget how he pressured the few gay perfomers he worked with to film straight scenes only to mock them for putting up subpar perfomances, like he did with Alex Griffin.

          It’s no wonder many, gay and non gay alike, described the work environment within GH as incredibly toxic.

  6. logogay

    Another start to the week with with lots of Douchbags and absolute “vagina idiots” who always post the same thing or think they can upset or shock GAYS with it.
    But they don’t consider one thing: they will then be blocked by GAYS, discriminated against, ignored, excluded and will NO longer receive any money from them! And then these idiots whine again on social media that they didn’t mean it and filming JUST GAYporn. It’s always the same stupid cycle with porn actors in GAYporn (especially those who really aren’t GAY)! PEOPLE, please stop giving them MONEY and ATTENSION!
    Thank you Denz for this (unfortunately negative) start to the week!

    • logogay

      And who the hell is La El and who cares about this homophobic porn company Hoopla who never had anything else in mind except filming their “conversion therapy” scenes with women and treated all the GAYS in America like a piece of shit and constantly insulted them?
      These degenerate owners and hillbillies never wanted to do for GAYS anything or advocate for GAYS or GAYporn – they were only interested in one thing until the (thank God) redemptive end of this terrible website: only filming VAGINA and financially exploiting, insult and humiliating GAYS! And to be honest: The people who today still talk about one of the worst and most terrible forms of exploitation, fraud, homophobic behavior and humiliation by this studio in American (GAY) porn and also admit to having been a customer and have subscribed to or viewed their vagina pages are complicit in this disgrace in porn and are scum like this La El and everyone who used to work on Hoopla! Just disgusting to say another word to say more about it, but after the bad things I read here, it just had to come out!
      Shame all of you!

  7. Reg

    The greedy, mannequin flogging, uber gay4payer that is Cliff Jensen has been in custody thirty or FORTY times? What is on his rap sheet? I knew he was a habitual jailbird, but it sounds like he’s spent more of life inside prison than out it!

  8. Gooncrazy

    I never got the appeal for Gabriel Cross. He looks annoys and comes off annoying in the few scenes I saw him in. I just avoid anything scene he pops up in.

  9. Cunty

    Ty Santana- Gratz, good for your.

    Kane Fox- That means you are boring, sweetie.

    Pierce Paris- Trust that thought, your first instinct is always correct.

    Brandon Cody- We will always spot the fake because the real you cannot spell

  10. Solitaire

    Kane Fox is supposedly in a relationship with that Angel is flesh, Hazel Hoffman, but he’s confused about his identity, aesthetic, purpose? I need that problem.

    Gabriel Cross has always turned me on, with his delicious bubblebut, but the change to fucking mutilated, mentally instable women, is a hard pass.

  11. JR

    I can’t believe that anyone who hooked up with Drew Valentino would ever think he had “straightened the place up”. He’s piece of garbage who smells like moldy towels, sour milk a bad breath. Quite a prize.

  12. Camille

    Don’t talk about my baby, Brandon Cody, like that ever again!

  13. DJB

    Pierce Paris – does that mean you’re even worse in person than you come across online?

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