Back after 5 years: Martin at Beefcake Hunter

Martin (28, 5’6, 175 lbs., 8″) has been going back every year at Beefcake Hunter from 2017 to 2020.

After 5 years, he is back at Beefcake Hunter for his 6th scene, an oral scene.


  1. gymjock

    I’m genuinely baffled by anyone who willingly shells out money to watch this Beefcake Hunter trash. Some tastes can’t be explained, I guess..

    • asis

      well 6 desperate people downvoted you. Some people are his twin and probably hire guys too.

  2. logogay

    It’s better to pay for and watch this “BCH trash” (at least you get what matters : pure sex without a fake story around it) than this “dumb trash glossy studio crap” from MEN with insulting comedy scenes and fake sperm, limp G4P cocks and as a bonus, sex with vaginas and women every month!

  3. Umambdz

    Just sharing my opinion, I might be in minority in here, but I’m not fan of straight men/bi men in gay porn(don’t get me wrong, I’m not heterophobic/biphobic), same goes to Military Classified.

    I’m not saying they shouldn’t be in gay porn, it just got me thinking that I’m not gonna wasting my time putting my attention and giving my money to straight/bi men who feel disgusted by the gays and prefer to have sex with women(besides of lack chimestry and passion, coz there is no way I’m watching gay porn without kiss, mutual dick sucking and rim).

    There are hottest gay guys out there(trust me, there are plenty of them, just like those straight men) who are more deserve attention and money than them(in my opinion), especially on Onlyfans.

    And of course I’m not representing all of you guys in this blog, telling you what to do, but hey, just sharing my opinion and thoughts.

    Moreover, i know BCH still get so many subscribers considering they’re still established till now and some people in this blog admires the hottest straight men(I admit they’re hot) like Elijah, Patrick, Cory, Darius, Noel, Christian etc.
    And yes, I understand some of you guys in this blog admires these straight men because they are hot, masc and handsome, but they’re just doesn’t do it for me from performance aspect.

    I’m currently not subscribing to studios, I only subscribed to onlyfans gay performer/couple.

    Thank you for reading my opinions!

    • NCBored

      “And of course I’m not representing all of you guys in this blog, telling you what to do, but hey, just sharing my opinion and thoughts.”

      Very respectfully said! Nice change of pace from the too-frequent (IMO) judgmental attempts to dictate what everyone else “should” like & support.

      • Umambdz

        I don’t get it, did you mean I’m being judgmental? If so, it’s fine, but I’m not being judgemental, it’s just opinion/thoughts. That’s why this blog exist.

        If straight/bi men is really your thing, it’s fine, I don’t judge. People’s taste is different than the others. I get it, they are so hot to see, masturbate and pay.

        But I’m not gonna spend my time, attention and my hard-working money to the guys who feel repulsive by me[it’s fact in reality].

        • Hanz

          No, on the cntrary, he says you’re NOT judgemental. I suppose English is not your first language (like it isn’t mine either)….

  4. asis

    There are guys who look identical to this guy who go around hiring prostitutes, who clutch their pearls ar the thought of straight men and women, and flame online comment sections, and have a thousand priblems with gay porn.

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